The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1042 The Choice of Heir Kaban

Mosor went on.

"I helped a few people up, and I asked them to take up guns to guard, so that they could effectively prevent the enemy from breaking in from the street.

Then, I divided the brothers into three groups, and sent five people to the street, six people to go upstairs to investigate, and four people to enter the tunnel to investigate, but none of them found a living person.

It was as if the enemies of the attack were invisible ghosts who came in to do their mischief and then disappeared into the darkness. "

"That's it?" Caban was very dissatisfied.

"Well, yes, the brothers did not see anyone or hear other sounds. It is night and the underground is very quiet."

"It's impossible to leave no trace, even if it's really a ghost, I'll catch it out."

Caban stood up from his seat, waved his hand and said, "Come on, show me all the places, I will find them out, Fuma can't just die like this, someone has to pay the price."

Half an hour later!
Caban checked all the explosion and battle scenes, and found no new clues at the scene, only blood, clothes and weapons that were blown to pieces, and a long row of corpses dragged out and placed in front of the building.

"How many people died?" Caban asked coldly.

He is in charge of the business outside the gang, so he spends little time in the gang lair.

"So, there are two people?" Caban guessed.

Only Caban and Lorik sat down, and the others either stood vigilantly by the window, or surrounded the corridor outside the door for three layers.

"Could it be... people from the Predator Organization did it?"

Lorik shrugged helplessly, and continued: "They must know where the shelter is, and they went in and waited for Foma there.


"The triggering of the channel landmine is by no means an accident. It must have been tampered with. It was designed by me. I know it better than anyone else. If outsiders want to come in, there is only one way to disassemble it. This method is one People can't do it." Loric was confident.

After that everything is easy.

Caban was so angry that his voice was like the growl of a wounded beast.

And they didn't come here to kill casually, they were obviously here for Fuma.

After the extreme anger passed, Caban also realized that the "guests" who made the killing were unusual, they were definitely a whole team of ruthless and professional killers.

Caban picked up the bullets he picked up in the safe house, and took out the bullets Dennis had given him from his pocket, holding one in each hand for comparison.

"The predator killed him in his bed, in a closed room with doors, windows, everything closed, there was another person in the house, and he didn't even see anything, just moved After a moment, the predator put the gun barrel to the back of his head and warned him in a low voice not to do stupid things. Under such circumstances, do you dare to move?"

Seeing the warhead in Lorik's hand, Caban took out something from his pocket without any surprise and said, "I have this too."

Caban noticed Lorik, and in order to let him understand what happened as soon as possible, he took him to survey the scene and explained.

This is so weird!

Turns out you've seen it, where is Foma now?Do you want to be the second Foma? "

As he spoke, Lorik took out a handful of seven or eight warheads that had been deformed by impact, and there were traces of blue paint on the warheads.

Filling up the gun at close range, leaving no one alive, professional handling methods, these bastards..."

Caban looked into the house, and his expression was much uglier than Lorrick's.

The corpses of Foma and several confidantes, even though they had been turned into pieces of meat, were all brought out and laid out on a plastic sheeting pad.

Caban tossed the hot bullet in his palm, and said with an uncertain face, "Do you remember Kirika?"

Lorik, who was still furious just now, couldn't help but start to feel agitated after such a period of discussion and analysis.

"Well, of course, a dishonest thief." Lorick replied.

We went to see him after the explosion, but he was gone. The rope was cut with a knife. Someone must have seen him and rescued him and took him away. "

"Someone gave it to me as a reminder that his boss will go to Foma, and now it seems that... this time they did it."

"So many dead? Tmd, what a bastard."

"What now?"

"Fuma's head was knocked out, more than one shot was fired in the face, and the bomb was also spread to the back, and the lower body was almost blown up. These guys are really cruel." Caban's voice trembled.

"Probably more than two, there must be people on the street, and there are people in the building. There are also one or two whores, who arrogantly regard this place as their home. They have been sleeping and eating in the main building for several days. There are crumbs and traces of sleeping in the authentic sandbags." Lorik said angrily.

