The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1032 The Deadline

Chapter 1032 The Deadline
The guard passed the sandbag wall and continued forward, and after about five seconds, the familiar door creaked and metal clanged.

It was not very clear when I was still mixing and matching, forget it, I still heard a few words of conversation.

They've officially started shifting.

Long Zhan and Dennis "raised their ears" as much as possible, continued to listen and watch what happened outside, and recorded it in their minds.

5 points in the early hours.

At this time, the outside has turned white, and it will be bright in half an hour.

Long Zhan and Dennis had to sneak out before dawn, return to the ground and return to Mitai's surveillance room under the cover of night.

Both knew they had to go.

How did you come here, how do you have to go back, everything has to be restored to its original state.

The hole dug out of the sandbag wall had to be refilled. This was not a troublesome thing for Long Zhan, and he put the sandbag back in after three times and five divisions.

The only troublesome thing is the PMD-6 trap.

Long Zhan and Dennis dismantled it when they came and needed to put it back together when they left.

Because PMD is an old pressure-fired landmine, there is a certain probability that the landmine will be triggered during the process of putting the plank back on.

For Dennis.

For the vast majority of ordinary people.

This is a very troublesome thing. It is very difficult to control the strength of the wooden board on the pressure grenade. If it is not good, I have to explain it here.

It is definitely not possible to not restore it.

If the sentinels of the Merchant Gang found out, this hard-won passage would be strictly controlled, and Fuma would further strengthen his guard.

At that time, if you want to enter the main building again, it will be very difficult to kill Fuma quietly.

Fortunately, Long Zhan is a professional blasting expert, playing with bombs is one of his best jobs.

The PMD-6 anti-personnel mine was easily disassembled, and a little tampering was made inside to make it look like it was too long in production to cause a malfunction and fail to detonate.

In this way, it is easy to cover the wooden board, and you don't have to worry about it will explode if you just put it on.

In the next few days, continue to sneak in and eavesdrop, and you don't need to move the wooden board carefully every time, just step on it with your big feet.

When Long Zhan and Dennis came out while recovering and saw the sun again.

The sky is already hazy!
Long Zhan and Dennis hurriedly walked and ran, and finally returned to the observation room before the guards went up to the roof of the main building at dawn.

Mi Tai was impatient after waiting all night, and when he saw the two of them coming back, he immediately came up to ask.

Dennis was in charge of conducting intelligence docking with him, and told him the tunnel they had discovered to enter the Hongshang Gang base, as well as some other information.

For example, the guards and sentries in the main building change every three hours at night.

During the daytime, Mitai observed that the guards changed every four hours on average, and the security at night was significantly stricter than that during the day.

For example, the guards will be on alert for a period of time, they will not fall asleep anyway.

Occasionally they would shine a flashlight around while talking quietly about something, then they would quiet down a bit and the conversation would disappear entirely.

As for whether he is taking a nap or working.

This requires further follow-up.

A few minutes before their turn, they would become active again and start walking around the neighborhood with their flashlights on for a while.

Neither the guards nor the sentries had walkie-talkies or radios, and talking seemed to be their only form of communication.


Dennis told Mi Tai all the information, and while Mi Tai marveled at the audacity and arrogance of the two, he also had to accept Fuma as a crafty and cunning man.

On the surface, it is to build a cement road, but in fact it is to expand the tunnel.

Mitai really didn't expect that!
After receiving feedback from Dennis, Mitai also reported his results last night——

That is, there is nothing new, everything is the same as before.

Long Zhan saw that Mi Tai seemed to be in high spirits, without the fatigue caused by staying up all night. He suspected that this guy hadn't been following him at all last night, and had been sleeping soundly.

I didn't look at it at all. Where did the new situation come from?
On second thought.

Long Zhan was relieved again.

Isn't it the same for the hired people to work?Be lazy and play tricks at every opportunity.

Therefore, Long Zhan didn't expose Dennis, and hinted that Mitai had to keep an eye on him during the day, and he and Dennis still had actions at night, so they needed to rest and recharge their batteries, so they found a corner to lean against and began to rest.

I slept comfortably for a few hours in the morning, ate something to fill my stomach at noon, and squatted by the window in the afternoon for a look.

Taking advantage of the last light in the evening, I opened my backpack and finished the dinner.

A day passed like this.

Fortunately, on the way to the block, Long Zhan and Dennis witnessed the battle between USEC and BEAR, and licked a wave of fat boxes.

When exchanging goods at the trading station, the straw head did not collect the food and drink in the dragon battle bag.

Even if Long Zhan and Dennis didn't make special preparations, the food in the bag was enough for them to eat for two or three days without having to watch Mi Tai eat and drool.

The work at night is still the same, and I continue to touch the "eavesdropping situation" in the old lair of the Hongshang Gang.

Another night passed.

Long Zhan and Dennis returned to the observation room to join Mitai again before dawn.

After staying here for two consecutive days, Mi Tai couldn't participate in Dragon War and Dennis's "Late Night Adventure", so he could only sit by the window with nothing to do.

He's starting to get bored.

In addition to the wine he had brought, he had to drink it every morning when he woke up and when he went to bed, but he had already drunk it when he went to bed last night.

So this real murderer has lost interest in staying here.

Boringly asked: "Are you really thinking about how to work? Go out and work all night every night, and I haven't seen any trouble from you."

"This is our job, work? The boss's other group of people will do it. We don't need us. Our job is to collect enough intelligence. As for when to act, it probably depends on my boss' mood."

Dennis continued to play the predator brand, talking nonsense with his eyes open without even jumping his eyelids.

Mitai thought that Foma's men would never come out to inspect the surrounding houses at all, and they could stay here as long as they wanted.

And the mysterious predator sent a group of masters to kill his most hated Foma.

In order to see Fuma die in front of my eyes, and to get rid of the obsession in my heart, I don't seem to feel so uncomfortable without drinking or anything.

Mi Tai sighed and said, "Okay, then I'll wait another day.

If your boss hasn't acted after one day, then I have to leave this place temporarily, and it's uncertain when I'll come back. "

Mi Tai just wanted to wait for the last day, so why not Long Zhan.

The time of the dragon battle can be much more urgent than him, and there is still a Terra box waiting for him to find it.

(End of this chapter)

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