The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1160: BMW Group Diarrhea! !

Chapter 1160: BMW Group Diarrhea! !
"We can't go on like this. We have to find a way to be more proactive. Ask Brian, what's the situation now?"

The airtightness of the armored vehicle is not bad, and the tire noise and wind noise in the Hurricane 100+ car are not too big.

"Wait a moment."

Hobbs didn't want to be so passive, he picked up the walkie-talkie and called, "Brian, how are you doing? Have you caught them?"

"No, they are very powerful and have fled from the criminal police headquarters. We are chasing them."

Brian's voice was very urgent, and he could still hear the obvious roar of the engine. It could be judged that the engine speed was about to explode.

"Which way are they running?" asked Hobbs.

"Going south along Carey Boulevard," Brian replied.

"They're coming together."

Hearing this road, Hobbs instantly understood. He pointed in the direction and said, "I know how to get there. Turn right 200 meters ahead, hurry up."

"Understood, sit still."

Long Zhan fixed his eyes on the street intersection in the distance, and controlled the car to rush past like the wind.

Sean's team has always been known for their quick actions, and they must have a car if they want to run fast. For this operation, they prepared two Flip Cars.

A Sean drove wildly on the road, causing chaos on the streets of London.

The other one was driven by his subordinates to attack the National Center, and now it is running wildly along Kaili Street, also driving very recklessly.

Galloped all the way on the street, clearing the way for the Range Rover behind.

The female member driving the Flip Car lacked courage and did not dare to go on a rampage like Sean along the way, seeing Brian and the others getting closer and closer.

Then he had no choice but to call out: "Sean, there are three cars following us, what should we do if we don't let go?"

"Rand, you know what to do." Sean replied.

"alright, got it."

The scar-faced man sitting in the co-pilot of the Land Rover Range Rover turned around and shouted to the people in the back seat: "Prepare the chip jammer, shake off the rear one, hurry up."

The people in the back seat were ordered to open the suitcase, took out things from inside and started assembling.

Sean's subordinates began to prepare to do something, and in the black BMW that was chasing after him, the drag racing team was also ready to do it.

"I'll deal with this Land Rover."

Han's tone is not small, full of confidence, and he wants to perform a wave of mice eating cats.

The BMW M5 is a circle smaller than the Range Rover.

"OK, the big guy was picked by you, so I can only choose this..."

Roman wanted to call out the name of the car, but found that he didn't recognize him. He was stunned for a while before saying, "I've given this unnamed ghost to me."

After finishing speaking, put the gear on and step on the accelerator in one go, wanting to overtake the Range Rover and rush to the front.

The driver of the Land Rover Range Rover noticed his intention and immediately turned the steering wheel to the right. The huge body easily stopped the BMW.

There was a crash.

The rear window of the Land Rover Range Rover was completely shattered, exposing the upper body of a strong man.

He was carrying a black cylindrical thing in his hand, aiming to hang it on the back of the Land Rover. The hood of Han's car was shot.


A palm-sized round lump flew over and stuck to the hood of the car with a snap.

"What the hell is this?"

Giselle, who was sitting in the co-pilot, frowned, feeling that this thing must be something bad, but she couldn't tell what it was.


Another Feier came over and stuck it on the hood of the car Roman was driving.

"Holy shit, is this a glowing hockey puck?" Roman was also confused.

Only Brian, who was driving in the middle, was left. Seeing that the two cars in front had been pasted with strange things, he immediately slowed down and wanted to pull away.

Although it was still a little slow, it avoided the critical point anyway.


Another "luminous ice puck" flew over and stuck to the headlight on the left front of the car.

After pasting the luminous hockey pucks on each car, the man carrying the cylinder in the Land Rover shrank back, which made Brian feel strong anxiety.

But in the case of the two sides rushing on the road, there is no way to go down to check or dismantle it.

"The chip has been installed." The man who returned to the car shouted before rushing to the car.

"Leave the rest to me."

The man with a scarred face as the co-pilot held a tablet computer, opened the program on it, and said after a pass: "The No. [-] chip is starting to activate."

After the scar-faced man finished speaking, he pressed the start button, and Han's car immediately lost control.

The electronically assisted steering wheel turned wildly, and the program-controlled accelerator and brakes also messed up. The car slammed into the side of the road under sudden braking.

Fortunately, there was a row of cars parked on the side of the road, and the best impact cushion I reviewed, just rolled over and stopped.

Otherwise, a car that is out of control at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour will definitely turn into a rolling gourd when it rushes out of the road, and it will not stop no matter how many tens of meters.

It's enough to kill the people in the car!
"MD, what's going on? Han? You actually overturned the car?"

Mandy was shocked by the old driver's comment about the overturned car. The next second, he found that his steering wheel was so hard that it seemed to be welded.

And less than 100 meters directly in front of them, there was a car driving at a normal speed.

Mandy's car was traveling at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour. If he didn't change lanes as soon as possible, his car would rear-end in three seconds.

Taji noticed something was wrong, and in a hurry, Fuck Mandy shouted: "Oh, shit, what's going on? You fucking turn the corner quickly."

"Damn, the steering wheel is stuck, I can't turn..."


Before Roman could finish his sentence, the front of the BMW kissed the ass of the car in front, and the huge impact force deflected all the airbags.

Driven by the huge inertia, the car soared into the air and rushed into the shops on the street.

Roman and Taiji fainted on the spot!
In a blink of an eye, Brian became the only one, watching Roman and Tai Chi's cars charge into the store, and they were still rolling forward driven by inertia.

All the glass windows and shelves in the store were smashed to pieces.

Brian frowned deeply and was very worried. He knew better that he was a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and could not protect himself. He also realized that the "glowing ice hockey" must be causing trouble.

Both Roman and Han's cars had accidents one after another, and his car must be next.

Brian thought of this...

He decisively turned the steering wheel to the left, and the left bumper of the car rubbed against the guardrail on the side of the road, rubbing off the jammer that was attached to the headlight.

Scarface in the car activated the No. 3 jammer, which failed to destroy the electronic system of Brian's BMW. He was very angry but there was nothing he could do.

This is the last trump card they have prepared. If it doesn't work, they can only start the second plan.

The convoy continued to drive forward for about 1 minute, and a large disc intersection appeared in front of it. Two Flip Cars were heading towards each other at a 90-degree angle from two streets, and they were about to meet at the intersection soon.

"I'm about to reach the intersection, where are you?"

Sean was the first to rush into the intersection and speed past, asking on the radio.

"I'm here, right behind you."

While the female driver was speaking, a handsome drift turned to catch up with Sean.

(End of this chapter)

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