Chapter 1152
The first thing is to try the ability of Long Zhan. Hobbs has never found a suitable opportunity before.

Right now, Long Zhan and the drag racing group are working together, and one person is facing the siege of half of the drag racing group, and his personal ability will be revealed immediately.

Secondly, the members of the drag racing team are too rebellious, and it is really difficult to discipline them.

It was very laborious to work together.

Long Zhan was called by Hobbs, which meant that Hobbs was in his early days.

Regardless of whether Long Zhan can overthrow the drag racing group in the end, his ability to defeat the four opponents alone is enough to suppress the arrogance of the drag racing group.

Hobbs' abacus was crackling, and Long Zhan was not regarded as a pawn by him.

For the same reason.

Everyone in the drag racing team is very aggressive, and if Long Zhan wants to make them all, he needs to prove himself in the team by relying on fists, which is the simplest, rude and effective way.

The team battle broke out.

The strength of Long Zhan's kick was too great, and Han, who relied on speed for food and was not strong in fighting, couldn't bear such a powerful impact at all.

He was kicked out and fell to the ground, his arm hurt like it was broken, his whole chest was on fire, and his head was spinning dizzily.

He really wanted to get up and fight again, but it was useless just thinking about it.

No matter how hard my head tried to get up and fight back, my hands, feet and body didn't listen, as if they were disconnected, and I could only move around disorderly on the ground.

Han was KO'd with one kick, and Giselle, Roman, and Taiji were even more worried.

As soon as his heart tightened and his hands tightened, he became even more angry.

Although it is very unpleasant to say that three beat one without martial ethics, but in the current situation, the three of them can't care about it.

The three of them are all fucking the guy in their hands, and they are full of confidence in fighting the dragon battle.

Giselle was the first to run over, and she was the closest to Long Zhan.

Giselle was there to check the guns before, and there was a pile of guns on the table in front of her. She still has a little brains, and she deserves to be a woman who can join the drag racing team.

After all, it's okay to fight with conflicts, but it's another result if you take a gun.

Take three steps and do two steps to rush over quickly, and use the inertia of the forward rush to be a full-strength high-sweeping kick.

High heels are her most powerful weapon.

The high whip kicked by the nearly 1-meter-long leg made the tip of the high-heeled shoe bring a gust of wind, and it went straight to Long Zhan's temple.

The temple is one of the most vulnerable points of a person. No matter how strong Long Zhan's muscles are, if he is kicked, he will have to lie down even if he is not disabled.

It can be seen that Gisele has a lot of fighting experience and knows how to deal with big muscles.

Otherwise, attacking Long Zhan's body covered in muscle bumps with the flaw of a woman's natural strength is equivalent to giving Long Zhan a massage.

Giselle is too tired to be of any use.

Long Zhan saw this long white and sexy long leg in shorts flying over, and grinned, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth.

Ordinary people will definitely take a step back to avoid the edge when encountering such a sharp high whip leg.

Dragon War is completely different.

Relying on his perverted fighting ability, Long Zhan did not retreat but advanced and sent his body up, his right forearm raised, blocking the ankle where the whip leg was the strongest.


The sound is still so crisp.

The strength of the arms is necessarily weaker than that of the legs. Long Zhan even easily supported the high-whip legs with one arm, and his body remained motionless, showing no pain at all.

Seeing this scene, Hobbs couldn't help screaming beautifully in his heart.

However, seeing that the forearm of Long Zhan's arm is thicker than Giselle's thigh, the visual contrast is exaggerated, but it makes sense.

Or maybe he didn't even feel that Long Zhan would be able to continue even if he passed by with one foot.

"So hard? Is this guy made of iron?"

Giselle was stunned!

As the attacker, she felt the deepest. The pain of kicking her foot as if she had kicked on a steel pipe made her aware of a strong crisis.

Youxin wanted to immediately retract his legs and use other moves to deal with Long Zhan.


Long Zhan didn't give him a chance.

"You want to run after kicking someone? You want to be beautiful, so get down to me."

Guessing that Giselle was about to retreat, Long Zhan reversed his blocking right hand, turned his palm into a claw and slammed down, just in time to grab Giselle's calf.

When you are doing things, you are ready to take a 360-degree rotation, so that this idle girl can enjoy the trapeze.

"not good."

Giselle was shrouded in a strong sense of crisis, and her left foot, which was grabbed, seemed to be tightly clamped by iron tongs.

Instead, it was stinging.

Realizing that something was wrong, she had no choice but to change her move again. Instead of breaking free with her left foot, she chose to use her strength to bounce her right leg, which was the supporting leg, and then kicked it.

It is very common to want to have a fight. It is specially used to break the volley kick with the legs controlled, and kick the dragon's face fiercely to attack instead of defend.

If you can kick the nose or the eye, the sharp heel of your high-heeled shoes is enough to turn defeat into victory.

Under the circumstances that the strength and speed of the two sides are similar, facing this kind of volley kick specially designed to crack the leg control, most people either let go of their hands, or are kicked in the face GG.

However, Giselle didn't fully realize that there is a huge difference in the strength and speed of the two sides.

Not only can this move fail to save oneself, but it will lead to a greater crisis.

Long Zhan adapts his moves according to the circumstances, and uses his free left hand casually, cutting from bottom to top, and then connects with chopping, blocking, and grabbing.

Got another long leg!

The strong force of kicking on the legs was completely absorbed by Long Zhan's arms, which were as thick as other people's legs, and he was just fixed in the air.

Both legs were fixed in the air, Giselle's body stayed in the air for a short time, and then fell to the ground.

Long Zhan and Giselle matched two moves in a row, and the winner had already been decided. It seemed like a long time had passed, but in fact, less than two seconds had passed.

"Where did this guy come from? There is such a perfect blend of speed and strength."

Boss Tang couldn't help squinting his eyes, he couldn't understand the inconceivableness displayed by Long Zhan, it was really against common sense.

Brightben thought he could win by himself, but he saw that Jisan was charged so easily.

He had an inexplicable feeling that something was wrong!

Everyone who watched the play felt that something was wrong with Long Zhan, let alone the participants.


"Fack, so fierce?"

Roman and Taiji just rushed over and found that Giselle had fallen into danger. Worried, they became more anxious, and they attacked Longzhan together from left to right.

Tai Taiji held a big wrench in his hand, and pointed at Long Zhan's head.

If this helper hits the ground running, he will definitely hit the ground running.

Roman held a rifle upside down in his hand, and used the gun as a stick to smash Long Zhan's lower body, not asking for a single move, but just giving Long Zhan a little pain first.

The two have cooperated with each other for many years, and they have a tacit understanding. This up and down attack can be said to be the essence of teamwork.

(End of this chapter)

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