Athlete's idea has become an obsession, but it is not so easy to achieve.

After killing three USECs with three consecutive shots, Athlete has lost all advantages, and returned to the same level as the remaining two USECs.

Under the premise of similar conditions, it is very difficult for Athlete to play one against two.

After all, the opposite USEC is also an elite.

And because three of his companions were killed in a sneak attack, the remaining two USECs have been completely angered, making them want to eat Athlete alive.

There was no need for any communication at all, and they outflanked the past with a tacit understanding.

The USEC walking on the left is holding a spray gun. In such a close combat environment in the locker room, he is confident that he can kill anyone with a single shot.

He already had a rough idea of ​​Athlete's location through the gunshots that appeared just now.

Be vigilant and watch out.

The USEC on the left walked past two storage boxes, with a serious expression on his face, he raised his gun and took a step sideways, aiming at the front with a spray.


A ball of buckshot flew out.

Athlete, who was the target of the shooting, fortunately made a dodge action in advance, and narrowly avoided the bullet, leaving only a bunch of potholes on the wall.

Athlete's movements are not as fast as bullets, but he can do it faster than USEC.

After all, bullets are fired by people.

USEC missed a troll, perhaps because he was dazed by anger, or he was too confident in his troll.

He didn't retreat back to the original body, but staged a scene that often appeared in the movie.

That is to hold a semi-automatic shotgun and press forward while firing, wanting to directly press this corner, and take the initiative to go over and shoot Athlete behind the bunker to death.

This style of fire suppressing forward play is indeed very effective in some situations.

But not here.

Athlete is a seasoned fighter who has been in combat longer than many and has accumulated a wealth of combat experience in a variety of situations.

Facing USEC, which was pressing forward with a troll, he didn't rush to the back to avoid its edge like most people's choice.

Instead, concentrate on full concentration and find the gap between the two sprayers.

Although the gap in the middle is less than a second, Athlete is betting on this second, grabbing a gap and suddenly leaning forward is a shuttle.


A long shot swept over, and USEC fell to the ground.

Athlete put another shot in the head and sent this USEC to hell.


The only remaining USEC came a step late, just in time to see the head of his companion on the ground could not be smashed, so he raised his gun to Athlete and opened fire.

"Da da da da..."

A shuttle of bullets swept past, but still missed.

Athlete, who drew his attention to the limit, spotted the second USEC coming over, and hid behind the box next to him with a side pounce.

Thinking that USEC would come up, Athlete immediately turned around and made a defensive shot.

As a result, the last remaining USEC did not continue to press forward and must kill Athlete. Instead, he chose the first plan of the 36th plan.

Realizing that Athlete is a ruthless character, the last USEC ran out.

When Athlete found out that something was wrong, the footsteps were getting farther and farther away, and when he quickly peeked out, the USEC had already reached the stairs.

"Want to run, son of a bitch? No way."

Athlete killed 4 USECs in a row, and now his confidence has been fully revealed. Looking at the corpses of his companions all over the floor, his murderous aura rushed straight to the sky.

Didn't even think about it.

He raised his gun and chased after him.

The two intervened for about 5 seconds, Athlete chased to the stairs, USEC had disappeared, but he did not give up.

Bigfoot took a few steps down the stairs, ready to go downstairs to find the escaped USEC.

He believed that in just a few seconds, as long as he ran downstairs and adjusted his eyes to look around, he would be able to easily find USEC.

However, just as Athlete ran down the stairs, he was hit hard on the back of the head.

I saw a buzzing in my head, and I passed out when my eyes went dark.

At the last second before falling down and closing his eyes, Athlete could vaguely see the USEC who ran away before, lying not far from him.

And between the USEC and the USEC, stood a huge and terrifying figure.

Athlete tried hard to see who it was, whether it was a human or a monster, but his head didn't support him, and he finally fell to the ground without seeing clearly.


Athlete didn't know how long he had been in a coma. When he woke up again, he remembered the scene before the coma. He seemed to be attacked by someone.

My heart suddenly tightened.

Instinctively, he touched the gun on his body, but found that although he could move normally, there were no familiar items in the familiar place.

Whether it's a pistol, a rifle, or even a dagger.

It's all gone!


Athlete was nervous, angry and scared, and was about to get up from the ground, when he heard a voice coming from behind.

"If you don't want to have a few holes cut into your body, I suggest you sit there obediently."

The voice was very calm, even a little humorous.

Athlete turned his head suddenly when he heard the voice, and his whole body was tense at a glance, a strong sense of crisis rushed straight to the top of his head.

An exaggerated height of two meters, a body that passes through the door panel, and a body whose muscles blow out the clothes...

This is a humanoid tank, a battlefield bulldozer.

That's right.

The one who attacked Athlete was none other than Long Zhan, who had been hiding in the dark as the oriole.

After eliminating all the USECs outside, Long Zhan followed the three USECs who came for support into the building, and did not follow along to join in the fun.

Instead, he chose to stay behind the stairs and wait for the fish to take the bait by themselves.

No matter which side wins the final victory between USEC and BEAR, they will definitely come down, and they can't escape the staircase.

Long Zhan believes that as long as he guards the stairs, the rabbit will hit the door by itself

Long Zhan's guess was not wrong.

After a bloody battle between USEC and BEAR, the last remaining USEC chose to run away, and BEAR also chose to chase after him.

So this made Long Zhan cheaper, waiting for work with ease.

Knocking USEC and BEAR together, Long Zhan took the two trophies one by one and brought them to this place.

A deserted building in the suburbs!

Now Andre is in charge of security outside, and Long Zhan is in charge of the final work inside.

The reason why the two of them were not killed directly was because they were still valuable, and they were the most important thing in the current Dragon War.

Athlete was stunned by the excessive strength of Long Zhan, and he had no doubts that if the two fought against each other.

The exaggeratedly strong super-big guy in front of him can easily press him to the ground and play with him, letting him know what absolute hand-to-hand combat strength is.

Not to mention that this big man is holding a semi-automatic spray gun in one hand.

All the weapons on his body were gone, and the mysterious big man in front of him had the upper hand, and Athlete realized that he would definitely lose it if he had to force it.

Taking a breath to ease his emotions, he asked in a cold voice, "Who are you? Why did you sneak attack me?"

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