The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1172 A Good Way to Fight Dragons

Chapter 1172 A Good Way to Fight Dragons
Sky Eye Center of the transportation system.

Relying on his identity as Interpol, Hobbs easily entered the interior with a green light all the way, and met the person in charge of the transportation system.

Each is 1 meters tall, with a big belly, and looks like a fat man.

"Thank you for meeting me. It won't take you too long. My men were attacked earlier. I want to see the surveillance video in Waterloo Station and other surrounding areas."

Straightforward without sloppiness, this has always been the Hobbes style.

"Who will tell this Hollywood black giant that access to surveillance needs to be approved, and whoever comes can watch it with just one mouth."

The person in charge of the big fat man put his hands in his pockets and didn't pay attention to Hobbs at all.

Regardless of the difference between muscle and fat, the height and weight of the two are similar, and the person in charge of the big fat man is indeed worthy of the big Hobbs.

The female assistant, Riley, had already prepared and took out a document and handed it over.

The fat man opened the file and looked at it. It was indeed a certificate issued by the police. Now there is no way to prevaricate, so he could only pretend to turn his head and ask: "Terry, call out the recordings from cameras 58 to 62."

The technician named Terry made a crackling operation, and the keyboard was knocked loudly.

Then he turned his head and replied solemnly: "Due to maintenance, these cameras have been all turned off today, and there is no way to call them out."

"You heard that too, I'm sorry." The fat man shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Okay, forget it, thank you for your help."

Hobbs had expected this to happen a long time ago, and instead of arguing or making noise with the big fat man, he readily reached out his hand to shake hands and say goodbye.

The fat man didn't know that there was a deceit in it, and he thought he had successfully fooled him, so he held Hobbs' hand proudly.

Hold it up.

He found out that it was wrong.

The force coming from Hobbs' hand was obviously not a normal handshake. He wanted to pull out his hand, but found that it didn't move even after two twitches.

At this time, Hobbs began to exert strength, and the muscles in his hands began to expand.

The big fat man's fingers were squeezed with great force, and the piercing pain swept through his ten fingers, and the smug smile on his face was instantly replaced by the pain.

Although he was so painful that he started to sweat, but for the sake of face, he couldn't cry out, so he could only hold on forcibly.

Hobbs easily crushed a fat man of the same weight, and said in a leisurely manner: "I found a very interesting thing, the Interpol National Center recently also made a statement about the attack.

The cameras there are the same as those in the subway station, and nothing is captured, and it is also for maintenance.

Don't you think it's weird?Your self-maintenance time and quietness are surprisingly synchronized. I suspect that there are moles in you.

However, I think this is too ridiculous, how can you cooperate with terrorists, right, let alone you, the person in charge, right? "

Hobbs asked several confirmation words in a row, and the entire monitoring center could hear them clearly.

Feeling the strange atmosphere between the two, none of the staff members stood up to help the person in charge, but lowered their heads instead.

Obviously, it's not just the big fat guy who is involved in the matter, everyone below has been involved.

The person who can bribe the entire monitoring system and let all the government units in London work for him, I have to say that Sean's methods are quite awesome.


The high probability may be that the rich are the ghosts, after all, there is a drug lord Braga who is not short of money.

The big fat man could bear the tingling pain in his hand, and it was just a matter of face, but Hobbs suddenly mentioned the traitor later, and pointed out him as the person in charge.

His heart panicked instantly!
If investigators were brought in and it was found that he had tampered with it, it would not be a matter of face, but a matter of going to jail.

He nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, this is too nonsense, there must be some misunderstanding."

"I want to get all your monitoring signals, all within the range, and suggest...suspend your maintenance work this time, no problem."

Hobbs had already gained absolute momentum, and he did not forget to lower the fingers that ravaged the fat man again.

More or less personal emotions!

The big fat man has been completely manipulated, completely lost the arrogance at the beginning, obediently nodded frantically and said: "Okay, no problem, I will do as you please."

"Thank you very much for your help."

Hobbs smiled, showing his teeth.

Negroes have exceptionally white teeth!

the next day.

A team of Interpol arranged by Hobbs used a small plane to send Brian, who had been disguised as a wanted criminal and repatriated back to the United States, to Los Angeles, a large city on the west coast of the United States.

Looking at the familiar scene outside the window, Brian remembered what Long Zhan said before leaving.

"There's a fake identity for you over there, your name isn't Brian, which lets you do what you're supposed to do, but only for 24 hours.

Fingerprint information will be entered at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and your real identity will be reported at that time.

So before that, no matter whether you have done what you should do or not, you must leave, and the people I arrange will pick you up from the prison.

Hobbs will arrange Interpol to pick you up by plane at the airport.

The whole process must be seamless, remember!Otherwise, do so at your own peril! "

"Get up, it's time to get off the plane."

The escort's words rang in his ears, interrupting Brian's memory, and he got up and walked towards the hatch.

Long Zhan asked Tucker to contact the head of the police, Royce came to the airport runway ahead of time and waited.

As soon as the plane stopped on the runway, Royce drove the car and parked next to the plane. Looking at Brian, who was dressed in a prisoner's orange shirt, he immediately grinned.

Can't help joking: "This is too coincidental, I didn't expect it to be you, my old man, the orange clothes are very suitable for you."

Although Royce was the one contacted by Tucker, he and Brian had known each other for a long time.

It was a police force in Los Angeles.

"I didn't expect to meet you again, and I met you in this way." Brian seemed to remember the time, with a complicated smile on his face.

"You are a wanted criminal and I am a policeman. I think this is very good."

Royce took the document from the escort, signed on it to indicate that he had accepted it, and then pulled Brian's handcuffs.

As he walked, he said, "Tell me, you are running around the world, constantly looking for loopholes in the law, but why do you choose to be caught now?"

Royce knew that this time he was cooperating in a play, but he didn't know the specific reason.

"What if I gave you part of the credit for catching Sean?"

Brian's cake is very fragrant. Royce didn't expect to get such a reward from making soy sauce. He grinned and said, "That can't be better."

Opening the car door and stuffing Brian in, Royce drove him to the prison.

(End of this chapter)

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