Chapter 895

Alcazar Palace, Madrid, Spain.

Felipe IV looked at the map in front of him, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

The two groups of people he sent to Bahia have disappeared, and there seems to be no news from the Governorate of Brazil, the Governorate of Peru, and the Governorate of La Plata.

This is absolutely not normal!

He frowned and pondered for a while, then looked at the secret letter from the Duke of Braganza, and couldn't help but snort coldly.

Obviously, the Duke of Braganza was fooling him, and Carinho, the governor of Brazil, probably threw himself into the embrace of the Ming Empire!
The Governor-General of Brazil, the Governor-General of Peru, and the Governor-General of La Plata are all estimated to be secretly controlled by the Ming Empire.

This problem is quite serious, because most of Spain's gold, silver, copper, iron, timber and other resources come from the Viceroyalty of Brazil, Peru and La Plata. Once these three governorships are lost, their resources for building ironclad warships may I can't get it all together.

Hmph, Ming Empire, don't bully others too much!
Thinking of this, Felipe IV couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then said loudly: "Come here, go and invite Ocundo over here."

Oquendo is still supervising the construction of iron-clad warships in the port of Valencia to train sailors.

Valencia is more than 700 miles away from Madrid. Such a long distance, even if it is a horse gallop, it will take seven or eight days to go back and forth.

It was already eight days later when Oquendo came to the Alcazar Palace.

Felipe IV didn't bother him, and asked directly: "How many ships and warships do you have?"

Oquendo said without hesitation: "There are still 85 ships and warships in Valencia."

Felipe IV then asked: "How many people can the 85 ships and warships carry at most?"

Uh, this.

Oquindo said cautiously: "Your Majesty, it depends on the voyage.

If we were transshipping troops along the eastern coast, 85 warships could barely accommodate 1 people.

If we want to go on a long-distance voyage, we can’t pack so many people, because the open sea is rough, so many people are crowded on the boat, and those who sit on the outer side will be thrown into the sea if they are not careful.

Such a small number of people is not enough, even 1 people are not enough!

Felipe IV thought for a while and asked again: "What about the fifty ironclad battleships, how is the progress?"

Alas, this is really a bit difficult to describe.

Oquindo thought about it for a while, and then carefully explained: "Your Majesty, because we have never built an iron-clad warship, all the craftsmen are not very skilled.

In addition, the renovation of the dock was relatively urgent, and many things had to be modified and built later. Therefore, the construction progress of the ironclad battleship did not meet expectations.

I estimate that the fifty ironclad battleships will take more than a month to be built. "

Well, this is understandable.

Felipe IV was not an unreasonable person. He nodded slightly, and then asked, "How many people do you think an ironclad warship can carry?"

Oquendo reckoned: "If the four floors of the armored battleship are full, it should barely be able to accommodate 4000 people."

No way, they learned the appearance of the Daming Aegis Ship.

The inside of his ironclad battleship is still based on the structure of a building gunship, and there are no cabins at all, let alone several layers of canopy beds.

Everyone can only sit on the deck, and 4000 people can be crammed into the fourth floor is already very good.

Felipe IV is quite satisfied with this amount. Ironclad battleships are at least much stronger than ordinary warships.

He pondered for a moment, then added: "If it's going to the Americas, is there any problem with carrying 4000 people on an ironclad battleship?"

Uh, this.

Oquendo thought about it for a while, and then explained in detail: "The ironclad warship is sealed, as long as the gun doors are not opened, 4000 people sitting in it don't have to worry about falling into the sea.

However, if the wind and waves are too big, the people inside will definitely roll around, and may be bruised and bruised.

There is another problem, that is food and fresh water.

If the four decks of an ironclad warship were filled with people, there would be no room for food and fresh water.

It will take at least half a month for us to arrive in America from the port of Valencia. It will definitely not work without enough food and fresh water. "

This can't be helped either.

Because their so-called iron-clad battleships were improvised by the French according to the shape of the Ming Dynasty's iron-clad battleships. The internal structure was a mess, and there were simply not enough tanks and granaries.

Felipe IV thought about it carefully, and then said decisively: "Well, let's gather another 20 ordinary warships to carry food and fresh water, and we will transport [-] people to America at a time."

How can I have this power!

Oquindo was rather embarrassed when he heard this: "Your Majesty, I only have the command authority of the joint fleet. As for calling warships from other countries to join the joint fleet, I don't have the right, and they will definitely ignore me."

Alas, come on, this is really a bit troublesome.

The anti-Habsburg alliance and them are only superficially allied, and it is impossible for their kings to obey the commander of a joint fleet.

Fortunately, there is still enough time.

Felipe IV sighed slightly: "Okay, you send the clippers to notify the countries and ask them to send representatives to Madrid to discuss matters.

This matter is very important, it is related to the resources of the American colonies, let them send representatives as soon as possible.

By the way, you send the Clippers to the Holy Roman Empire again and take Wallenstein over. "

Does this mean to fight?

Oquindo didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he bowed and resigned directly, and took his orders to leave.

Now that there is a ship, it is much more convenient to call the representatives of various countries for a meeting. In about a month, the representatives of various countries can gather in Madrid.

