The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 112 civet cat for prince

Chapter 112 civet cat for prince

First of all, the iron bucket is filled with water. When the newcomers are stuffed into the iron bucket, the water surface remains flush with the mouth as their bodies enter.

As a result, if you want to breathe, you can only stick your nose out in a very uncomfortable position.

Through the gap between the two steel bars of the cover, it is difficult to breathe the outside air.

If you don't maintain this position, every breath is not air but water, and once you choke on water, it will make you more uncomfortable.

The second is that the height of the iron barrel is 1.5 meters.

Whether it is Long Zhan, who is 1 meters tall, or Brian, who is the shortest rookie at 93 meters, they all face the same problem.

If you want to stand up, you can't stand up straight, if you want to squat your head, you will be submerged, and you can't breathe.

You can only maintain a half-bent squatting posture in this iron bucket, or a posture of kneeling down and sticking your buttocks.

No matter which one of them is maintained, the body will metabolize a large amount of lactic acid for a long time without oxygen.

Lactic acid can cause muscle soreness and pain, and as time goes on, the lactic acid that produces energy metabolism increases, and the pain will continue to increase.

With SERE, each torture starts by hour, and thinking about it will make people "fly up".

In addition, while maintaining this uncomfortable posture, in order to breathe such a breath of life-saving air, he has to keep his head up and his nose sticking out.

Not to mention being tortured to the 4th day now, all the newcomers are already at the end of their strength.

The body is worse than ordinary people.

In this case, it is already very difficult, and with this double superimposed water prison posture, it can be said that it is already a proper "super double".

This is no water prison torture, it is a hell that is worse than death.

No surprises.

The newcomers were locked in the water for less than an hour, all kinds of "men's groaning" with sore muscles, accompanied by the gurgling sound of water splashes.

It began to resound through the cell one after another.

Those who know what's going on inside are fine, but those who don't know think it's a "coloured movie".

And when the 10 rookies, including Clay and Brian, could only try their best to hang their bodies on the cover of the iron bars, use their arms as supports for their legs in rotation, barely allowing themselves to survive in the water dungeon.

Long Zhan had already found the opportunity he needed, and secretly began to plan.

The environment of the water dungeon is indeed more tormented than before. Perhaps it is because of the belief in the ability of the water dungeon to torture people that the defense has been relaxed by a level.

It is no longer like the previous cell, with an indestructible iron door installed.

As a result, even if Long Zhan made the key like magic, because there is no way to break through the iron door, he can only wait until the interrogation starts.

As a result, he took the initiative to attack twice in a row, but failed to escape from Shengtian smoothly.

There is no door at all in this dungeon. Go up the stairs on the left and you will find the large interrogation room, and then you will find the exit from the basement.

That is to say...

As long as Long Zhan can come out of the water building, he can directly reach the final level - the basement exit.

Coupled with the various intelligence information collected secretly by Long Zhan in the past few days, the green team's commute time has been calculated.

As long as a suitable time point is found, Long Zhan can escape from here.

As for how to break open the fence cover on the oil barrel water prison, which is made of thick steel bars with fingers, and how to avoid the surveillance camera above.

Long Zhan has already made complete preparations, and it is no longer enough to be his obstacle.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to 12 o'clock in the evening.


There was a strange noise in the water prison.

The decibels of the sound are not very loud, and are basically covered by painful moans and water peanuts.

Then there was the creak of the grate lid opening, and the clatter of the water bucket crawling out.

Charlie, who was on night shift in the interrogation room, heard the faint noise coming from the water prison below, got up and walked up the stairs to the water prison cell.

Charlie is 1 meters tall and weighs more than 91 pounds. He is the only big guy in the green team who can compete with Long Zhan.

The tall instructor arranged for Charlie to be on duty, just to make special arrangements for Long Zhan, so as to avoid being dropped by Long Zhan like everyone else.

As long as Charlie can withstand the first attack, he can immediately press the siren, and the guards guarding the exit of the basement will rush over to support immediately.

It is also relying on the wireless alarm in hand and the confidence in his close combat.

Charlie heard the abnormality in the water prison, and he didn't call the guards outside cautiously, so as not to be ridiculed by his colleagues as a big coward who was equally big, so he chose to go in alone to see what was going on.

3 minutes later!
The big man walked out of the water prison cell and sat back on the chair in the interrogation room.

It's as if everything is normal here and nothing is happening.

Time flows.

Soon it was 6 o'clock in the morning.

"Charlie, the weather outside is very nice, you should hurry back and rest."

The green team's partner who came to take over was Cooper. Even though it was still dark outside before dawn, he opened his eyes and said nonsense with a smile on his face.


Charlie gave Cooper a hug, pulled his hat down and walked out of the interrogation room.

Follow the stairs all the way to the top, and when you come out, you will find a warehouse and a training center. The two guards at the exit just glanced at Charlie.

See the black sparring system he is wearing, and the bandit hat that is standard for sparring.

Without doubting him, let him go.

8 am.

A dozen or so sparring partners chatted and laughed, wandered into the warehouse all the way, and chatted outside the basement exit in twos and threes.

As expected of an old fritter of the green team, this posture of going to work is really free.

Less than 10 minute passed.

The tall instructor, who had finished breakfast, also came over with two instructors, and ordered four sparring partners at the door to follow him into the basement, ready to start a new round of daily interrogation.

He has already thought about it on the way, and today he must focus on taking care of Long Zhan.

At least Long Zhan must be tortured until he can't even crawl, otherwise he will always feel that something is wrong, and he can't even sleep well when he goes back at night.

(End of this chapter)

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