The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1139 If you don't join the team, you will die! !

Facing the frontal oppression from Long Zhan, both Athlete and David felt a lot of pressure.

Now that the external conflicts have been basically dealt with, there is only one thing left before leaving this place, and that is to deal with internal conflicts.

The conflict between Dragon War and Andre is about how to deal with the final destination of the Terra box.

And the contradiction between the two of them is that Long Zhan wants to hide the real information of the Terra Box, so that no one from the outside world will know that the Terra Box has fallen into his hands.

The reason for such a big chaos, Long Zhan's purpose is to divert trouble.

Let the outside world think that the Tyra box was in Maozi's hands, or it was snatched away by the USEC who forcibly rushed in, and turned their attention to these two "big monsters", and Long Zhan was able to escape smoothly.

If Athlete and David are unwilling to join the group, letting them go will be tantamount to leaving hidden dangers.

No one can guarantee that the two will keep their mouths shut.

To solve this huge hidden danger, Long Zhan must deal with David and Athlete now, and make a clean break with them.

Either choose to join the giant gods to "cooperate with others", or make a two-pound here with Long Zhan.

The winner leaves, the loser stays.

The second half of Long Zhan's words was not finished, which was equivalent to an ultimatum, and the final deadline for the ultimatum was the moment when Andre made a decision.

Until then……

Here, there will either be another fierce battle, or the four will become real partners and step through the last hurdle together.

Long Zhan originally thought that it would take some time for Athlete and David to make a decision.

But they didn't want to face the two choices in front of them. David and Athlete didn't hesitate too much, and gave the result in almost a few seconds.

"Immediately give me 50 U.S. dollars after I go out, call the designated account, and earn no less than 100 million a year in the future, and I agree to join Colossus."

"As long as you can do one thing for me, give me and my girlfriend a new American identity, and keep us safe, I can promise you."

Both David and Athlete gave answers, but each made their own requirements.

The core of David is mainly in the income.

Athlete pays more attention to personal safety in the future, and is still a small lover. At this time, I don't forget to bring my girlfriend.

The two made a decision so quickly, Long Zhan was surprised at first, thinking they were just fooling himself.

But when you think about it carefully, it makes perfect sense.

Athlete and David are fighting for money, PMCs who will work hard for whoever gives more money, without too many fetters and honor beliefs.

If the mission fails, there is a high probability that he will be abandoned by his old club, and even if he does not die, he will be sent to a military court.

In addition to the news that Long Zhan has been taken away from the Terra Box, it will not gain much benefit if it is revealed, and it may even cause fire.

If you can save your life from Long Zhan, or even gain certain benefits, that would be great.


No need to think about it at all!

"Yes, although I haven't communicated with the company yet, I still have some status in Jushen Company, and I can lead the company to agree to your request in advance."

Long Zhan admired the two people's knowledge of current affairs, and agreed to their request, and then arranged: "There is not much time left, hurry up and clean up the scene, take all the things that can be used, and we have to leave later gone."


David nodded, and walked towards the pile of corpses neatly, ready to start licking the box.

At any rate, there are 6 real full-armors, even after being baptized by ordinary bullets and grenades, there are still some things that are not broken.

A little bit is a little bit, and when you evacuate at the end, you can increase the success rate.

"Don't you need help here?"

Athlete was not in a hurry to leave, and when he spoke, his eyes were on Andre.

It means that now he is a member of Long Zhan, and there is still an "enemy" that has not been dealt with. Do you need to stay and help?

Although compared with Long Zhan and Andre, standing there is almost a head taller, and his strength is already obvious.

You don't need money to express your loyalty, and it's not a loss if you come to the next one.

"No need, you go to work, call the whirlpool by the way, we are going to go."

Long Zhan arranged for Athlete to leave, and his eyes locked on Andre again, his eyes were like a torch, and he asked, "The time has come, have you figured it out?"

"Do you still think about it?"

Andre spread his hands and smiled. There was helplessness in the smile, and he said with a little expectation: "I accept your offer. I hope you are not cheating me. The boss behind you can really give me so much money."

Two hundred million dollars...

Andre's heart beat faster just thinking about it!
"You don't have to trust the whole world, but you can definitely trust me."

Long Zhan stretched out his hand and slapped it openly, and said boldly: "You can follow me with peace of mind, it only takes 5 years, and if you want to retire by then, I promise to give you [-] million yuan.

Even if the company doesn't give you that much, I will make up for the rest personally for you. "

"Okay, I believe you."

Andre, who was still a little helpless at first, was infected by Long Zhan's confident and bold words, and completely let go of his last worries.

I don't think about anything anymore.

Now that you have decided to follow Long Zhan, you should believe in your decision.

Compared with fighting Long Zhan here to the death, there is a high probability that he will die in the end. Even if he wins by luck, it will definitely be a miserable victory.

At that time, Athlete and David will not talk about it, and there is a high probability that the results will be reversed.

On the other side, Dennis and others recruited by Long Zhan will most likely not choose to help Andre, but will take the opportunity to attack him.

Taking advantage of the fire is a characteristic of Takov!

The company that chooses to join Longzhan becomes a partner, regardless of everything else, regardless of this dream of 5 million US dollars in 2 years.

At the very least, his life was saved for the time being, and he could live for a while longer.

Mention before.

As long as you are a smart person, you know how to choose.


Using a series of small tricks of coercion and lure, the internal conflict was resolved neither easily nor difficult. At this time, another two or three minutes passed.

Long Zhan listened attentively to the battle ahead, and the intensity dropped a lot.

There is a high probability that Maozi soldiers will not be able to defend.

In order to ensure that he could leave before the chaos ended, he looked around after finishing the team's dragon battle, and decisively chose to fight the fucking wave first.

With the team that completed the simple preparations, they ran towards the loading area.

Long Zhan had just passed through the gate and entered the checkpoint before. When he passed the playground in the middle under the leadership of the officer, he really heard one of the Maozi soldiers watching the game say something indignantly.

The station master of this checkpoint has a helicopter and is able to fly back several times a month to enjoy life.

But the lives of these soldiers are very hard. Not only do they only have half a month to go back for vacations a year, but it is also difficult to drink alcohol on weekdays.

This is so tnd unfair!

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