Wake up!Master star tattoo artist

Chapter 78 Mecha Inheritance

Chapter 78 Mecha Inheritance
The few months of the holiday passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day when Wharton started school again. The students returned to school one after another from home, and Zhou Yi's private education class was temporarily over.

"What I have taught you in the past few months is all the content that Huabang Military Academy will teach students in the first year. As long as you lay the foundation well, the rest of the road will be more solid."

"Thank you, teacher."

Qi Lan's dedication to Zhou Yi can be felt by Zhou Yi, not only in teaching mecha combat, Qi Lan is very strict and always has higher requirements for Zhou Yi.

In terms of life, Qi Lan also cared about Zhou Yi in his own way, such as the extra books and food that often appeared at the warehouse door on the third floor.

The fact that Zhou Yi has a great appetite really can't be hidden from anyone, even Qi Lan can feel it, and fearing that Zhou Yi won't be full and won't be able to speak, he always quietly puts a lot of delicious food for her at the warehouse door.

Seeing the things placed at the door of the warehouse, Zhou Yi also understood in his heart that he had never kept Aunt Lan from the fact that he used the warehouse as his own small base for messing around, but she kept turning a blind eye.

Before she knew it, she and Qi Lan had treated each other as teachers and students. In Qi Lan's eyes, Zhou Yi was his own student, and in Zhou Yi's eyes, Qi Lan was his mentor.

Although he already had Hao Wuduan as his master on the way of Master Wen Xing, but after all, it was only the inheritance he accepted on paper, and he hadn't met him in person yet, so the feelings in his heart were still a bit weaker.

And Qi Lan, as the person who really taught Zhou Yi every day, Zhou Yi always felt closer.

Although I only knew Aunt Lan for a year, she became one of Zhou Yi's closest friends.

"That's about all I can teach you, and you need to figure out the rest in practice."

Even the three major military academies only teach most of the basic knowledge in the first grade of students.

In the second grade, most of them practiced and explored by themselves, and in the third grade, they mainly participated in various competitions.

"I'm going to Shenyin Continent to hold a seminar next month, do you want to follow along?"

Shenyin Continent is the S-level star block where the Huabang Military Academy is located, ranking first in resources among the S-level star blocks.

"Is it convenient for you to take me there?"

Shenyin Continent!Of course Zhou Yi wanted to go, but he was afraid of causing trouble to Aunt Lan.

"You are my student, if there is any inconvenience, that's it. After that, practice hard by yourself, and come to me if you have any questions."

Qi Lan made a final decision, and didn't give Zhou Yi another chance to refuse or welcome.

The students have all started school, and Wharton has resumed its lively activities. Lu Xiaoxiao and Hu Manduo chatter around Zhou Yi, talking about interesting things at home.

Xiaoxiao's home is in a D-level star block, but the location is better than the D72 star block, and the family conditions are not bad, at least much better than before Zhou Yi's house.

As for Hu Manduo, he completely confessed that he was originally from an S-level star block.

At the beginning, it was my father who insisted on letting me go to school here, saying that this place has some connection with a big man, and maybe there will be some opportunities.

He questioned his father for a long time, but in the end he didn't say who the big man was or where the opportunity was.

His father only said that the big man was his idol, and he had to rely on fate.

Although this fate has not waited.

Zhou Yi knew that Hu Manduo's background was definitely not simple when he first started school, so he was not surprised when he heard this.

It's just that hearing him talk about the big man mentioned by his father reminded him of the words An Yixing left in the library and the book he found on the shelf before.

Except for myself, no one would be too interested in reading the book about Wen Xingshi. The curiosity is greater than the practicality.

When it comes to An Yixing's opportunity...

I'm afraid I don't know if I can find a second copy in Wharton.

Lu Xiaoxiao, who is with Hu Manduo every day, is even less surprised. No matter how stupid she is, she knows that Hu Manduo can bring out so many delicious food that she has never seen before, and she is definitely not an ordinary person.

"I have known for a long time that even if you are not the son of the mine owner, you are definitely the son of a rich family!"

Lu Xiaoxiao said confidently.


Hu Manduo's eyes widened for a moment, he hesitated to speak.

Zhou Yi: "You can't really be the mine owner's son."

"If there is no accident, it is indeed..."

"But, it's nothing special! My family has nothing but more star coins."

Zhou Yi: ...

Lu Xiaoxiao: ...

It turned out that the local tyrant was by my side.

Back this time, Hu Manduo originally prepared many gifts for the two of them, but Zhou Yi and Lu Xiaoxiao didn't intend to accept them.

Hearing that Hu Manduo said that he had a mine at home, the two of them no longer shied away, and immediately accepted it readily.

When they came back this time, the three of them were already in the second grade. A group of people left the school, and a new group came in.

Next month, Aunt Lan and Aunt Lan will go to Shenyin Continent. This month, Zhou Yi plans to stay in Wharton obediently and enjoy the campus life again.

The biggest difference between the second grade and the first grade is that they can have mechas.

It's finally their turn to use the mechas of those graduates!

All the students in the mecha warrior class can be allocated a mecha that is temporarily their own, and it will be used for two years. After graduation, it will be exchanged for the newcomers to recycle.

Even the students who didn't like to listen to lectures last semester were looking forward to owning mechas.

As a member of Interstellar, no one does not yearn for the day when he can drive a mecha across the interstellar world.

Although the energy of Wharton's low-level mecha is not enough to support the desire to travel the universe, it is still possible to imagine it.

The eliminated mechas were not distributed to the students of the mecha warrior class immediately, but were first given to the students of the mecha master class.

"The principal's idea is very good. The damaged mechas are directly handed over to the students for practice."

This kind of idea is only available to the principal of Wharton, allowing students who have just studied for a year to study mechas for the entire grade, purely without wasting any resources.

"Do they know how to fix it? Last semester, the students in the mecha teacher class were fined to sweep the teaching building for a month for gathering a crowd to play cards!"

Lu Xiaoxiao was very skeptical.

The fact is indeed the case, after one year of study, there are only a few people in the whole class who can talk about repairing a little.

The rest of the students haven't even memorized the structural diagram of the mecha, so it's really too far to talk about repairing the mecha.

Many mechas were scrapped directly during their half-repair and half-playing.

Zhou Yi now understood where all the scrapped mechas in the warehouse on the third floor of the school came from.

"I'm already poor enough, but I'm really speechless!"

Lu Xiaoxiao was heartbroken to see countless damaged mechs being repaired directly to the scrapping area.

"This kind of teaching method is either teaching geniuses, or it is a pile of waste materials."

Zhou Yi understood Yi Mingde's thoughts a little bit, but he just sighed, as the principal, he is really brave enough to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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