Coincidentally, the representatives from various countries had just gathered in Madrid, and the urgent report from the Americas came.

Hundreds of thousands of rebels suddenly appeared in the governorate of Granada!
When Felipe IV received the urgent report, his face turned black and blue.

With hundreds of thousands of rebels, how could the governorship of Granada be able to hold on?
This is really a big trouble. Of the five governorships in the Americas, only the governorship of New Spain is left at this moment!
Felipe IV walked into the conference room with a dark face, and said with a heavy face: "Everyone, let me tell you a piece of unfortunate news. There are hundreds of thousands of rebels in our Granada Governor's District. Living."

None of our business!
All the representatives of the original anti-Habsburg alliance seemed to have not heard it, and their faces were indifferent. Only Wallenstein, the commander of the Holy Roman Empire, showed a hint of concern.

It really doesn't matter to them if there are only rebels in the governorship of Granada.

It is normal for rebels to appear in this colony, and they have encountered it before.

Hundreds of thousands of rebels are no big deal, they are just a bunch of natives, just send some troops over and clean them up.

At this moment, their colonies have already been lost to Spain and the Ming Empire, so they don't care about this.

Aren't you very capable?
This rebel is not a piece of cake for you, what are you telling us?
Seeing the indifferent expressions of these people, Felipe IV couldn't help being annoyed: "There is one more unfortunate news that I haven't told yet.

The rebels in the Viceroyalty of Granada did not appear out of thin air. They sprang from the Viceroyalty of Brazil, and they also fled to the Viceroyalty of Peru and La Plata.

At this moment, the Governor-General of Brazil, the Governor-General of Peru, and the Governor-General of La Plata have lost contact.

You should know that most of our timber, iron ore and copper in Spain come from the Viceroyates of Brazil, Peru and La Plata.

If these governorships are all occupied by rebels, we will not have enough wood, iron ore and copper to build ironclad warships. "

At this moment, the representatives of the anti-Habsburg alliance couldn't hold back.

If the materials for building ironclad battleships are not enough, how can they turn the tables!

The Duke of Richelieu couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, are you sure that these places are all occupied by rebels?"

Felipe IV said angrily: "I hope it was occupied by the rebels. The problem is that these rebels have muskets and cannons, and the number of muskets and cannons is much more than our defenders. I suspect it is the Ming Dynasty. The Empire is behind them."

This is really troublesome.

If the Ming Empire supported them, it would be almost impossible for them to recover those colonies.

Because there are too many Indians in the Americas, it is not a problem for them to gather two or three million people. In addition, the Ming Empire provides muskets and artillery, even if they rush all over, they may not be able to outdo others!
Duke Richelieu couldn't help frowning: "Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

What to do, send troops quickly!
Felipe IV said without hesitation: "I plan to send 20 troops first to defend the governorship of New Spain, and then see what's going on in the Americas before making a decision.

At any rate, there are some iron ore and copper mines in the governorship of New Spain. If we organize the mining with all our strength, we can still barely maintain the construction of ironclad warships.

If it is lost there again, our ironclad battleship may really be discontinued. "

At this time, the Duke of Richelieu naturally didn't dare to deceive others anymore. If he deceived others again, he would deceive himself.

He also said without hesitation: "Okay, Your Majesty, we support you in sending troops. If you need help, just say it."

That's more or less.

Felipe IV solemnly said: "If we want to transport 20 troops there, we have to use all [-] newly built ironclad warships.

Moreover, we have to equip enough ordinary warships to help transport food and fresh water, because after 20 armored warships are stuffed into a [-] army, there will be no food and fresh water.

In addition, we have to prevent the Ming Empire from turning around and attacking our fleet.

You'd better bring all the ships and warships here, so as to ensure that our 20 troops arrive safely in the Governorate of New Spain. "

Uh, this.

The Duke of Richelieu was stunned for a moment, and then reminded: "Your Majesty, it's not that we don't want to send ships and warships to help. The problem is that you didn't have ships before, and suddenly there are so many ships and warships, and there are still so many ships. There are so many iron-clad battleships, won't the Ming Empire suspect it?"

Can you manage so much at this time?
Felipe IV snorted coldly: "So what if they doubt, can't we in Spain have ships and warships?

We can completely say that these ships and warships were developed secretly by us, and they are still allies with us on the surface.

When allies become stronger, they will have opinions. What do you mean?
Don't worry, the Ming Empire still needs to save face, otherwise they would directly send troops to snatch our American colonies, why would they secretly support the rebels?
As long as we hang all the warships under the Spanish flag, the hypocritical Ming Empire will not say anything.

If they really say that, I'm going to ask them where the muskets and artillery of the rebels come from. "

Well, everyone is actually having a showdown right now, but they didn't say it clearly.

Duke Richelieu looked at the representatives of various countries, then nodded and said: "Okay, we will try our best to bring all the ships and warships here for you."

Felipe IV nodded slightly, and then said to Wallenstein: "General Wallenstein, please go to America this time.

You must help us defend the governorship of New Spain, and try to find out the specific situation in the Americas. "

Wallenstein also nodded without hesitation: "Yes, Your Majesty the King."

(End of this chapter)

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