The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1045 Officially accepting younger brothers

Olig searched inside for a few seconds, and took out a stack of cards with various numbers and colors.

He took out the red one as a sample, and introduced to Long Zhan: "The B34-776-11 on it represents all the information of my team.

The last number 1 is the number of our team, indicating that we are the first team of the life support service system, and the penultimate 1 refers to the type of support system, including water, air and electricity. "

"What about the letters?" Long Zhan asked.

"No one has explained it to us. I think the letters indicate the type and sequence of the facility. B refers to the second type of facility. The number is the serial number. I'm not sure about the rest. I'm very sorry." Olig spread his hands.

"alright, I got it."

Long Zhan finished asking what he wanted to ask, and gave Dennis a look to let Dennis take the baton.

Dennis understood the meaning, and asked straight to the point: "Do you have any ideas about your future survival? Tarkov is a complete mess. I think you have already understood this. How to survive is your primary problem."

"I see."

The former Terra technician nodded and said sadly: "I...I don't know, as far as I know, there is no point in going home, right? This place has been completely forgotten by the world.

I'm curious, there are no shops or restaurants here, so where do you get your food from? "

"Everyone is different."

Long Zhan grinned and showed two rows of white teeth. He pointed at Dennis and joked, "He makes money by running errands for others. Of course, sometimes he also kills people part-time."

Pointing to Mi Tai again, he said, "He's a murderer, the one who is really wanted. Before the chaos in the city, he had already killed 6 people. I should be able to guess what he lives on."

Mi Tai raised his eyebrows, and the expression on his face was integrated into one sentence - Long Zhan was right.

"As for me..."

Long Zhan narrowed his eyes and laughed, and said evilly in his smile: "I have ten thousand ways to live, so you won't doubt it, right!"


Seeing that Long Zhanna was too strong, Olig couldn't help swallowing, and replied with some fear: "Of course I won't, sir."

"very good."

Long Zhan changed his posture and changed his face for a second, put away the smile on his face and asked seriously: "Olig, do you think you can survive by taking up arms and killing people?"

"Impossible... In the shooting range, I can only hit two out of ten shots." Olig said with a sad smile.

"Have you ever shot at a shooting range? Have you ever been a soldier?" Dennis asked curiously.

"No, I haven't served in the military." Olig shook his head.

"Ah? This..."

Dennis was disappointed.

The body looks like a thin monkey, and he can't pick up a gun to shoot, which is almost useless in battle. Dennis thinks that if Olig joins the team, it will be a complete burden to the team.

Although Dennis would not be proud to think that he is a great expert.

But at any rate, he can shoot, perineum, kill, lay booby traps, and knows how to protect himself from being killed by others. He is a qualified sixth child.

But what about Olig?
What should we do with him?
"Did you only ever work in that facility?" Mitai asked first.

"No, of course not!"

"The company has a lot of these facilities in town, and we get a new card from the office every time," Olig explained after denying it.

Get in the car, leave, work at the destination, get in the car after work, and return to the company to hand in the card. You will never get cards from two different places at once. "

"How many teams do you have in total? What are the categories?" Long Zhan asked.

Long Zhan wanted to know how many branch facilities Terra Company had, and it would be better if he could know which ones in detail, which would help him find Terra boxes.

"I can't give you accurate information. The company is very strict in this regard."

As Olig said, he flipped through Foma's bag again, and put a card similar to the previous one in front of Long Zhan, with the numbers on the card on top——


He continued: "In the same facility, the last 23 means the third logistics team.

If you have such a card and you happen to find the door of the warehouse, you will be able to open the door of the warehouse, and then maybe find food.

I'm guessing there are other numbered keys, it's discouraging that I've never seen a number higher than 3, and hardly any other teams. "

"Life support system, logistics warehouse, do you know other areas? For example, laboratories, research and development centers, and advanced storage rooms, have you led a team there?" Long Zhan said in a cliché.

"There are none of these. I only know that there is a communication team, and there must be someone responsible for the defense system, but I don't know anything about these places. I just heard about them and have not been sent to check these systems."

Perhaps in order to reflect the value, Olig added another sentence after speaking: "However, I have been to many places, maybe their name is a laboratory or something, but no one told us that's all, if I can go again Once, I'm sure I'll recognize it."

To be honest, what Olig said earlier is not of high value.

At least Long Zhan didn't think much about keeping him.

But as soon as the following words came out, Olig's value was completely different, and it perfectly hit the needs of Long Zhan.

If Long Zhan wants to find the Terra box, he is destined to sneak into a large number of Terra Corporation's facilities.

With a person around who understands these facilities and is familiar with the internal structure and devices of the facilities, when looking for Terra boxes, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

This means that Olig is very useful to Long Zhan, and there is no need to send such a precious talent to hell so early.

"Come here, both of you."

Long Zhan got up to greet Mi Tai and Dennis, and led them to the door away from Olig, discussing: "I have an idea here, let him live for a while longer.

His information has been very useful to me, and I have a lot of questions to ask him, which may come in handy in the future.

Both of you are inconvenient, so let him come and follow me 24 hours a day, I can make sure he keeps his mouth shut, and I will crush him if he messes up. "

"it's a pity!"

Long Zhan talked and took the initiative to protect him, Mi Tai could only sigh and put away his ready to kill.

Mi Tai really wanted to kill Ollie!
The best way to block a person's mouth is to kill him, so that he has no chance to speak again. This has been the case since ancient times.

"Okay! Just do as you said." Dennis was more straightforward.

Long Zhan got the consent of his two companions, returned to the room, walked back to Olig and said: "Congratulations, you have won the chance to live.

So, in the next time, without me asking you, please follow me quietly, and you can't get out of my sight for 24 hours.

If you say one more word, I will cut off your tongue in half a second, and if you dare to run around, I will cut off your legs in three seconds. "

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