The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1131 An Easy and Leisure Checkpoint

Andre and others followed behind Long Zhan, also walking towards the No. 11 checkpoint step by step with their hands raised.

They couldn't see clearly when they were far away, and because they were dazzled by the searchlights, Andre and the others were relatively calm.

But when the distance gets closer to within 10 meters, even if everyone is a veteran of the battlefield, they can't help but panic for a while.

The NSV heavy machine gun erected above the fence, the 12.7 mm thick black hole is facing the muzzle, it is not so easy to stabilize the mood.

It's just that I have seen too many big scenes, and I have practiced the dragon battle with a steel heart long ago, and I can still be calm at this time.

When the rookie in Long Zhanyi walked to the gate, a soldier who was fully armed and covered his face stopped and said, "Stop still and line up for inspection."

Although they are also fully armed, this fully armed is not the other fully armed.

If the performance of the body armor and helmet of Long Zhan is equivalent to that of a Rolls-Royce Phantom, the armor of the soldiers at the checkpoint is at best Wuling Hongguang.

The functions and functions of the two sides are similar, but the gap is simply huge.

As for the thin layer of soft body armor worn by the soldiers at the checkpoint, it can be seen that there is no insert plate lining at first sight, and at most it can protect against pistol bullets and stray bullets.

If it was hit by a rifle, this thing would definitely look like paper.

Although the armor is poor, Long Zhan can understand it.

Since the disintegration of Maoziguo that year, it has been living on its laurels for decades. The national finances have been booming every year, and military expenditures are even more stretched.

It is even so poor that even the most important nuclear warheads cannot be effectively preserved.

All sorts of stolen and lost.

Ordinary checkpoint soldiers have bulletproof vests, which are considered exceeding the standard configuration for Maozi's national conditions, and ordinary army soldiers do not have body armor.


Words come back sometimes.

At this time, the Maozi soldiers standing in front of them, even though their armor was very cheap and rubbish, Long Zhan and his party needed to cooperate.

Dragon War, Dennis, Olig, Andrei, Weapon Expert Sergey, David and Athlete.

A group of seven people neatly lined up.

First, two staff members who looked like technicians in blue overalls came up and took the blue card from Long Zhan.

Insert it into the instrument they brought over for further testing and verification.

Seven Maozi soldiers came up in unison, and they also stood in a line, one by one, and began to inspect Long Zhan's group of seven.

Check the work very carefully.

First of all, all the weapons and ammunition carried by Long Zhan and others were cleaned up without exception, and each person packed them in a sackcloth bag separately.

Then move your hands up and down to make sure you don't miss any weapons.

Especially the soldier who searched for Long Zhan, perhaps felt that Long Zhan was too threatening, so he searched so carefully that he almost took off his shoes to check under the insoles.

Fortunately, apart from taking away the offensive killing items, the Maozi Sentinel didn't take any other things.

Including the suit worn by Long Zhan, which is several grades higher than that worn by Maozi soldiers, it can sell hundreds of thousands of dollars in tactical bulletproof vests and helmets in Takov.

There is another special case.

That was the sentinel who searched for Andre. After finding the Terra box from Andre's body, he immediately returned to the back of the fortification with the box.

Handed the two inspection access cards, two blue suits who looked like technicians.

After the two technicians saw the Terra box, their emotions changed very obviously, and they chatted at a high frequency.

Through this change between the two, it can be seen that they are one of the few people who know the secret of the Terra Box.

Fortunately, the discussion between the two ended soon. They waved their hands to indicate that Long Zhan and his party could pass, and then took the Terra box and walked away first.

The big baby was taken away by them, Long Zhan was not in a hurry.

It's like gambling...

The money placed on the table before the end of the game does not belong to any one person, and only after the end of the game will it have its owner.

It's okay for the technicians at the checkpoint to take it away. From Long Zhan's point of view, it's just free storage.

A group of people from Long Zhan walked through the gate, and the gate closed behind them with a click, and a pair of soldiers with guns appeared in front of them.

This group of soldiers looked obviously more advanced, wearing bulletproof vests with panels that could withstand rifle bullets.

In front of the soldiers was a short officer with a clean face without a mask, and he looked only in his 30s.

"Come with me!"

The officer tilted his head as a signal, turned around with his hands behind his back, and left.

The full-armed guards with guns did not leave immediately, but waited for Long Zhan and his party to follow behind the officer and started to walk, and then followed the left and right sides to move forward simultaneously.

It looks like it is protecting the Dragon Warriors in the middle, but in fact it is more of a control.

Andre didn't like this kind of feeling very much. The feeling of being pressed forward by someone as a prisoner couldn't help complaining: "This is really like a firing squad."

"Shut up, you will be unlucky." Dennis immediately retorted.

"You can be satisfied, Dog King, with the posture of the few of us, it's not bad if you don't tie your hands and feet." Long Zhan joked.

Just being careful and careful, Long Zhan can understand and is very satisfied.

"That's right, if it were me, I would definitely tie you up." Andre winked at Long Zhan and smiled with a deep meaning.

Looking at Long Zhan's perverted figure, the others responded with sympathetic eyes.

"I think you are envious."

Long Zhan's pacifier showed a faint smile, and he didn't continue to discuss this topic with Andre, so as not to really attract Maozi to tie him up.

Instead, turn more attention to the outside, carefully observing every corner of this camp.

Remember that every corner of this checkpoint, the pros and cons of every location, has an extremely important effect on what will happen next.

Long Zhan needs to pass through a strong memory, and engrave all the places that the line of sight scans in his head.

The inside of the checkpoint is quite lively, which is completely different from the bleak and desolate outside Takov, where everyone is nervous.

At this short time after dinner, soldiers in pairs can be seen at the checkpoint at any time.

None of the soldiers were nervous about their winning streak, and it was no surprise to see Long Zhan and his group come in. They just kept still and did what they were supposed to do.

At first glance.

The pace of life of the soldiers inside the checkpoint is actually no different from that of the barracks outside, and the atmosphere is even more relaxed than outside.

After all, the average soldiers outside still have to engage in training, and the soldiers in the checkpoint only need to eat, drink and sleep.

With such a leisurely lifestyle, anyone who stays here for a long time will gradually become undisciplined.

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