The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 107 The Mudslide of the DG Green Team - Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 107 The Mudslide of the DG Green Team - Pretending to be Dead
The escaped "big baby" has been cast successfully, just like Thor has his Thor's hammer, but Long Zhan didn't start to act immediately.

He needs to wait for an opportunity.

One has at least a 50% chance of escaping from the basement.

The 70% chance can exceed the first escape, at least go out from the door of the outside room, and know the opportunity of what is going on outside the basement.

Long Zhan didn't wait too long, and this opportunity came soon.

Another three hours passed.

With blood bleeding from the corners of Clay's nose and mouth, he was dragged in like a dead fish by two sparring partners, and thrown into the cage very roughly.

Among the 11 newcomers who entered the final stage, only the last Brian was left.

The first interrogation has come to an end. Except for the remaining Brian, the other 10 newcomers have been repaired one by one.

Now they are lying in the iron cage one by one like mud, no different from old men who are terminally ill.

Is such a person still a threat?
Obviously not!
At least under normal circumstances, even if each of these newcomers has outstanding abilities, it is impossible for them to have the ability to threaten the training partners who are DG special forces.

Therefore, the vigilance of the two sparring partners who came in has obviously dropped significantly.

Even if something happened at the beginning of the game, and the two sparring partners were beaten into the infirmary by Long Zhan, the two sparring partners didn't feel any threat.

Except for a glance when he came in at the beginning, he didn't even glance at Long Zhan afterwards.

The steel bars of the iron cage were as thick as fingers, and without the keys they carried to open it, the two firmly believed that even if they gave Long Zhan wings, it would be impossible to fly out of it.

In this absolutely safe situation, the two sparring partners felt that if they were still nervous.

Then no one would praise them for their seriousness in their work. They would only think that he was too timid, and that he would lose face as a full member of the green team.

Therefore, the two sparring partners who dragged Clay in did not take any precautionary actions.

After putting Clay in his exclusive iron cage and relocking the lock, he then opened Brian's iron cage, preparing to take Brian out for interrogation.


Just when the two of them bent down and stretched out a hand into the iron cage, and were about to pull Brian out of the cage, something unexpected happened in their dreams.


Suddenly there was a strange sound behind him, but the sound was not very loud.

"what's the situation?"

Due to the lack of vigilance at the root, the two sparring partners didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, but they just instinctively felt a little surprised.

All the new students have turned into dead fish, why is there still noise in the iron cage?

With this doubt that was not taken seriously, the two sparring partners did not turn their heads to check immediately, but chose to drag Bryan out first.

Thinking that it's not a big deal anyway, it's not a big deal to be slow for two seconds.

But this short two seconds is completely enough for Long Zhan.

Long Zhan, who opened the door of the iron cage with a self-made key, rushed out like a tiger out of the cage, and immediately rushed behind the two sparring partners.

A hand knife with moderate strength in the left hand accurately cut on the neck of the training partner on the left.

The palm force conducts along the vagus nerve on the side of the neck, enters the life center, causes a strong shock of the medulla oblongata, and forcibly activates the body's self-protection function.

The sparring partner on the left didn't even hum, his body went limp and he fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Compared with temporarily blocking the carotid artery with palm force, causing a transient blood supply to the brain and causing coma, hitting the vagus nerve for coma is more difficult, but it has little impact on the brain.

After all, this is just an "assessment", and Long Zhan can't really cripple his future teammates.

The sparring partner on the left was easily dealt with, and the moment Long Zhan clenched his right hand to gather strength and put on a punching posture, he was about to knock the sparring partner on the right to the ground together.

The sparring partner on the right, who had already turned his head around, saw that his teammates were overwhelmed so quickly.

Immediately, at an extremely fast speed, he raised his hands high.

He kept saying: "No no no..."

Long Zhan didn't know what kind of tricks this sparring partner was playing, and was secretly thinking about whether to put him on the ground as well, or just do something else.

"I... I'm dead, you succeeded in sneak attack, you don't need to do anything, I will do it myself."

The sparring partner on the right was talking and cooperating with actions, his body tilted and fell to the ground in a funny way, and he also gave a thumbs up like Long Zhan.

It seems to be admiring Long Zhan's "good means of escape", and it seems to be flattering Long Zhan.

Use actions to strongly imply: "Dude, I'm already so exciting to death, don't do it again, my old bones can't withstand your fist."

Seeing this familiar picture of pretending to be dead, Long Zhan almost burst into laughter.

Ninety-nine percent of the "playing dead brother" in the original assessment was this strange thing in front of him.

"You are a wise man."

Long Zhan gave a thumbs up to Brother Playing Dead.

He really admired this "brother pretending to be dead". In order not to be beaten, all DG first-level combatants are very sloppy, but this guy is "shameless".

A proper mudslide generally exists.

At this time, Brian, who had been pulled out, stood up tremblingly while supporting the iron cage.

"What the Falker, Dragon, how did you get out? Juggling? It's amazing, it's unbelievable."

Brian witnessed the whole process, and in the eyes staring straight at Long Zhan, the exhausted haggardness was replaced by incredible surprise.

He didn't know how Long Zhan did it, and he couldn't figure it out by himself.

Because this is seriously beyond his ability!

Clay and other newcomers who were locked in the iron cage were also attracted by this sudden scene at this time, but unfortunately they didn't see how Long Zhan came out.

The shock in everyone's hearts was no less than that of Brian.

It was obvious that everyone was locked up in iron cages, and those who were weak could not walk steadily.

Why are you different?
Not only can he get out of the iron cage, but even the torture of more than ten hours seems to have never happened, and he can overwhelm two fierce sparring partners in an instant?
All these various problems made them all have "question marks" on their heads.

at the same time.

Recalling Long Zhan's first counterattack a few hours ago, he ran out like magic and launched his second active counterattack.

Clay and the remaining 10 rookies finally realized what Long Zhan was going to do.

Thinking of the "hell-level challenge" that I can't do at all, there is Long Zhan, who is also a new student, who is challenging the impossible with his own strength.

Under empathy.

Everyone began to look forward to it infinitely.

Looking forward to this year's green team's strongest king, the only T0-level existence that dominates, and the Dragon Warrior who is famous in DG as a rookie.

Can they represent the newcomers of this year and create an unprecedented new history of the green team.

(End of this chapter)

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