The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1072 Reason?Big fists make sense!

Chapter 1072 Reason?Big fists make sense!
If there are new facilities to be explored next time, there is no need for Long Zhan to take the risk of being beaten to death like this time.

Just move the turret and put it up for a walk, all problems are solved.

Oleg worked on reactivating DZ-314.At the same time he has to hook it up to the grid and set him up on an automatic route back to recharge.

In this way, the mobile gun turret can run automatically in the future, and there is no need to worry about whether the battery is charged or not.

Where does the electricity for the water pumping station come from? Long Zhan and Dennis couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

No matter how curious the city power has been cut off, why there is still a steady stream of electricity here after so many years, it can only be temporary.

It is guessed that Terra Corporation has an independent power generation system, which is then input into various facilities under some kind of underground line.

Although it has been 5 years without management, Terra Corporation's power system has not collapsed, and it seems to be running very well.

But Long Zhan still felt that it was not very appropriate, so he claimed to search for it on the basement floor.

In the warehouse on the corner of the first floor, I successfully found a diesel generator that looked like a backup, and three large barrels of unopened fuel.

There is fuel and a generator, and backup power is no problem.

The two then searched for a long time, searching and fumbling along the exit passage of the exhaust pipe, and found the power supply box of the ventilation system.

I found a wire to pull from the generator to the supply box, which completely solved the core problem of ventilation.

In the future, even if the power supply is cut off, the underground fortress will still be able to operate normally, and will not be suffocated to death inside.

The problem of breathing is solved, and the next is the second important key——

Long Zhan took water from different faucets in the basement to try, and determined that the water in the faucets probably did not come from the city's water supply system.

The taste is a bit different!
There is a high probability that it is also Terra's own water plant, and it may even be the place where Long Zhan and the others live now. After all, the name of this place is the water pump plant.

If the guess of Long Zhan is true...

As long as the power supply is not interrupted, the water here will be endless.

of course.

There is one more premise.

That is, this facility is controlled by a central system, and it has been set to run automatically before. If there is no manual modification, it will continue to run like this in the future.

But there is a problem here, that is, the facility has a network and external connections.

In the unlikely event that someone with high authority remotely controls the central system of the water pumping station from outside, he can turn off any of his own things at will.

This is not so good!
Therefore, after confirming that the water is sufficiently guaranteed, the third key issue to be solved is the network, which must ensure the independence of the water pumping station and will not be subject to any external control.

As long as these three key points are settled, and the military dry rations found before are guaranteed, this is a top-level base camp.

It is not comparable to the old houses of the Hongshang Gang or the underground dwellings of the wheat straw head.

In general.

This is a very interesting building!

It's not designed for long-term defense, but you can still sit here and live for a long time.Even if someone broke into the door, they couldn't walk in the hallway.

If you install a steel plate with holes at a key point, put a gun in the back.

Your enemies will pay dearly for trying to get in here, the ventilation and exhaust systems are running and even ensuring the air is clean.

All it takes is a cleaning robot to come back and take the corpse away.

It's a very interesting building, and a very strange one at the same time.

Long Zhan still doesn't understand its purpose.

Although his name was called the water pumping station, he hadn't heard the sound of the water pump after staying in it for so long, and he didn't even see a pool.

It's more like an underground auto parts warehouse than a water pumping station.


The network aspect is Olig's work, but unfortunately he needs to devote himself to restarting DZ-314 now, so he can only temporarily hand it over to Long Zhan and Dennis.

Fortunately, there are menial jobs that don't require much technology and only need brute force.

Long Zhan and Dennis spent almost an afternoon dismantling various devices in the computer room, first cutting off the connection with the outside at the physical level.

Of course, these devices were not dismantled, but were carried out under Olig's remote command.

There are walkie-talkies on the walls of many rooms here.

These tasks could have been done faster, but unfortunately there was a small problem in the middle.

I don't know if it's a design problem or some special reason. The computer room is in a corner deep in the building, and the space is very small.

Dennis was originally relatively thin, and he could still move around normally in it.

Dragon battle is not enough!

You can fight this 300-jin, two-meter-high physique, and you can't move inside even if you turn your body sideways, so you can only stay outside.

All the dismantling work inside can only be handed over to Dennis, and Long Zhan can only help out.

I understand everything I understand.

It is enough to move things with strength, it is not complicated and time-consuming.

Dismantling things is the most laborious and time-consuming, which resulted in two two-hour jobs, which took an entire afternoon.

Fortunately, after spending the whole afternoon, I also gained some unexpected gains.

After dismantling the equipment in the computer room, a room door more than one meter high appeared at the end of the narrow aisle between the two cabinets.

Long Zhan can't get in, so Dennis can only explore.

Inside he found unopened chests filled with all sorts of useful things.

Brand new unopened military knee pads, elbow pads, full and half finger gloves, tactical helmet with jaw and visors, tactical flashlight...

Even found a dozen brand new ceramic inserts for bulletproof vests.

This thing is now a sky-high price! ! !
The only pity is that the tactical vest was not found. It is estimated that the guards who evacuated at the beginning took away all such good things.

Long Zhan is the spokesperson of "Reckless Gou Liu", so these boards are naturally packed and taken away.

Only two bucks left for Dennis!
Dennis didn't have much of a problem with that, he was more than happy with the whole new box of spare radio batteries, which he said he really needed.

Therefore, Long Zhan only took a few pieces to use, and gave all the rest to Dennis.

In addition, there are some medical kits and first aid kits, which are still standard military supplies. They cannot cure serious illnesses, but are essential for minor illnesses and injuries.

In this forgotten world where there are endless battles, no one can guarantee that they will not be injured.

Neither Long Zhan nor Dennis was "generous". Both sides expressed their willingness to demand this kind of life-saving baby that is compatible with the currency.

The end result is...

Because of his larger body, Long Zhan had more needs for injuries, so he took the big head as a matter of course, and took away two-thirds of it.

Although Dennis can't laugh or cry, there is nothing he can do about Long Zhan.

Who made Long Zhan's fist bigger!
(End of this chapter)

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