The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1001 The Fat USEC

Chapter 1001 The Fat USEC
When we met before, he was a priest who was coaxed by cattle, but now he has turned into a corpse with his face smashed.

He was dragged out by the USEC team members, like throwing garbage, piled up with his younger brothers, and his whole body was being stripped off.

One of the USEC's was picking up the weird dagger he'd used to stab the hunk to death from his belt.

Long Zhan felt that the shape of this dagger was quite unique, and he remembered that Dennis had always carried one with him. Now that he had seen it by chance, he would take it as a collectible by the way.

So he walked over and pointed at the strange dagger, and asked the USEC team members: "Can I take this?"

"What?" The USEC team members didn't understand.

"Just this little thing in your hand, I played with these guys all night, and I want to keep something as a souvenir. I think this dagger is pretty good, and I want to keep it personally." Long Zhan said.

"no problem."

The USEC team members shrugged casually, took it off and threw it to Long Zhan.

It seemed that he didn't want this thing at all.


Long Zhan remembered that the dagger was poisonous, and the big Gregory was poisoned to death. He took the dagger carefully and thanked him.

After holding it in his hand and thinking for a few seconds, he pinned it to his waistband with the dagger holster.

In addition to the original commander's saber, Long Zhan has two daggers on his waist.

There is nothing to say about the follow-up, which is to return to the USEC's camp in the outskirts with the trophies and sacrificed USEC.

A standard military base that looks like it was built with the help of a large bunker.

Long Zhan and Dennis came back with the large force, but didn't talk to their commander, because so many supplies and so many people died, he needed to deal with them.

Only one USEC member was in charge of reception, and the two of them were taken to a room in the base.

Tell them where they can take a shower and wash clothes, where they can go to the toilet, where they can sleep and rest, where they can't just mess in and so on.

Long Zhan and Dennis were almost covered in dust, so the first thing they did was to take a bath immediately.

After washing the dirty clothes, put them in the dryer to dry, take a refreshing shower and shower, and change into the dry clothes when you walk out.

On the desk where the two of them were arranged to rest, two standard American military meals appeared.

It was already noon at this time, indicating that it was lunch for the two of them.

"Coke? Tarkov has been closed for so long, I didn't expect there to be happy fat house water, it really surprised me."

Long Zhan picked up the Coke on the table and opened it, a puff of gas came out with a puff.

There is still enough carbon dioxide, and there is a high probability that it has not deteriorated.

"These guys are living a really good life. In terms of their food supply, they should be regarded as the richest group of people in Takov."

There was a sour taste in Dennis' words, and this kind of life was indeed enviable.

"Gulu, ah~, not bad."

Long Zhan leaned his neck back and gulped down a sip, which is indeed the fat house water that can make people happy, and his mood seemed to improve immediately.

"Don't worry about that much, let's eat."

Long Zhan was really hungry, so he started to show off after unpacking the bag.

Dennis sighed with emotion, and also opened the packaging bag to eat. Compared with Long Zhankuang eating and drinking, the thin Dennis is much quieter.

And after only eating about half of it, Dennis was so full that he couldn't hold it anymore.

As a good comrade who is united and friendly, Long Zhan decisively helped him solve this problem, and showed off all the rest.

After eating, the two of them each lay down on the bed, taking the time to rest and recover their energy.

There were two gun-wielding sentries staring at the door, and they knew that they would not be able to get out without asking. Long Zhan and Dennis' weapons were not disarmed, which was already a great way to save face, and it was impossible for two strangers to wander around the base.

Someone is holding a gun at the door to protect himself from sleeping, which is very rare in Tarkov.

Bodyguards who are prostitutes for nothing are not for nothing.

Long Zhan and Dennis slept peacefully and slept from noon to afternoon.

That is almost 4 hours later.

A USEC member wearing a camouflage uniform appeared at the door of the dormitory, knocked on the door with his finger, and woke up Long Zhan and Dennis.

"The commander wants to see you. I'll take you there. Weapons can be kept in the dormitory. It's safe here. No one can steal them."

The words of the USEC team members are very polite, and they have already made a request in the politeness.

Long Zhan and Dennis didn't force it. It's unrealistic to take a guy to meet the boss. It's impossible to be so careless in security work.

The two of them were full of food and sleep, and they got up and followed him to a big tent.

"Wait here, the commander will be here soon."

The USEC team members left after speaking. Long Zhan and Dennis did wait for less than 2 minutes before walking in a USEC officer in his 40s wearing a full set of clean combat equipment.

"Have some whiskey?"

The USEC commander took off his tactical helmet, put it on the table, took out three glasses and placed them on the table, and opened a nearby bottle of wine.

"Macallan whiskey, very good wine, give me more."

Long Zhan has never been polite about eating and drinking for nothing.

"Single malt, unique taste, you will fall in love with it as soon as you take a sip." Long Zhan's appreciation made USEC commander very happy.

"I'd rather have brandy, I can't change it, the whiskey is too strong." Dennis frowned.

"Willie, get some brandy for our guest."

The USEC commander didn't mind either, and immediately called someone at the door to get it, and he could change the wine at will, which proved that he had a lot of stock.

It also shows one thing from the side.

That is, the USEC in Takov is very fat, and the small life has always been very good. Even if it has been completely blocked for many years, eating and drinking is not a problem.

"Eugene told me something, I mean about you, and he said some weird things about your fights..."

The USEC commander picked up a glass of whiskey and put it in front of Long Zhan with a questioning face, but he didn't speak clearly.

It is estimated that Long Zhan beat up a dozen of them at every turn. Killing cultists is as easy as killing chickens. After Eugene said it, the USEC commander couldn't believe it.

You must know that they went to more than a dozen people to support them, and three of them died when they dealt with 20 or so cult members.

How many does Long Zhan do by himself?

No injuries?

It is indeed too exaggerated!

Long Zhan picked up the whiskey and took a sip. He didn't intend to prove how good he was at all, and he didn't need to explain to his USEC commander how he killed so many people.

Not explaining it can make it more mysterious and make them more wary of themselves.

So he decisively changed the topic and laughed: "You haven't introduced yourself yet. Although I can recognize your Baltic accent, I can't call myself Baltic, can I?"

(End of this chapter)

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