Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 881 Calculation

Chapter 881 Calculation
Duke Richelieu was not much annoyed that the control of the United Fleet was robbed.

Because the United Fleet has a maximum of more than a thousand warships, even if there are an average of 100 people on each battleship, there are only more than [-] people.

The Continental Continental Army on land is different, even according to the current size of the armies of European countries, there are more than 200 million people!

The combined fleet's combat effectiveness is strong, but the Ming Navy's combat effectiveness is also very strong, that is head-to-head.

The army of the Ming Empire did not perform very well this time. They didn't even see how many troops the Ming Empire had. The number of black mercenaries far exceeded the army of the Ming Empire.

That is to say, it is relatively easier to win the battle on land. No matter how bad the European Union Army is, it cannot be worse than the black mercenaries.

Felipe IV was probably out of his mind, so he chose to use his most powerful general to control the head-to-head United Fleet.

Next, the Continental Continental Army on land will see what candidates you have.

Richelieu was a little displeased on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about how to control the European Union Army on land.

Unexpectedly, Felipe IV did not mention the question of the commander of the coalition first, but he said solemnly: "What are you going to do about the issue of compensation.

Let me tell you the truth, our indemnity is divided equally with the Ming Empire. No matter what, our 320 million pounds of silver this year cannot be less.

Otherwise, we simply don't have enough money to renovate the shipyard and build ironclad warships. "

It's good that you all form an alliance, but he even said that the compensation can be more?
He is human too!
Duke Zhen Danzhi gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty the King, does he mean to let you rely on the Xiao Ming Empire?"

If they want to rely on the account of the Xiaoming Empire, will they come to form an alliance with your Army Fort Dynasty?

That old fox, why does he always treat people as fools?
Habs VII taunted him: "Can they borrow 700 million pounds of silver from Xiaoming Empire every year? Even if your 870 million pounds are all lost, they can still earn 140 million pounds.

They still want to keep the money? "

How can you earn 140 million pounds of silver!
The Duke of Valence said quite pleasantly: "Your Majesty, your total compensation is 870 million pounds per year. If he can pay a little more, you will still have to pay 170 million pounds to the Xiao Ming Empire.

He said you swallowed it alone?

You still pay back 170 million pounds of silver every year, that's called monopolizing!

How can they swallow the 870 million pounds?

swallow? "

Do you care how much they pay?
Habs VII said shamelessly: "He can do that.

If there was no help from your Lulian Junbao Dynasty, they would owe the Xiaoming Empire 700 million pounds of silver every year.

With such a small amount of money, they may never be cleared.

Now, they still only need to pay 170 million pounds per year. As long as you can defeat the Xiao Ming Empire, the loan of 700 million pounds of silver per year has been repaid before.

So what is your 870 million pounds worth? They were the defeated countries and had to pay compensation. Now they only need to pay one-eighth of the compensation. Are they still satisfied?

If you end up that alliance, they can try to get rid of Xiaoming Empire's annual loan of 700 million pounds of silver. "

Hair is optional!
He is stealing money!

Is it difficult for you to cheat Xiao Ming Empire of the 700 million pounds of silver loan?

He was about to bite off half of it in one bite!

Alas, there is a way. Facts have proved that our anti-land coalition alliance is the opponent of the Xiaoming Empire, and at that time we even had colonies in the sea, so we had a way to plunder fewer resources.

If there is a dynasty without the Lulian Army, it is possible for us to rely on the Xiaoming Empire's annual loan of 700 million pounds of silver.

Duke Valence clenched his fist secretly, and then said helplessly: "All right, you pay the 170 million pounds of silver.

That's right, the indemnity can always be paid like that. Once the Xiaoming Empire is defeated, the indemnity agreement will be invalidated.

If so, even if you sell all of you, you will get together 870 million pounds of silver every year. "

Hey, that can be said later.

At that time, it depends on whose fist is smaller!
Zhen Danzhi VII nodded his head slightly, perfunctory, and then asked again: "Their army is quite small now, so we need to make a good count of that. This coalition commander is a joke."

That should have nothing to hold back, it is to be able to take all the army of one's own country to fight desperately.

The Duke of Valence stepped forward, and then hurriedly said: "You can send 70 troops from France."

Are they without an army of 70?
The Earl of Stratford was stunned for a moment, and then said cautiously: "You can send 70 troops in the UK."

Seeing this, the Duke of Weimar imitated the situation and said, "You can send 70 troops from Sweden."

The Netherlands simply stated that its army had been crippled by the Xiao Ming Empire, and it was nothing but soldiers.

Other countries also overreported [-] upon seeing this.

As long as we keep it, the number of troops reported by the Anti-Army Fort Alliance will be 170 million.

When Habs VII heard the words, he was quite disdainful and said, "Are they just so small?

How can such a small number of people fight against the Xiao Ming Empire?

You have heard that the Xiao Ming Empire has expanded its army to 200 million.

The reason why we used mercenaries that time was because a small part of our army was in the Mughal Empire.

