The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1104 Downsizing Again

Why is there a fully equipped SCAV team in this wilderness location?

Why did the USEC team, which had already been thrown away, appear in the complex so quickly, and just happened to block the BEAR team's escape route?
The reason is that all of this is not a coincidence, it is a trick played by Long Zhan behind the scenes.

Before Andre received Long Zhan's "whispering words", he left and came back only now, just to implement Long Zhan's bad idea.

Now all the "actors" are present, and a big battle has begun.

There were only two spectators next to it, and it was very lonely. The chairs were exactly opposite in the arena, and dozens of people divided into three camps were fighting hard.

BEAR's second team was stuck in the corner, defending against enemy attacks from two directions at the same time.

The ordinary SCAV chasing from the corridor on the right, biting the back like brown sugar, kept attacking the second group of BEAR from a distance of a corridor.

It's a pity that marksmanship and tactics are lacking, and the gunshots are loud but have little practical effect.

The second group of BEAR only allocated a light machine gun, plus an assault rifleman as a flank, they were able to block the SCAVs and prevent them from advancing any further.

The main focus is on the entrance of the hall, defending the USEC outside from rushing in.

The body of the mouse was like a felled tree, and it crashed to the ground under the inertia of the forward charge.

Athlete used the under-mounted grenade launcher, loaded the bullet and pointed it at the SCAV in the corridor, aimed a little and then pulled the trigger.

But he was cornered and beaten for a long time, and he seemed to forget that there was a sniper hiding here.

"You go first, I'll throw the grenade and come back."

Before the smoke in the direction of the hall dissipated, dense bullets roared out from inside, covering the entire corridor outside.

However, the space behind the column is too small and can only accommodate the upper body of the mouse.

As the team leader, the mouse shouted loudly, trying to convey his instructions to every team member present amidst the noisy gunshots.

A bullet flew in through the window, first piercing the mouse's neck, and then hitting the wall, leaving a bloody hole.

Borz hid half of his body behind the pillar, shouting while changing magazines.

After the team members yelled at each other for a while, BEAR's second team left one person in charge of blocking the USEC in the rear, and the others began to forcibly rush back into the corridor.


"Boom, boom~"

"Let's go, we can't get out here, let's forcefully rush out from the SCAV side, let's go."

One of the team members hid behind the bunker, pointed the gun at the place where there might be snipers outside the window, and fired continuously with three bursts.

"Guard the corridor, guard the corridor."

If they continue to stay in a stalemate with USEC, their bullets will soon run out.

The rain of machine guns and rifles was accompanied by a grenade attack between the two sides.

Whether it is the BEAR in the middle or the SCAV at the other end, they are all within the strike range.

There is a high probability that when the mouse placed an order, the sniper in the distance found that he was the commander and locked it as the main target.

It took the boss a lot of effort to drag the mouse for seven or eight seconds, and barely dragged the mouse into the pillar at the corner of the corridor, trying to hide it inside and check the injury.

There is nothing wrong with the arrangement of the mice. In the current bad structure, it is correct to choose the weakest one as a breakthrough.

The two sides looked for opportunities to fire at each other, even if they didn't dare to show their heads, they would choose to shoot with their guns, pouring firepower on each other as much as possible.

After determining the direction of the danger, the emergency rescue was launched immediately.

The other members of the second group who heard the order also conveyed the order further.

The team member in charge of rescuing the mouse grabbed the mouse's tactical vest shoulder strap with one hand, and while firing into the smoke in the hall, he pulled the mouse and pushed it back hard.

At least the probability of being killed is much smaller, and a higher chance of survival can be obtained.

Borz took over the mouse's command position, and gave the command immediately after the SCAV's change, and he also concentrated his firepower to the corridor.

Seeing something happened to BEAR, the SCAVs felt that they could take advantage of the fire, and turned into a fierce attack from the rear.

"The firepower of the USEC is too fierce. We will die if we stay here any longer. We need to get out of here quickly, take the rats and catch up."

"Mouse, don't die, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Following closely behind BEAR, he shouted at the team members in front.

Compared to rushing out from the entrance and exit of the hall and needing to fight against the heavily armed USEC, it is indeed more "cost-effective" to rush from the corridor controlled by SCAV.

"Da da da da da..."

The faces of the two accompanying BEARs changed drastically. Instead of going to rescue the mouse immediately, they immediately looked for a bunker in a nearby location.

A piece of the guardrail of the corridor was blown off, and the two SCAVs hiding behind were blown away.

Bang bang explosions can be heard endlessly!
However, no matter how fierce BEAR's counterattack was, the USEC outside the door always held the opening and refused to budge, firmly blocking the exit here.


Both feet are still exposed.

Once the BEARs run out of ammunition, but there is no way to kill all the enemies who are chasing and intercepting, their entire team will inevitably be wiped out.

After running to the corridor and finding a cover, he immediately turned around and threw the grenade in the direction of the hall.

"Son of a bitch, you will die for me."

Everyone in the second group of BEAR knew very well that their number in the team was fixed, but their USECs and SCAVs were the only ones that kept flowing.

Only a group of ordinary SCAVs were chasing after them, and their combat power was the weakest existence in the audience.

This is unacceptable to them!
Therefore, no matter whether the first group can come to support, or whether the machine gunners and snipers outside can support, the second group must make changes as soon as possible.

The explosion filled the hall with smoke, and the hall became hazy.

Anxious, angry and worried, he was almost on the verge of collapse.

It seems that there is a tie between the two sides, but in fact it is not the case at all.

"Athlete, grenade launcher, hurry up, hold the corridor."

"Quick retreat, fight out from the corridor."

"Borz, go, stop hitting."


"Let's go, let's go, it's starting to withdraw, and we're going to force it out from the right."

"The USEC is calling in, pull him back quickly, and pull him behind the bunker."

"Grenades are coming, be careful."

BEAR, who ran over after throwing the grenade cover, shouted loudly while running, holding a grenade with the safety pin removed.

As a result, when the mouse led two team members, suppressed the SCAV at the other end of the corridor with firepower, forced forward and beat the SCAV back again and again.

"The mouse is hurt, he can't move." BEAR, who rescued people, replied loudly.

"Is it serious?" Borz asked.

"It looks very serious. There is a lot of blood. The neck is probably injured by an artery..."

"Leave me alone."

In the middle of speaking, he was interrupted.

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