Caban waved his hand, and said with an ugly face: "Do you think Foma is stupider than you? That's what he planned to do, and he even made a request to take the opportunity to blackmail them.

In the deepest part of his family base camp, under the protection of hundreds of younger brothers, the boss was actually killed, and no one saw the murderer from the beginning to the end, because everyone who saw the murderer was killed.

"Where did you know that?" Caban asked curiously.

"I picked these up off the ground, there were a lot of them, some of them went straight through, that's why they were so crumpled up, and I checked the casings, and the casing markings are the same everywhere."

"The people in the building didn't see the 'guests', nor did they see them in the tunnel, so do you think they might still be somewhere in the building, and they haven't left yet?" Loric guessed boldly.

In addition to moving them down from the third floor, no one wants to touch these corpses when they come here.

The horror brought by the ghost killer has covered the entire Hongshang Gang.

"Are there any survivors?" Lorrick asked.


Caban couldn't care about anything else, and immediately sent someone to notify Lorik.

Caban shook his head and said, "Ronnie's men wanted to punish a guy, so they buried him in the flowerbed over there, chest deep, with only his head sticking out.

"How the hell do I know, no one has ever seen him, just a guy called Predator, we don't know where he hangs out, who he's working for or a gang, he never shows up, but as long as he messes with He sends greetings like this to anyone who sees him."

Bringing the complete bullet with the blue bullet, Lorik squinted his eyes and asked, "Where did you get it?"

Lorik hurried back, confused and puzzled from head to toe.

If the predators can kill Foma silently, they can kill anyone in the Merchant Gang.

He is also the person Foma trusts the most, and his status in the gang is similar to that of a military adviser or chief of staff, and he can be called the most intelligent person in the Merchant Gang.

Lorik was furious when he heard the words, jumped up from the stool and shouted: "Since we know who did it, what are we waiting for? Get rid of him quickly,"

Lorrick's arrogant arrogance dissipated in a second, he sat down, and said angrily, "Then what kind of fucking guys are they?"

Strictly speaking, corpses!
"It's difficult." Lorrick sighed.

Caban smiled bitterly, his face changed, and he said with difficulty: "There is no one alive outside the third-floor shelter where the two sides are fighting."

"Survivor? As far as I know..."

Don't say it happened to you, even if you tell it, no one will believe it.

"I do not think so."

"sit down!"

They waited in the shelter, waiting for Foma to deliver them to the door, and then killed all the survivors, and even shot the dead ones a few times.

"This man's nerves must be iron, isn't he afraid of being seen?" Caban was dumbfounded.

Such a strange, powerful and professional enemy, no one wants to be targeted by them.

After about 20 minutes, the two returned to a room with a full set of sofas.

Including him - Caban!
Thinking of the conflict between the Merchant Gang and the predators, and the fact that he was the one who recounted the extortionate conditions himself, he was probably also remembered.

Both were hand-reloaded blue-headed bullets, and the only one who had recently become enemies was the mysterious predator. The summed up answer made Caban's back suddenly shudder.

"I probably know the basics already. One thing is certain, this crime was not committed by one person." Lorrick was the first to break the calm.

"It appears they did leave."

They also knew that if anything happened, Foma would be taken there.

"A total of 25, including Foma, and more than a dozen wounded brothers. These are just some of them." Mosor's face turned pale abnormally, and the attack cast a great shadow on him.

"I have to admit that they are very powerful, by no means ordinary shooters."

After about two hours.

"Hmm...probably, no..." Lorick smiled wryly.

"The child didn't dare to move, and then the predator disappeared like a ghost, which is the same as Foma's death, so what should I do now?" Caban looked sad.


Lorrick didn't want to say this very much, but he had no choice but to make a suggestion: "Looking at the current situation, maybe you should talk to his messenger, otherwise..."

Lorik didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but Caban already understood what he meant.

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