The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 11 Who are the thugs?

Chapter 11 Who are the thugs?

Dark, quiet, empty.

This is the first feeling Long Zhan entered the training room!

In the room with an area of ​​about 60 square meters, there were no people or objects to be seen at all, and only the center of the room could be seen on the entire concrete floor, and a one-meter-square box was drawn on the ground.

This is the test area!
Take the small dark yellow chandelier with a maximum of 10 watts hanging directly above this area.

This is the standard state before the start of the S&T course, and the purpose is to prevent the new students who come in for training from guessing any available information in advance.

Dragon War is an old hand at this, although it's always handled differently.

Without any surprise or discomfort, Long Zhan, who knew what to do next, went straight to the test area in the middle and stood upright.


The simple and clear two-word command came from the overhead walkway diagonally above.

As the order was issued, a cylindrical black cloth hood hung by a rope slowly lowered from above, and it just fit on Long Zhan's head.

Although the material of the mask is soft, it has strong light-shielding properties.

The only dim yellow light disappeared from Long Zhan's field of vision, and his eyes became pitch black.

The "squeaky" sound of various items moving, and the sound of walking that can still be heard as lightly as possible, began to appear around Long Zhan.

Scenario setting has begun!

Before the hood is off the student's head, the student cannot leave the test area, otherwise it means that the training is over, which is the regulation of the S&T course.

Long Zhan knew the training rules of the course very well, and stood there without making any moves.

All kinds of voices were still going on, and Long Zhan couldn't use this voice to judge what kind of scene he would see after the hood was lifted, and how he needed to face everything that happened.

There is no way to judge whether there are some interference signals deliberately produced in these voices to make students misjudge.

So in this stage of setting the scene, it is the worst thing to speculate ahead of time.

The best way to deal with it is to keep calm and maintain your absolute concentration and mental state so that you can respond immediately.

Just like the meaning of the S&T course itself, it is to test the students' combat skills, psychological control, reaction speed and ability to make correct decisions in the face of emergencies under heavy pressure.

The instructors on the overhead walkway will observe every move of the students and score every subtle movement.

During this one-month training period, all trainees, including Long Zhan, will have a score database established.

A summary is made every week, and the worst performers will face going home.

Long Zhan is very aware of the scoring mechanism of the S&T course, and knows that he must perform well in every training in order to maximize his chances of entering DG.

Therefore, no matter how familiar he is with the S&T course, he dare not be careless in the slightest.

As time passed by every minute and every second, the chaotic sounds in the room gradually disappeared, and the whole world became extremely quiet again.

Long Zhan could even hear the sound of his own breathing, as well as the strong beating of his heart.

I don't know if it was the intention of the special training instructor Ya, or the S&T course of the green team itself, the black hood has not been hoisted.

The human head is in a small and dark space, and the longer it takes, the more difficult it will be to concentrate.

Especially standing posture!
This is an invisible force exerted by the outside world. It is difficult to actively control and eliminate the anxiety and oppression produced by the human brain.

No matter how Long Zhan tried his best to focus himself, he began to be in a trance uncontrollably.

In the end, Long Zhan didn't even know how long he stayed in the hood, the center of his body began to lose control, moving uncontrollably between his feet.

This is the prelude to a complete collapse of concentration.

"My uncle, what the hell is he doing? Isn't it making it more difficult for me to delay it for so long? Could it be that old man is trying to trick me on purpose?"

Long Zhan knew that he must have had a dark adaptation reaction, and began to feel a little anxious.

But even so, he still kept his eyes wide open so that he could see enough information immediately after the hood was opened.

at this time……

The black hood was removed without warning.

The dazzling light, almost like a flash bomb, suddenly shone into Long Zhan's widened eyes, and a strong sense of discomfort rushed straight to the top of his head instantly. The world in front of him was completely white, and he couldn't see anything at all.

This is the physiological reaction that occurs when the eyes are in the dark for a long time and suddenly sees a bright light hand——

In this situation, Long Zhan didn't close his eyes, but chose to endure the sore and swollen pain, and still kept his eyes wide open.

Only in this way can we adapt to the light and see the situation in the room in the fastest time.

Under normal circumstances, closing your eyes and waiting for more than ten seconds, and then opening your eyes to slowly adapt, is tantamount to suicide for special forces like Long Zhan.

In indoor combat on a real battlefield, closing your eyes for a few seconds is enough for terrorists to beat you into a sieve.

And every second to adapt to the light and restore the vision of the surrounding environment is equivalent to increasing the chance of survival by one point, allowing you to better complete the task.

Long Zhan endured what ordinary people couldn't bear, and he got what he deserved for the price he paid.

In less than two seconds, the white world before Long Zhan's eyes began to become blurred, and then gradually changed from blurred to clear.

Long Zhan, who had recovered his initial eyesight, was finally able to roughly see the situation in the room.

There was a man in casual clothes with a mask in front of him. He had a gun in his hand but it was useless. He just hugged a young woman from behind.

The moment the young women took off the headgear of Long Zhan, they started to shout at Long Zhan: "Help, help me, I don't want to die here."

The casually dressed man also shouted to Long Zhan: "Dude, come and help me, this little girl is a bit hot."

In the various scenario simulations of the S&T course, the scene in front of us belongs to the emergency handling scene. The rule is that one of them must be a teammate or a civilian, and the other is a terrorist or thug. [space]
Dragon War needs to choose a judge to kill in the shortest possible time.

The longer the delay, the lower the score, and the faster the processing time, the higher the score. This is the basic score for this type of scenario training.

The remaining scoring items also include:

Shooting accuracy, action methods, body movements, language expressions and other aspects.

However, if you make a mistake in your judgment and kill the wrong one, then all these scoring items will be lost, and the entire training session will be treated as zero points.

"Woman? Man? Who the hell?"

There was only so much information that could be seen in front of him, Long Zhan's muzzle quickly went back and forth between the two, and he couldn't make a correct judgment for a while.

at this time.

"Huh? This is?"

A creepy feeling rushed into his mind, and Long Zhan reacted in less than a second.

His face suddenly changed!
(End of this chapter)

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