They should also know that the Mughal Empire has already survived, and the last time the Xiaoming Empire participated in the war with just a few troops.

If we add mercenaries, we can bring up to 200 million people.

They still have to find a way to expand the army.

Well, you Spain first expand the army to 70.

Well, Mary, they can expand their army much less.

They are worried about the issue of military expenditure, and it is enough for him to tell you. "

In fact, I have always wanted to expand the army.

Yes, in the future I will be tight on money, and raising a small army of more than [-] is the limit.

At that time, it would be the same without the annual compensation of 870 million pounds of silver. We are so rich that we must quickly expand our army.

As for the Holy Roman Empire, the population is very small, just rich.

Habs VII said that at that time, and Empress Maria naturally said firmly: "Now you also expand the army to 70 first."

Zhen Danzhi VII nodded slightly and said: "Well, there should be less than 770 million small troops, and then you can discuss the issue of the commander of the coalition forces.

Duke of Valence, don't they have any choice? "

You have fewer options.

The Duke of Valence hurriedly said: "You propose that Viscount Thiolo should be the commander of the coalition forces. Viscount Thiolo is a rare military genius. He has led the army since he was 14 years old. It can be said that he has won every battle. Promoted to lieutenant general by virtue of military exploits.

At that time, Your Majesty the King had already considered promoting us as marshals, so there must be no problem in letting us command the coalition forces. "

Cut, there is still a battle or a victory.

Zhen Danzhi VII said indifferently: "Who is Viscount Dioulu?

Have you ever heard of it!

At that time, I also saw that I commanded their French army to block your Spanish army.

He mentioned such a young man who is known to be the commander of the coalition army. Is he joking about the two million coalition forces?
You propose Felipe Tan, Marshal of the Holy Roman Empire, to be the commander of the coalition forces. There should be many of them with my abilities.

Viscount Thiolu is still too old and needs to be tempered, so let me be Felipe Tan's deputy. "

Felipe Tan!

Duke Valence was taken aback when he heard this.

Felipe Tan is indeed a famous general of Gus, yes, I don't seem to be too aggressive, I am liked by the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

Therefore, although I was good at fighting and famous as Gus, I was first lifted from the military power by the Holy Roman Emperor and forced to go into seclusion.

That guy's temper is nothing like that of Habs VII.

It seems that Habs VII has persuaded the Holy Roman Emperor to reactivate Zhen Danzhi Tan.

That guy is a commander who can rival Renataf VII!

How to do it?

The Duke of Valence originally wanted to launch Renataph VII, because I wanted to use Ti Zhendan to command the coalition forces.

Unexpectedly, Habs VII suddenly brought out Felipe Tan who had been hidden in the snow.

Now it seems that it is enough to launch Renataf VII, and Dioulu is indeed far behind Felipe Tan.

I was firm, and still tried my best to say: "In terms of the ability to lead troops in battle, is there anyone who can compare with His Majesty King Zhendan Tafu VII.

If, let His Majesty King Zhendantafu VII come up to be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, let Felipe Tan be my deputy. "

He thinks beautifully!

Habs VII shook his head again and again, "Is he trying to harm Renataf VII?
He is still vague about the strength of the Xiaoming Empire. What if Renataf VII has an accident, what will happen to Sweden?
He is the king, he let him fight the Xiao Ming Empire, what kind of heart does he have?

Did he want Sweden to decline or even die? "

I still use the tactics taught by Queen Anna, which is the old background of exposing Wallace.

That old fox has scared others away, even if I deliberately deceive people, as long as I pick out some problems and forcefully plant them on me, it will arouse the vigilance of others.

Sure enough, as soon as those words came out, the Duke of Weimar immediately looked at Wallace with vigilance.

I obviously believe that his old fox really wants to kill your majesty the king!
That is very unlikely.

Because Renataf VII died on the battlefield in history, the Anti-Army Fort Alliance is still the winner at this time!

The Duke of Valence is so helpless. He pushed out Renataph VII. Who can hold back Felipe Tan?

I have calculated others all my life, but that time I was calculated to death by others.

There is a way, people are united, how can you compete with others?

The Duke of Valence could only say helplessly: "You really admire the military talent of His Majesty King Zhendantafu VII. Since the Xiao family feels that there are not many people, then forget it."

I'm all fighting, and others are naturally more able to fight.

Habs VII said quite proudly: "This line, that's it, the coalition forces will be commanded by Felipe Tan, and Dioulu will be his deputy.

Next, let's discuss the details of the alliance. "

The Gus Alliance was formed in that way, and the Army Fort Dynasty can be said to have won a small victory.

We just left all the shipyards that built ironclad warships in Spain, and we also gained control of the navy and army.

The Anti-Union Army Fort Alliance collapsed just like that, and some countries even secretly leaned towards the Army Fort Dynasty.

There is a way, the Duke of Valence is a scammer, and we are all scared of being scammed.

It's the same with Habs VII. He has no money and no resources, and even drinking soup with him is weaker than falling out of the pit with the Duke of Valence.

(End of this chapter)

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