The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1035 An Unusual Safe House

Chapter 1035 An Unusual Safe House

Long Zhan guessed that the kennel was on the lower floors of the building, and there was only a very small probability that it was on the upper floors.

So how do you find a kennel?
This is a big problem!

First of all, it will definitely not be in Foma's own apartment. The safe house is in the same place as the house where he usually lives, which is the same as having no safe house.

It can't be in the basement either. There are too many tunnels and tunnels under this building, and there are too few places that can be used to build basements.

Moreover, there are traps in many places in the tunnel, and an explosion is likely to cause the basement to collapse.

If Fuma encounters an attack and runs into the safe house, it is very likely that the final result will be life in but life out. A cautious and timid person like Fuma cannot put himself in a dangerous place.

Long Zhan had to think carefully about the requirements for a shelter that fit Fuma's temperament.

First of all, it must be better to protect.

Therefore, there cannot be even a single window.

And based on Long Zhan's personal experience, there are usually no visible guard posts near the safe house, so as not to attract the attention of attackers.

With all these information combined, the possibility of a safe house is too high.

After the robbers on shift passed by, Long Zhan and Dennis slipped out.

There were footsteps again.

The door was intact and locked, obviously not easy to get in.

Skip the second room directly.

Long Zhan and Dennis immediately remained still without making any sound, waiting for the guards to pass by the door until the building gradually fell silent again.

At least Long Zhan thinks so.

Long Zhan doesn't need to go as high as the fourth floor. He only needs to thoroughly check the two lower floors. The backup nest must be on the second or third floor.

Long Zhan was not in a hurry to go in.

Coming out of the vacant room, Long Zhan and Dennis continued to search forward, carefully searching one by one, and then came to the second room next door.

Because as long as a window is opened, it is equivalent to a breach in the safe house.

After entering the house and closing the door, the two began to recall the information they had collected.

That could be a gun nest!
With Long Zhan's rich knowledge of military science, it is enough to realize this point. There are passages between buildings, and this position can hold it.

So it took only a short time for Long Zhan to have photos taken from all angles of the building.

After reviewing the photos...

Therefore, the roof of the safe house will not be very high, at most it will be on the second or third floor, it will not be higher, and Fuma will not grow wings.

The door of the first house on the left upstairs was locked, and Long Zhan judged that it was empty.

If these two conditions are the basis, the location of the shelter will be much easier to judge.

But the door of the apartment directly opposite is a thick metal door, and the windows have been bricked to death.

The location of the safe house may be at the back of the building.

Long Zhan turned on the thermal fusion night vision device, and he could see the garbage left on the stairs by the members of the Merchant Gang, a large number of cigarette butts and scraps of paper, etc.

Long Zhan gestured to Dennis with his lips, expressing his guess.

Not to mention throwing projectiles at close range, even from the street next door, you have a chance to throw things in, let alone grenade launchers or something.

After coming out, close the door and quietly prepare to go upstairs.

Because I put my finger under the locked door, I can feel the breeze blowing over, which means that the apartment is very empty, and the windows are gone, so the wind can blow outside the door.

It may be the area where the successor went just now.

Dennis had to believe it!
The problem of where the safe house is has been solved, and the next problem is how to get in.

Thinking room.

But on the other side, there is no such thing, just a fence two meters high.

Long Zhan thought of a possible solution, hid in a corner, took out his mobile phone, held it out with his hand and took pictures from various angles.

In this way, even if the younger brothers can't deal with the enemy, all the stairs down are blocked by the enemy, and when Foma has to escape from the safe house, he can still choose to jump down.

It must be possible to quickly enter to avoid risks, and also to quickly evacuate when needed.

There is not a single complete window on the fourth floor, but there are sandbags on the windowsill of the corner room on the third floor, and what does this tell Long Zhan?

Long Zhan and Dennis came to the third floor and glanced up from the stairwell. In Ye Siyi's camera, a faint light could be seen on the fourth floor.

They even stepped on a small path here, and a small floor was sunken in the middle of the stairs.

But he found a new cigarette butt at the door!
Even the position of the cigarette holder was still a little wet, obviously it was still in someone else's mouth just now, which proved that there was a high probability that there were people from the Hongshang Gang living in this apartment.

Anyone who ventured behind the fence was vulnerable to being shot by the man on the roof.

Second, it needs to be fast enough.

So where is there no sentry?

Long Zhan didn't know, Dennis didn't know, the two could only investigate one by one based on these points.

Long Zhan took out a small crowbar from his bag, pried open the door and Dennis walked in.

Without relevant information, Long Zhan had to assume that behind these locked apartment doors was Fuma's most trusted bodyguard.

But no one said that there must be a fixed staircase to get down from upstairs. A very ordinary rope can easily do it.

Near the two sides of the stairs at the central entrance and exit, it only leads to two sides, and it will inevitably be killed by the attacker. First, it must be passed from the selection.

Dennis responded directly, nodding in agreement.

Long Zhan came to find the secret safe house, not to sneak attack and kill people.

The third apartment on the right is still empty, nothing of note.

It was the group of guards who had been taken over and were returning to go back to rest.

Long Zhan's guess is not too outrageous, the situation is similar to his guess.

There were fourteen apartments on this floor, many of which had been punched out, a gap made in the wall so that one could walk between two apartments.

The door is a very safe metal door. Even the windows facing the corridor are blocked with cement bricks. There are 24-hour hidden guards in the apartment opposite the door...

"Here it is, Foma's refuge."

The lower stairs at the outer entrance have collapsed, making it impossible for the enemy to attack from there.

It is even suspected that they are stationed full-time for a long time and will not change shifts as frequently as other guards.

And there are people who prepare food and water for them, they don't need to be vigilant all the time, they just need to stay in the room.

Obviously, they will have a secret signal, and only when they hear it will they open the door and meet their protection target.

If an enemy wants to forcibly break through the metal door, they will rush out with guns at the first time, or open the hidden shooting point on the back door of the wall to deal a devastating blow to the enemies outside.

(End of this chapter)

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