The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1016 The Arrogant Fuma

Chapter 1016 The Arrogant Fuma

"This guy is indeed a bit crazy. He uses himself as a human bomb at every turn. If it really blows up, I will have to take it in."

Long Zhan agreed with 120 in his heart.

"I am indeed a lunatic. I was driven crazy by you. Do you want to go crazy with me? Huh?" Dennis completely took the initiative in speaking.

"It's not appropriate, is it?"

Caban took a step back, perhaps thinking that if it really exploded, he would be able to save a few pieces from being broken.

Long Zhan is also very painful at this moment, obviously he can easily deal with Kaban's team, but Dennis insists on making matters worse.

Thinking of the power of two kilograms of TNT explosion, Long Zhan wanted to jump from the window and run as far as he could.

But thinking that if Dennis can be accepted as a younger brother, with Dennis' ability to predict risks and save his life, coupled with this ruthless and brave courage, he will definitely be able to carry a big banner.

Long Zhan became very happy again, wishing he could sign a contract with Dennis right away.


Dennis sneered and said, "You came here with so many men to threaten me, is this appropriate? Or do you not abide by the unwritten rules?
Now you all fucking wash my mouth and sit down and talk.

If the TNT on my body really blows up, even if someone collects your body, they will have to use a shovel to scrape you up from the ground and the ceiling bit by bit. "

Dennis's last description was very graphic, and Caban couldn't help but dry his lips after hearing it.

Dennis took advantage and continued to chase after the victory, saying in an imperative tone: "Drive away all your dog legs, they can't talk with us."

Caban hesitated for less than two seconds, and Dennis visibly raised his left hand.

Let Caban clearly see a line from Dennis' left palm to his left pocket, clearly knowing that he is holding a wired detonator in his hand.

"Everyone get out!"

Kaban was angry, afraid and annoyed, so he could only vent his anger on his subordinates.

The guards who were yelled at by the boss were very obedient and obediently retreated towards the gate of the factory without even looking back. It could be seen that they had long wanted to leave.

No one wants to stay within 20 meters of a madman with explosives strapped to his body.

Dennis was very satisfied with the performance of the guards. By the way, he gave them some food and shouted at them: "Close the door when you go out."


The door was slammed shut.

"Aren't you leaving?"

Long Zhan looked at Gavrish with a half-smile, he didn't have any good feelings for this profit-seeking thing.

"Talk slowly, I'll wait outside."

Gavrish is not a tough guy, otherwise he would not have easily betrayed Dennis, and ran away under the threat of a bomb.

Crumb Gavrish went out and closed the door, and there were only three people in the room.

It became deserted all of a sudden!

Caban's demeanor has undergone a huge change, he is no longer as arrogant as before, he quietly walked to the chair not far from him.

He nodded at Dennis and said, "Sit down, let's have a good gamble, put your thing away, don't scare me anymore, just treat me as being stimulated, I admit that your trick is very effective."

"Well, I'm sure you're not an asshole. So I can have a normal conversation with you."

Dennis raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and walked to the chair opposite to Caban's position, but still didn't put away the button in his hand.

In the past tense, he also specifically said: "Dragon King, let's go, let's go and play with him."

"You have to be steady, I don't want to become meat sauce."

Long Zhan joked humorously, strode over and sat on a chair, Dennis then came over and sat opposite Caban.

The three of them sat across the table in a zigzag shape, and finally started a formal negotiation agreement.

"It's like this..."

Caban said thoughtfully, "I believe my leaders, since they say they don't know the predators, there is a high probability that they really don't.

I don't recall hearing such a name among thieves and criminals.

But, in that bunch of utterly lawless wet-and-dryers, there might be a character that you've worked with for a long time? "

"Before the turmoil, I worked with him for more than a year, but the work at that time was not what it is now. I think you should understand." Dennis whispered.

Caban nodded to show that he understood, and sighed with sincere nostalgia: "At that time, everyone can eat and drink enough, and there is no need to kill people casually."

"Yes, the world has changed now." Dennis had memories in his eyes.

Kaban didn't speak, looked out the window, paused for a long time before turning back and said: "Listen, whirlpool, how you treat Maca, I don't really care about shit, but Fuma doesn't like it, he said... "

Caban scratched his chin, a little irritable, as if he didn't want to say anything.

But after thinking about it, I finally said it.

"Gavrish must return Maca's base. As for who will return it, it is up to Defuma to decide, and you have no right to know.

And most importantly, your boss must return it.You take something from the safe and you have to pay a fine.

Not a lot, just $100 million, and all of this must be done within a week. "

The requirements of Fuma passed down by Caban cannot be said to be a bit excessive, but it can only be said that the lion opened his mouth, which is completely unreasonable.

"Your boss is really crazy. Is this his negotiating attitude? This is completely grabbing. He really thinks he has such a big bargaining chip? I don't think so."

Long Zhan didn't give Kaban any face at all, and taunted him face to face without mercy.

"Whether Fuma has such a big stack is not up to you. I believe you can fight well, big man, but how many can you fight? Five or ten? We have more than 5 people in the Hongshang Gang."

Kaban never mentioned his own strength, and chose to use numbers to intimidate Long Zhan, proving that he is still very smart and knows how to avoid the enemy.

"Is it useful to have a large number of people? No matter how powerful a group of ants is, it is only a group of ants." Long Zhan sneered.


Caban was choked with anger.

But thinking that there was no younger brother around him, if he really had a conflict with Long Zhan, he might be crushed by Long Zhan's hammer, so he obediently chose to swallow his anger.

"Is that all the requirements? Is there anything else to add?" Dennis asked calmly.

"that's it."

Caban took a deep breath to assess his emotions, and then said: "As long as you follow our instructions, we will go our separate ways and not fight."

After speaking, he changed his tone, and said from the perspective of a friend: "I know that Gavrish is your friend, but he can't deal with Foma, and his subordinates will not support him to touch an egg against a rock. His own strength is too weak to cope with such a big battle.

Your boss, the so-called Predator, if he was really that powerful somewhere out there, would hardly fight us over something as big as this.

If he is the kind of person I imagined, I think he is more likely to be willing to pay for disaster relief, and then find a way to become friends with us, which is more beneficial. "

"Judging from your tone, your boss Foma doesn't seem to have given you any alternatives, right?" Dennis said blankly.


Caban suddenly grinned, as if he had heard a big joke.

(End of this chapter)

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