The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1050 Strong Rivals

Chapter 1050 Strong Rivals
There is a fence in the middle, and it needs to be climbed in the past, and it is too dangerous to touch.

The collapsed wall in front of the robber was a brick-concrete structure, and it would be impossible to shoot him to death, even if the straight-line distance between the two sides was only seven or eight meters.

"Looks like this is the only way to go!"

Long Zhan was a bit reluctant, after all, there were only a few of them, but he still had to take them out.

An oval iron lump—

F1 "Lemon" Grenade!
Although this thing has a rough shell process, a large weight of 600 grams, and an extremely unstable trigger time of between 3 and 5 seconds UZRG fuze, it was laughed at by people back then as a shoddy thing.

However, the large volume of 60 grams of TNT and the additional fragments from the explosion and shattering of the metal shell give it a good ability to kill people.

Long Zhan hadn't even thrown the grenade yet, he didn't expect the other side to strike first, and a black lump flew over in his field of vision.

Without waiting for this black lump to fall to the ground, Long Zhan recognized it as a grenade.

The brain quickly predicted the landing point of the grenade, ran two steps in the opposite direction, and added a diving dive, which just pressed Gorky to the ground.

Gorky seemed to understand it, but he didn't seem to understand it, so he nodded to express acceptance.

Long Zhan "cruelly" threw the second grenade.

Fortunately, there was no pain, and Long Zhan escaped.

5 meters...

"Guys, I'm very sorry, you are not the only ones with grenades, you bomb me once, I bomb you once, it's fair."

There was a person lying beside the flashlight, and there was no movement.

To know……

There was a hole in the ground!
"Good guy, fortunately I run fast, otherwise I'm going to accompany Hades right now."

The outside is not an ordinary SCAV, one is already very dangerous, let alone a team.

As the owner of this flashlight, he was probably the first vanguard in the team, and he was hit the hardest because of this.

If you want to be ruthless, you will be ruthless to the end, and no one will be left alive.

Long Zhan stretched out his right hand decisively, and threw the first grenade into the room.

1 meters...

As long as Long Zhan keeps quiet here and creates a sign that he has been killed or stunned by the bomb, the other party will definitely come to check on the scene.

The light beam shines in the room for a few seconds, the window is narrow and the viewing angle is limited.

After Long Zhan let him go, he got up and cautiously retreated to the corner. Duliu Long Zhan was alone by the door, continuing to peep and monitor the bombed room.

3 meters...

Except for the wind outside, and the cans rolling on the ground.

Hearing the slight sound of footsteps coming from outside, Long Zhan pulled off the safety pin of the F1 grenade in his hand.

Gorky didn't know that Long Zhan was playing tricks, and he moaned and wanted to get up and do something.


The humming sound kept echoing in Long Zhan's ears, and there were dots of flashes hovering in front of his eyes.

despite this.

The tactical flashlight beam under the night vision goggles has exceptionally high lumens.

While Long Zhan was secretly thankful, he finally became serious now, because through this grenade, he knew that the other party was not an ordinary person.

Use the index finger of the left hand to pull the ring to fit, release the safety pin and hold it in the right hand for standby.

The head exploded, white and red flew everywhere.

"Let's go, let's go together."

The flashlight from the previous Bright Blind Dragon Night Vision Goggle now shone uselessly against the wall on the right, bringing limited light into the room.

There are lights!

Then, with the free right hand, he took out the second grenade from the chest pocket, an impact fuze grenade that explodes when it hits an object when thrown.

There was no movement, no noise, and the world suddenly became quiet.

Attracting the enemy from behind the bunker and taking the initiative to walk in front of you is obviously much better than you taking the initiative to grab him out.

Perhaps affected by the gunshots, a black figure on the left began to try to stand up, holding on to the gun while leaning on the wall for strength.

But as soon as he moved, he was suppressed by Long Zhan again, and his mouth was covered, and Long Zhan's words came from his ears simultaneously, telling him to stay still and not move.

"Since I'm a master, I'll do whatever I can and catch them off guard."

The rustle of cobblestones was gone, replaced by the creak of fine sand stepping on the concrete floor, which indicated that people from outside had come in.

Hiding behind the wall in the next room, listening to the footsteps coming from here.

Long Zhan used his on-the-spot adaptability to the limit, realized that the enemy was strong, decisively gave up the plan just now, and adopted a new strategy.

300 Jin weighed on his body, making him unable to move.

For the sake of safety, Long Zhan still pulled the trigger decisively, and sent a 12-gauge shotgun to the head of the person lying face down on the ground.

1 minutes passed...


The first time Long Zhan saw the light beam, he retracted his head to avoid being discovered by outsiders, but he was almost blinded by the light.

The second explosion sounded.

Houses shook and smoke billowed.

Before the dust from the explosion fell from the sky, Long Zhan appeared at the door with a spray gun.

When Long Zhan heard the voice of the password coming from outside, his heart shuddered and he secretly rejoiced that he hadn't acted rashly, otherwise the ship might capsize in the gutter.

Obviously this guy wants to survive and doesn't want to get his head blown off like his companion.

The guy on the opposite side responded quickly, and his ability to find points was also very accurate.

It is impossible to do without professional training.

The heart-piercing screams stopped immediately, and the foul-mouthed Sukabret became more intensive, accompanied by painful groans.

Long Zhan and Gorky remained silent, pretending that there were no living people here.

Shock fuze grenade sneak attack is absolutely perfect. If it is thrown without delay, it will explode when it hits, so that the sneak attack has no reaction time at all.


2 minutes passed...

Fortunately, the high-end night vision device has its own protection program, and when it encounters a sudden strong light, it is adjusted in time, and Long Zhan may be flashed for a few tenths of a second.

Accompanied by the screams of being bombed, scolding, screaming, and an extremely chaotic horror party.

A bright beam of bright lights slides across the eyepiece of the night vision goggles.


Too bad he thinks too much.

Holding his head dizzy from the shock, Long Zhan got up and looked towards the room he had just escaped from, and found that the grenade landed where he had just stayed.

This guy has been hiding behind the next wall, but he didn't expect Long Zhan to rush back suddenly, and was crushed firmly.

The grenade then exploded.

There is finally a situation!

The opponent threw a grenade first, and it exploded precisely at the designated location.

He had just climbed halfway, and with a bang, the skin and flesh on the left side of his face disappeared, and he stood halfway up, froze as if he had been stabbed.


Stiff and fell to the ground.

Long Zhan managed two in a row in a year, but he didn't close his gun. Instead, his face became a little more serious, and his eyes quickly scanned the entire room like an eagle.

(End of this chapter)

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