The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1024 Find out the color of underwear for you

Chapter 1024 Find out the color of underwear for you
The windows on the first and second floors were sealed, so naturally there would be no gains.

The windows of Fuma's suspected residence on the fifth floor were closed, and Long Zhan did not have the special function of see-through eyes. No matter how hard he tried to make sure that Fuma was inside, he could only look at the window and sigh.

All the windows on the remaining 3rd to 7th floors, Long Zhan has been staring at them for half an hour.

But perhaps it was because of Foma's order, or because of the semi-military management here, but no one came out of the window.

But those rooftop guards that Mi Tai mentioned, as well as that awesome sniper, appeared on the rooftop.

They walked swaggeringly on the roof, taking advantage of the height of the roof, constantly looking down and observing all suspicious areas.

As a result, Long Zhan didn't dare to observe too much, and the angle of the curtains raised was reduced by half.

There is no gain from upstairs, and judging from the current situation, if we continue to observe, there is a high probability that there will be no gain.

Long Zhan simply gave up and continued to observe the building, and Good Morning began to observe the ground and the surrounding small houses.

While observing the ancillary buildings around the main building, Long Zhan was also thinking in his mind.

There are no rivers near the main building. Assuming that there are one or two hundred gang members living there, how are water and sewage discharged to the outside?
The surrounding houses are very old and cheap, definitely cheaper than the main building in the middle, and it is impossible to have modern drainage underneath.

Just look at the masonry!

In theory they would need to dig trenches for the sewer pipes, which in turn would have dug out the tunnels, and if they had done so, they would have damaged or destroyed something on the ground.

There is no way around this.

Long Zhan is very sure.

But Long Zhan looked around carefully, and found no signs of digging.

It is also very simple to look at the buildings nearby. Since it is the outermost periphery of the railway station, there is nothing along the street, because there is no street at all.

There is only one winding path leading to a small old factory a few hundred meters away from the residential area, with a width of less than 2 meters.

"Why haven't roads been built in other places, even the main road entering the base is a dirt road, but there is a cement road leading to the dilapidated factory? Moreover, why should it be built in a crooked way when it can be built straight? "

Long Zhan was skeptical about this abrupt road, why did Fuma build such a curved road.

This can cost a lot of money!
Takov is a fully enclosed city. The cement needed for road construction is equivalent to a non-renewable product, but it is the key to building fortresses and road blocking concrete piers, and its value will definitely be high.

Such a waste of high-value things is obviously not in line with the "profit-seeking" style of the Hongshang Gang, let alone something that the greedy Fuma can do.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Long Zhan secretly remembered this cement road, and decided to go to the factory after dark tonight to find out what was at the end of the cement road.

Now that there is no way to touch it during the day, Long Zhan can only temporarily put it aside and continue to reason about the second possibility.

Since there are no traces of construction work around the main building, it can only be said that there must have been a sewage treatment system in "ancient times" around this residential area.

Otherwise, within a few months, the main building will be filled with feces and urine, making the residential area uninhabitable.

According to Long Zhan now has the information known.

While Fuma is a greedy and arrogant guy, he is also a very greedy money slave. As long as such a person has cheap and ready-made things to use, he will never spend another penny.

So if there is a second way out of the house, that exit is definitely underground.

And there is a high probability that the old sewage treatment system is used.

In order to verify whether his guess is reasonable, that is, the location of Fuma and the possible composition of the tunnel, Long Zhan specifically asked Mi Tai for some relevant information.

Mi Tai confirmed Long Zhan's conjecture and provided some new information.

For example, people in the base seldom come out to walk around. Usually, the gang members who come out are out on missions, and they are all in groups.

They have mobile patrols, but they don't show up very often.

Just standing on the roof of the main building, you can see everything around you and shoot from above, so why waste your energy walking on your legs?
If it were Long Zhan, he wouldn't run out either.

Mitai also mentioned that he had seen Foma once and only once during this observation period, and saw him appear in the camp.

But his weapon is a shotgun, and the distance of nearly 100 meters is too far for a shotgun.

Otherwise, it would definitely fire at that time!
"Fuma definitely won't come out for no reason. Since it must be something very important to show up, have you seen where he went?" Long Zhan felt that he had grasped the key point again, and asked hastily.

"He went to that house over there, and then he walked back."

Mi Tai used a dirty finger that had not been washed for at least half a year and was already covered with a layer of black dirt, opened the corner of the curtain and pointed to a location.

It was an attached two-story house.

Long Zhan carefully memorized the location Mi Tai mentioned, and then asked: "Then what's inside?"

"Suka, how would I know, I didn't go in with you, and I can't see the inside from the outside."

Mitai made complaints about it depressedly, and then guessed carelessly: "It doesn't feel like anything special, it's just that someone followed him out of the room, and then saw him off and went back to the main building before going back."

"Who is that person?" Long Zhan asked.

"I don't have any fucking clues at all. I only know that he is a boy with four eyes. There is a high probability that he is not in our business. No, that's for sure." Mi Tai replied.

"Is he armed?"

"Maybe only my claws." Mitai said with a grin.

"Okay, you continue to observe, I have to talk to the whirlpool, maybe he will find something different, and he may leave for a while at night."

Mi Tai has been unable to provide new value, and Long Zhan is not going to continue chatting with him.

Walking a few steps to the window where Dennis was observing, Long Zhan chatted with him about his discovery just now and the guesses he made based on the information.

He also mentioned going to the factory at night to see if there was anything tricky inside.

Dennis also observed some information, but it was completely insignificant compared to Long Zhan's observations. He couldn't help but marvel at Long Zhan's powerful observation ability.

And Long Zhan's reaction was just a smile, and he didn't think it was so powerful.

Infiltrating the enemy's rear to observe and collect intelligence is one of the core tasks of special forces. As one of the world's top special forces, Long Zhan is unparalleled in this respect.

Not to mention the things I observed now...

As long as Long Zhan was given enough time and equipped with suitable equipment, he could accurately find out what color underwear Fuma was wearing.

(End of this chapter)

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