The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 105 Challenge Impossible!

Chapter 105 Challenge Impossible! (seeking monthly ticket recommendation ticket)
The SERE assessment corresponds to the four elements of survival, evasion, resistance, and escape. In summary, there are two directions: passive and active.

Because each newcomer has received both psychological and physical torture before the "interrogation".

And in this era of all science, scientific training has long been the foundation.

The green team's SERE has a lot of data to rely on, as well as various research results related to human life sciences. It can completely squeeze the newcomers to the limit of their bodies without any training accidents.

As a result, after the newcomers were tortured, their bodies and energy were exhausted so badly that they had no energy to actively resist.

Therefore, when faced with the green team version of "SERE", newcomers basically can only choose to be passive.

Relying on the last remaining willpower, stick to the last line of defense in my heart, and hold on until the end of the SERE assessment.

But Dragon War is different!
The recovery ability of the body is far superior to that of ordinary people. Although it will also be severely depleted in the face of various tortures, it is not enough to make him completely lose the ability to fight back.

Become like Brian and Clay, completely without any strength to resist.

Relying on the ability to recover beyond the green team's database, Long Zhan also has the capital to go the other way.

And Long Zhan's unusually strong and tall body just happened to cover up his difference from ordinary people, so that he would not be really regarded as a freak.

Since he decided to take the path of taking the initiative to fight back, he did not pass the final test by enduring all kinds of life-and-death torture.

Instead, escape from this basement to pass the level through various means of survival.

The first thing that Long Zhan must do first is to find a way to obtain all the information here, and find a way to collect all available resources.

Faced with the failure of this first counterattack, Long Zhan was not disappointed, although regretful.

Why did the members of the green team support so quickly, where is the basement located in the base, what kind of defense is there outside the basement, etc.

Long Zhan was brought in with his head covered at the beginning, and he doesn't know these things now.

He knew very well that only by resisting again and again and triggering the alarm system in the basement again and again could he collect enough useful information.

Then use the large amount of information collected here to find the path to ultimate success.

Long Zhan, who was tied to the chair, failed this time, and it was actually very successful for him.

Even the harvest was better than expected.

Because during the short fight just now, the few small moves he made sneakily under the eyes of the tall instructor were enough for him to complete the next second or even third "active counterattack".

The tall instructor didn't know about Long Zhan's plan, let alone that there was a rookie who "wanted to turn the world upside down".

In a vain attempt to break the record of no newcomer escaping from here to pass the customs in the final SERE assessment in the decades since the Green Team was established.

He thought Long Zhan's resistance this time was just a random incident.

This has happened before.

After all, being locked in a small dark room and arguing all night with a sound that can shake the ears to numb, is a person who has a little temper.

Human nature is completely understandable.

As for why Long Zhan was tortured for so long, he was able to "counterattack" vigorously, and even knocked out two sparring partners at once.

The tall instructor looked at Long Zhan's "huggy back" and exercised regularly to maintain a perfect figure.

He has his own opinion!

Anyway, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. To consume the energy and physical strength of a big man, it will definitely take more time than ordinary people.

Although this is a little tricky, the tall instructor doesn't care much.

He also believed that as the torture continued, he would definitely turn into a dead fish the next time he saw Long Zhan, and it would be impossible for him to have any strength to resist.

Even leaving Long Zhan there alone, the tall instructor didn't think Long Zhan could go out by himself.

He has been in charge of special training for more than 5 years, and he is very familiar with every link. He knows exactly what kind of physical condition a newcomer will have at each stage.

No matter how healthy the newcomer is, he will turn into a pickle in two days.

After Long Zhan was tied up firmly after the interrogation, the tall instructor came to Long Zhan, looked up and down and started the formal interrogation.

"Where do you come from? What is your identity? Do you have any other accomplices? What are you going to do? If you want to go back and enjoy the wine and beauties, just tell me all these obedient things."

The tall instructor used inductive interrogation, which is also a relatively common interrogation method.


Infinite loop.

This is the whole closed loop of SERE!
And if the students cooperate with the answer, it means that the assessment failed, and then you can really enjoy the beauties and wine.

You will also be disqualified accordingly.

Qualifications to enter DG to become a first-level combatant.

Long Zhan knew the rules of the assessment very well, so he chose to keep silent, not saying a word was the safest way, and at the same time, he could spare time to shoot around with his peripheral vision.

See if you can gather more useful information during this interrogation.

Can you deal with it by keeping silent?
Of course not!

This is a simulated scene after being captured. What kind of means the enemy will treat the prisoners can be used in this assessment.

So ever.

There was a bang.

Long Zhan received a punch in the abdomen, which came from the sparring partner standing beside him.

It's a pity that Long Zhan's big man was not born in vain. This punch on him can't be said to be useless, it can only be said to be more comfortable than a massage.

After being locked in the cage for a whole day, the muscles were stiff, but they became more active after absorbing the strength of the fist.

Long Zhan is like giving someone a massage, and it becomes more comfortable.

"Hey man, have you not eaten? Limp like a pussy, no, you are not even a pussy, at least pussy can make me feel good."

Long Zhan deliberately used harsh language to provoke the partner who punched him.

In the interrogation of this kind of psychological game, whether it is the interrogator or the interrogated, whichever loses its mind first will fall into a passive position.

As a "super expert in extracurricular reading", Long Zhan has also dabbled in psychology.

He knows how to deal with this situation in order to create a situation that is most beneficial to him.

(End of this chapter)

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