Chapter 592
The sun in Nanzhou is powerful even in winter.

Xiao Yuandu was blinded by the strong light, raised his hand to cover it for a while, raked his hair irritably, and sat up with bent legs.

His head was heavy, but he didn't feel like waking up from a hangover with a splitting headache.

Wait, how long has he been asleep?

This window opens to the west, is it late?
That wine is really powerful...

Rubbing his face with his hands, he finally regained consciousness.

He stopped suddenly, sniffed his sleeves, and smelled a faintly familiar fragrance.

Smell it again, it's gone again.

Was it covered by the domineering smell of alcohol, or was it his illusion.

I remembered that I seemed to have a dream last night...

The door was knocked suddenly.

The one who came in was a fat woman, who was also the owner of the mansion, about forty years old, with a very friendly face, she laughed at everyone, and spoke Zhongzhou dialect neatly.

Holding the lacquer plate in one hand: "My respected guest wakes up early! Most of the guests have dipped in my family's [-] immortals, at most three or two, and fell asleep without waking up for three or two days. This is the hangover soup prepared by our shop. Drink it and relax."

After finishing speaking, he handed him the lacquered wooden bowl containing the soup, which was still steaming.

Xiao Yuandu took it in his hand, stared at it for a while, raised his eyelids, and said inexplicably: "You guys are thoughtful."

The fat woman snorted: "It should be—"

Xiao Yuandu interrupted her: "Did someone come last night?"

"Last night? No, absolutely not!" The fat woman didn't blink, "What is your guest suspicious about? This shop is one of the best on Zhuhua Street, and it is well-known. would trespass-"

As if remembering something, the fat woman stopped, and slapped her palm fiercely: "Oh! That's right, the honored guest fell asleep on the other side of the water corridor last night, and the night was windy, I'm afraid that you, the honored guest, will catch a cold, so I will make a presumptuous decision." , I found two helpers to help you into the house..."

Seeing that he didn't ask any more questions, the fat woman gave a few warm and polite words and left.

Xiao Yuandu raised his head and drank the hangover soup in one gulp, stood up, and heard a slap——

Drop an item from him.

It was at his feet, and the shape looked very familiar.

I bent down to pick it up and saw that it was familiar.

It was the dragon and phoenix heavy ring adornment that he hung around Jiang Nu's neck with his own hands before he set off for Qizhou.

"Honorable guest! Honorable guest!" The fat woman caught up panting, "Honorable guest, stay a while!"

Xiao Yuandu stopped and turned around: "Did I underpay your rent?"

The fat woman waved her hand: "The guest is leaving Zhulu City? Where are you going?"

Xiao Yuandu stared at her without responding.

The fat woman looked left and right, and approached with a mysterious face: "Is there a document for the distinguished guest?"

The document in her mouth is equivalent to Zhongzhou's pass.

Traveling in small places is not as strict as that in Zhongzhou, but if you want to travel across the state, you must have a document.

Usually, before setting off, the places you have passed should be reported to the village.Once reported, changing the route midway is not allowed.

The township chief checked and found out that the other party was not a deserter, a prisoner, or in service, and then reported it to the county.The county can issue it after the verification is correct.

If you are from Waijiang, there is another set of procedures.

The fat woman seemed to see that Xiao Yuandu did not come to Nanzhou through normal channels.

He said: "If you don't have a certificate, you always have to take a big risk. In this way, I have some knowledge, but I can help you get a share, whether it is crossing the customs or taking a boat to go to and from Tianjin, to ensure that you are unimpeded. The officials will never make things difficult. In this way, there is no need to worry about it, and no accidents will happen."

Seeing his gloomy eyes, he just didn't speak.

The fat woman hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, honorable guest! I also have relatives from Zhongzhou, seeing how kind the honorable guest is, I just want to help out a little bit, and I have absolutely no bad intentions..."

Xiao Yuandu left the mansion, walked along the street for a long time, stopped and looked back.

The tails that followed him were gone, all gone overnight.

Looking forward again, he hesitated for a moment, then strode away.
Calamus looked very worried at the lady who had been sitting in front of the window without saying a word since receiving the news that the fifth son had left Zhulu City.

Last night she and Youcao accompanied the lady to the mansion where the fifth son stayed, thinking that it would be an opportunity for the two to reconcile, but who would have expected the fifth son to leave just like that.

At first she felt that the method of stalking was inappropriate, but now she couldn't care less: "Should I let someone—" follow the fifth young master, or intercept the fifth young master?It's only half a day away, but it's still in time.

"No need. He probably felt insulted to force him to stay."


"Why not?" Jiang Fosang's expression was extremely indifferent, "I used to have private meetings with him every night in Dongcheng Bieyuan, and I didn't dare to let my good wife know, because I was afraid that she would know that the girl I brought up with one hand would abandon her shame, nameless, and have sex with others. And the dignity of a man seems to be more noble than that of a woman in the eyes of secular people... The only difference is that he has not yet remarried at that time. If he has already married and become someone else's husband, I will not Get involved with him again. If this entanglement continues, he will be very tired. If everything has to be explained and disguised, I will also be very tired. It's better to get rid of each other."

Heaven and short karma make it easy to get together and part.

Just a pity.

She may never meet the person who is willing to go through many misunderstandings, cut off the edges and corners of her body, and trek through mountains and rivers, just to hug her.

Although he is full of problems, impulsive, violent, and impulsive, sometimes he is not patient or smart enough.But he was a fire from heaven, a fire from heaven that could warm her deserted heart and set her on fire.

She longed for that warmth, but she didn't want to turn back.

When Liang was alive, she always advised her that if a woman was born with teeth and claws and thorns all over her body, she would not be able to get a man's love and affection.

But if you want to be a tiger with its teeth pulled out, and you have to pull out the poisonous thorns all over your body in order to get pity and love, then you don't need this love.

"We both tried our best, but there is no possibility of going on, so let's stop here, stop here."

The love of two people also needs the right time, place and people. Even if they have each other in their hearts, if the timing is wrong, or things are different, the ending will be helpless and futile.

Only a dead love can't change - but it's already ruined.

Xiao Yuandu really shouldn't have come to Nanzhou.

It shouldn't appear again when she is about to forget, and it shouldn't be cruelly taken away after giving her hope.

If not, let everything stay as it was four years ago and let Jiang Liuniang die in the Zhangjiang River.

But it's good to come.

As she said the night before, this is another chance God gave them, to see each other clearly, or let him see her clearly, and if he sees clearly, he will really give up, and if he gives up, he will be able to let go completely.

This is often the case. People who love each other can cross life and death, but they are often tripped by a small stone under their feet.

In his last life, he was one step closer to her side.

Maybe that's the difference between them.

There is nothing better than this.

Everything seems so insignificant and powerless in the face of the torrent of fate. If you can't force it, you can only let it go.

"But lady, if you miss it like this, you really won't regret it?"

Jiang Fosang smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Life is so long."

Life is so long, after leaving each other, maybe I will meet another person, who fits in every aspect and will not love very hard.

It doesn't matter even if you don't meet them. The love between children is not as important as imagined, at least not necessary.

Maybe she will lose more and more people will leave this way, it doesn't matter.

The husband said: "You have to find a belief. People can live with belief."

Why can't you live?can survive.

Get up: "Go back to the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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