The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1020 Ruthless character informant, Mi Tai

"Um, you mean... Predator?"

The corner of Dennis's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "Although I am his messenger, he has always contacted me. I can't take the initiative to contact the boss."

"No, no, you didn't understand me."

Long Zhan waved his hand, and said with a mysterious smile: "We only need the word predator, and we don't need him to appear, let alone do anything."

"Be specific."

Dennis is a person who likes layout, Long Zhan's words made his heart beat inexplicably.

"It's actually very simple to operate..."

Long Zhan said: "We don't act as a last resort to protect ourselves, but do it in the name of predators.

Let's just say that the predator was dissatisfied with Foma's blackmailing him. The great predator did not allow anyone to provoke and insult him, so he decided to teach Hong Shangbang a lesson.

As a messenger, you receive a new order from the predator, and you need to be responsible for collecting intelligence and preliminary investigations, and then cooperate with the masters sent by the predator to punish the arrogant merchant gang, and leave the exclusive mark of the predator on the scene .

In this way, as long as the beheading plan can be successfully completed, the members of the Hongshang Gang will be suppressed.

Quietly assassinated under the protection of hundreds of people, this is the sword of Damoric for anyone, and the new boss of the Merchant Gang who succeeded Foma must also want to be able to live.

In order not to become the second Foma, the new boss will definitely want to negotiate peace with you, and the problem will naturally be solved. "

After listening to the execution process of the entire plan of Long Zhan, Dennis' eyes glowed with excitement and fanaticism.

This plan was tailor-made for him.

Excited, he couldn't help but praise: "It's great, Dragon King, this plan is really great, I can feel my blood start to boil."

"Since you think there is no problem with the plan, let's start to act. One week is too long, and we will try to get rid of that bastard within three days."

Long Zhan stretched out his right hand with a smile, exuding an aura all over his body——

This aura is called confidence!


Dennis reached out to give Long Zhan a high-five. Driven by his blood boiling, his whole body was filled with endless motivation. He couldn't wait to join in and said with a smile: "In three days, let that bastard Fuma go to hell, hahaha."


Long Zhan and Dennis reached a tacit agreement to unify the plan, and then immediately launched the deployment.

The first thing to do is to gather intelligence.

In order to make the plan perfect, the acting has performed all the sets.

Dennis left temporarily with Long Zhan on the grounds that he needed to go back first and use the radio to contact the boss Predator to make a final decision.

Gavrish, who was about to pack up and run away, heard that Dennis was going to contact the predators to find a way, and his inner hope suddenly revived.

He decided to wait another afternoon to see the situation for the sake of the family business he now owns.

After finally owning his own territory, with dozens of younger brothers supporting the field, he has become the majestic boss in this area.

If you run away, you have to start with the younger brother.

Gavrish had a hard time taking it.

As long as there is such a small chance, Dennis will do his best to find a way to fight for it, so that he can continue to be the boss comfortably.

The two Long Zhan who left didn't go back at all, and stayed nearby for two hours.

Then he went directly to the robber gang's lair, found Gavrish who was waiting anxiously, and said the "line" planned before the Dragon War.

Gavrish was the first to hear that the predator was about to attack, and his demeanor immediately changed 180 degrees.

Even more excited than Dennis just now!
The bandit-like ability to grow from a few people at the beginning to a large number of dozens of people basically depends on predators. Therefore, in Gavrish's heart, predators are powerful and unrivaled.

The kind of super boss hidden behind the scenes.

Gavrish has always believed that any problem can be solved if a powerful and mysterious predator is willing to take action.

Now we finally got the news of the predator's attack, and said that we need an "informant" who is familiar with Fuma, so that we can severely punish the Hongshang Gang as soon as possible.

Gavrish was more motivated than ever, puffing his chest to ensure that the best fit would be found.

As a coward who came up from the bottom, Gavrish really has no bottom line and morality, but he still has some personal ability to be the boss.

It's not...

In less than half a day, Gavrish brought back the results. He had successfully found the informant Long Zhan and Dennis needed.

And has already offered to help advance the commission, and made an appointment with the meeting place and time.

Day 2.

5 points in the early hours.

The sky was still gray, and the fish belly in the east had just emerged a little bit. Long Zhan and Dennis appeared in an abandoned warehouse to the west of the train station.

The time and location of the meeting were provided by the informant. When Long Zhan and Dennis walked into the warehouse side by side, the informant Gavrish had found was already waiting here.

Compared with Long Zhan, who is eye-catching everywhere, the informant and Dennis belong to the same style.

Wearing a very discreet black suit, he carried a sawn-off double-barreled shotgun over his shoulder, a simple backpack, and a knife with several holes in its sheath.

At first glance, he looks like an ordinary person.

If you had to give him a specific description, it would be an ordinary man with a thin body and ugly facial features, and no one would notice him if he was thrown into the crowd.

of course.

This is just a false image on the surface, in reality this man is also a ruthless character.

According to Gavrish's tense expression at the time, and his bluffing introduction, Long Zhan and Dennis had a certain understanding of the informant.

"Mitai is a very scary person, it is best not to leave him behind, please remember this, otherwise you can become a corpse.

Because he has been in this business for many years, before the start of the total blockade riots, he had already killed five people, and the police did not catch him for two years. "

This is Dennis's introduction to the informant Mitai, just a few sentences are full of information.

Dare to kill people in peacetime, and kill as many as 5 people, and have not been caught by the police, no matter how you look at it, it can be called ruthless.

After the meeting between the two sides, Mi Tai quickly showed his extraordinary ability.

He knows many hidden paths, and he can go to various places quietly without being noticed by anyone.

For example, he set off with Long Zhan and Dennis until he found the residence where Fuma lived, and he didn't meet any outsiders along the way.

Even though the area around the train station is an important area, there are hidden "eyes" of various gangs everywhere.

Those who can survive in the forgotten city of Tarkov, everyone has their own unique skills, and they can hide their whereabouts well, perhaps it is Mitai's unique skills.

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