Chapter 500

"On the way your companions were taken to the execution room, they were murdered and silenced. If you still keep the secret, the minister of this temple will not be able to keep you..."

The four of them raised their heads at the same time and looked at him in disbelief, "What did you say? Brother A Sheng is so smart, how could something happen, you cursed him, trying to lie to our confession!"

Wang Xuanzhi shook his head very calmly, "Actually, I don't need to tell you, you understand it very well in your heart."

"What kind of person will let you be gangsters when the world is peaceful, but it will just push you into a deeper abyss."

"What do you know, when we were children, when we fled and wandered around and were almost cooked and eaten, how did the imperial court control us?"

"Today he looks like a good man, but he wants us to betray our benefactor."

"We can't do this kind of thing." One of the gangsters shouted hysterically.

After listening to his words, Wang Xuanzhi began to analyze, "You guys are not that old. According to your calculations when you were children, the time when you fled was the time when the last years of the previous dynasty were in turmoil."

"Whether you are fleeing or wandering on the road, it is always at the end of the road that you meet your benefactor, who is the one who makes you lurk on the mountain today."

"It's not easy to be a gangster, that's why you risked going down the mountain to rob; or you did it on purpose, just to make your identities look more reasonable."

"It's what happened later to today!" Wang Xuanzhi threw another heavy hammer under the expression of the four people either panicking, trying to cover up, lowering their heads to escape, or stunned, "So there is indeed such a person, or It is an organization that is manipulating you!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not. In any case, you have broken the law by robbing the villagers, and you should not be angry."

"At the beginning, it was true that the imperial court was sorry for the people of the world, and caused you to be displaced."

"At the beginning of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the sages are already filling the gaps in the Great Jin Dynasty, so that the living and the people can nourish themselves."

"Live and work in peace and contentment is the wish of the vast majority of people in the world. I believe that you have had this wish more than once on the way to escape."

"This stability, you once possessed it for a short time, and you can't bear to destroy it, or no one dares to speak..."

"I don't know if you have any relatives in this world, sir. But one thing is for sure, your so-called benefactor has a very big plan... so big that it may turn the whole Zhou Dynasty upside down..." In the last sentence, Wang Xuanzhi said It was so low that only the five of them could hear it.

"The war in the previous dynasty was caused by the ambition of this kind of people besides the king's innocence."

Confusion flashed in the eyes of several people looking at him, and they were recalling in their minds the childhood memories that should have been vague, that period of innocence and carefree years.

There are elders in the family who take care of them. They play with the chickens and walk the dogs all day long, catch birds in the trees and fish in the water. Although it is not a wealthy family, it is also very enjoyable.

Looking back on their short life, only those days were the happiest time in their lives.

The four looked at each other.

The few of them, including brother A Sheng, were already tired of being bandits, but they didn't know what to do. Most importantly, they dared not propose to leave easily.

When they left, the scene of that person's death still haunted them when they dreamed back at midnight.

They did have resentment towards the imperial court in their hearts, but after seeing the stable life of the people down the mountain, they felt jealous in their hearts, so they ruthlessly went to grab their things.

In fact, there is still envy hidden in their hearts. Seeing those people's happy families, they can't help but look forward to when they will have such a day.

The resentment against the imperial court has long since disappeared.

Besides, they still have relatives alive. If it is true that their benefactors will recreate a troubled world by their own hands, as the person in front of them said, those relatives will go through another war, and it is difficult to determine whether they will survive again.

"How can we be sure that what you said is true or not?" The man just now squinted his eyes, and his dirty body could not conceal his ferocity.

Wang Xuanzhi was not surprised, he said indifferently: "This matter is speculated by the minister of this temple, but all of this is deduced based on facts, not just empty words, I think you all feel the same."

The man pondered for a long time, "We all have relatives alive, and we only hope that they can live their lives in peace, not knowing that our existence is the best."

Wang Xuan nodded, "The minister of this temple will give them a reasonable explanation, and you will have successors in the future."

Both parties did not mention the matter of intercession and pardon, knowing that this was impossible.

The man also knew that this was the best result, he nodded, feeling very grateful, "If I met someone like you a few years ago, maybe nothing happened later..."

"Actually, we don't know where it is. We only know that we were rescued on the road, blindfolded, and brought to a mountain depression."

"The mountain is divided into metal, wood, water, fire, and earth according to the five elements, each of which is related, but only the leader contacts us, and we don't know what the other party does..."

Wang Xuanzhi: "Do you still remember the appearance of that benefactor?"

The man shook his head, "When the benefactor first appeared, he was wearing a fence. None of us knew his appearance."

Another person also said: "We have guessed, or even the five chiefs, have never seen his real appearance."

"Do you remember what they looked like?"

The four nodded in unison, and each of them said a little bit, telling the appearance of the five leaders.

One of them was the bandit leader who robbed Liujia Village!
Wang Xuanzhi remembered the appearances of these people in his heart, and said: "You tell me where you were and how you got there in the first place, one by one, the more detailed the better!"

The four complement each other and recall.

In Wang Xuanzhi's mind, there was already a rough outline of the winding road, "Is there anything else you need to add?"

At this moment, a jailer came in a hurry, "Siqing is not good, there is about to be a fight in the execution room."

Wang Xuanzhi immediately stopped questioning, and turned to ask the jailer who came, "But Mr. Xing Dalang is here?"

The jailer nodded profusely with sweat. They were just going to inform that a prisoner had died, but they didn't know that there was more than enough punishment...
After Wang Xuanzhi asked this question, he quickly went to the execution room, and heard the two sides arguing fiercely.

Chen Yizhi argued hard: "Why do you ask the minister of Dali Temple!"

Xing Youyu smiled triumphantly, "This is the Ministry of Punishment. I am a humble gentleman, but I can't let any suspicious person go."

"Wang Siqing brought you here to interrogate the prisoner, but the prisoner died. Naturally, the Ministry of Xing has a reason to intervene."

"Since we know that the minister of this temple brought the person, why don't you come and ask in person, it's hard for a gangster, is this how the Ministry of Punishment works?"

Shi Shiran of Wang Xuan came.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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