The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1116 True Close-range Chaos

"Why did they suddenly stop?"

"Suka, what happened? Did they run out of bullets?"

"What trick is this playing?"

The firepower outside was still fierce one second, and the bullets rained in like raindrops, and the next second it just misfired. This huge change confused the BEARs.

"Never mind, this is an opportunity, let's do it," Athlete urged.

At this point of dilemma, Ford, as the captain, can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and ordered: "Rush when the grenade explodes, Skif, let's start."


Skif had already taken out the grenade, and threw it out when he heard the order to pull down the safe.

The grenade flew nearly 10 meters in the air, drew an arc and fell to the ground, rolling and sliding all the way, and rolled into the deepest part of the locker room.


"Rush, rush, rush..."

Almost at the same time the grenade exploded, Ford gave the order to attack.

Chong does not mean buried head foolish.

Tactics are also needed!
Athlete and Poki walked in front side by side, and Skif and Ford followed both of them, moving forward at a constant speed with a balanced step.

During the process, Athlete and poki were not idle, and kept firing on both sides of the front passage.

Don't even care about wasting bullets!
As long as the enemy can be suppressed behind the bunker and there is no way to open fire, it is equivalent to no enemy, and it is safe to go all the way.

The two USECs who retreated before hadn't left, and had been hiding in the depths of the locker room.

USEC, who was going to wait outside, gave BEAR enough suppression and blows, and had to hide in the locker room hastily, and then came out to take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

Unexpectedly, the USEC outside suddenly ceased fire for no apparent reason.

BEAR, which was not pushed to the limit, was still in good condition, and the tactical system was arranged very well, so they were not given a chance at all.

Now being pressed behind the bunker and unable to move, there is no way to take advantage of the opportunity to fire.

One of the USECs may be too young to have seen any big scenes.Although the technology is already very sophisticated, the mentality is not stable enough.

Seeing the BEARs getting closer and closer, he was scared to be exposed again and retreated.

"Alex, don't go out, stop."

Another USEC stopped immediately, but unfortunately it was a bit late.

The USEC running out from behind the storage cabinet had to go through the corridor in the middle, and BEAR was focusing fire to suppress the corridor.

The USEC that popped up at this time seemed to be hitting itself on the muzzle of a gun.

As soon as he ran out less than two steps away, he was hit by two bullets in a row in the back, lost his balance when he turned his foot, and fell to the ground.

"Fire forward, watch your sides."

Seeing the USEC falling on the ground, Ford realized that there must be more than one USEC behind the rows of cabinets here, and immediately reminded him loudly.

Athlete and poki continued to shoot forward, controlling the corridor through suppressive fire.

Skif turned to the left and Ford went to the right.

The lockers in the dressing room are arranged in rows, and there is a small space between every two rows. Every time you move forward, it must be cleaned to ensure safety.

The area is two to three hundred square meters, filled with various cabinets and walls, which is very suitable for Tibetan Lao Liu, and it is also a test of CQB technology.

As soon as Skif turned to the left and didn't go far, he ran into a USEC who wanted to attack.

When the two met head-on, they were startled.

Fortunately, Skif was superior and reacted faster. With a slight lead of up to 0.2 seconds, he fired further and knocked USEC to the ground.

After turning over the first one, before he had time to catch his breath, he saw a shadow on the ground around the corner.

Skif didn't think much about it, his brain automatically predicted the distance, and shot at the cabinet, trying to kill the enemy on the other side of the cabinet through blind penetration.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out.

"Bang bang bang!"

Skif's three bullets hit the metal cabinet, leaving three holes the size of thumbs. They deflected when they hit the internal iron frame, but they didn't penetrate the USEC on the opposite side.

"Damn BEAR, let me die."

USEC, who originally wanted to go first, saw the three holes in the cabinet before him exploding with air, exhaling a scent of irritability, and began to wear it facing the cabinet as well.

"Clap clap clap..."

"Bang bang bang..."

The two faced the cabinet for a while, and when they shot, they moved and twisted their bodies in various ways. As a result, they beat each other for a long time, and neither of them hit the other.

Skif only had less than half a magazine left, and he didn't have many bullets, so he stopped and aimed at the corner.

The USEC on the other side also retreated quietly, not because they didn't dare to shoot indiscriminately without bullets, but because Skif's fierceness exceeded his expectations.

I chose not to try my best, and just slipped away as a respect.

There are enemies on Skif's side, and danger is also on Ford's side.

He almost got caught when he turned the corner, but fortunately, Ford was strong enough to react, and retreated immediately, leaving only a row of bullet holes on the wall.

Athlete and Poki, who were pressing down on the corridor in the middle, also retreated behind the cabinets on both sides at this time.

The two of them didn't meet the enemy, but they were flustered because they had no bullets in their pockets. To suppress the enemy, they had to rely on firepower. If they had no bullets, they could use a hammer.

There was no fire suppression in the corridor area, and all the USECs ran out.

One by one, one by one, looking for opportunities to do BEAR.

The two gangs fought in the locker room, and the distance of the exchange of fire was shortened from the previous one to twenty meters to the current two or three meters.

As the saying goes:
An inch short, an inch dangerous.

In such an environment where enemies are encountered at any time around the corner and bullets are fired at any time from the opposite side of the locker, both BEAR and USEC have to be nervous.

"Bang bang."

Athlete was looking at the corner on the left, and a USEC appeared from some unknown master behind him, who shot him twice in the back.

Fortunately, Ford, who was circling among the piles of cabinets, came here just in time.

Seeing that the USEC was ready to repair the gun, he quickly gave a helping hand and picked up the gun to do it. Less than 5 meters away, he hit the back of the head with one shot.

"Athlete, are you okay? I..."

Ford watched the USEC slump to the ground, and was about to go over to check on Athlete who had been shot, but before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed.

There was no time to say anything later, so he dodged and hid behind the cabinet.

"Bang bang bang..."

As soon as Ford hid behind the cabinet, the bullets followed him.

Fortunately, Ford found out and hid quickly in time, and there happened to be a wall in the middle of this group of cabinets, otherwise Ford would probably have to receive a lunch box.

The bullet left several bullet holes in the wall, and Ford, who had just hid behind the bunker, reappeared.

"Clap clap clap."

He shot three times at the position where he shot just now, and then retracted after shooting.

The USEC that had just retracted to the opposite side reappeared again, and fired at Ford's position again, and retracted after firing a few shots.

Ford emerged again and fired.

As if the two of them had made an agreement in advance, they played the Gun version Errenzhuan here.

"I've got another one done, how are you guys doing?" Poki yelled over the radio.

As the one with the most ammunition in the team, and a rich man with two magazines when he came in, Poki had more confidence than other BEARs.

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