The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 118 Antique?Do not!best employee

Chapter 118 Antique?Do not!Best employee (2 consecutive updates, ask for a monthly ticket)
Adam's question was well-founded, and Long Zhan also gave the sharpest counterattack.

"Sir, you seem to have forgotten one thing. In this assessment, Cooper is not a first-class combatant, but a vicious thug.

It is impossible for people to be perfect, and those who become thugs must have plans, and instigating hostile personnel is the best way to escape.

As long as I can find what he wants and give him a satisfactory price, everything is possible,

Just to remind you...

In my spare time, I learned a little psychology. Although it was only at the stage of theoretical psychology, I don't think it is difficult to see the inner desires of a thug and match him with what he likes. "

Long Zhan didn't want to show off his versatility, but just explained the existence of a fact.

"You even know psychology?"

Instructor Adam was so surprised that his tone of voice rose a notch, recalling the dozens of majors in Long Zhan's personal file.

I was so speechless that I could only complain, "Mr. Gibran, you are really knowledgeable and talented."

"Thank you for the compliment, it's barely too bad." Long Zhan raised his eyebrows.

"Beautiful job, flawless, impeccable."

After hearing Long Zhan's sharp defense, the ordinary Malcolm clapped his hands, making no secret of his admiration for Long Zhan.

Then I raised my own doubts: "According to your actions, you have agreed with the inner ghost in advance on the action time, I am curious how you act at 12 o'clock on time.

I'm pretty sure that neither the cell you're in nor your body has any time-recording device. "

"It's very simple."

Long Zhan shrugged and said relaxedly: "According to my observations in the past two days, the sparring team is on duty for 8 hours in three shifts, and 5 minutes before each shift, the guards on duty will enter the cell on time to check on the conditions of the newcomers.

Last night at 9:55, a training partner entered the dungeon. As long as this time is used as a benchmark, it can be easily pushed back to 12 o'clock. "

"You mean... you counted silently for two full hours? Finally, you counted exactly to 12 o'clock? And launched the action on time."

Malcolm's eyes widened, as if he had heard the Arabian Nights.

"What??? What??"

The rest of the green team were the same, dumbfounded and incredulous.

The predecessor of the SEALs was the underwater demolition team. Underwater demolition is very important to control the time, so there is an additional necessary timing training.

Usually minutes are used as the training unit, and the error of counting silently for 2 minutes is within 2 seconds, which is considered a qualified result.

The method of silently counting the time in the heart like Long Zhan, which is based on hours, is unheard of and unseen, including chief instructor Malcolm.

I have lived half my life, and today is the first time.

"Is two hours a lot? My best training result is 4 hours, and the final error is only 5 seconds. It's only two hours. It's too easy." Long Zhan raised his eyebrows with a smile, and didn't think there was any difficulty .

For someone with a record of 4 hours, [-] hours really isn't much.

Sprinkle water to warm up!

But for everyone in the green team present, that is really the most deadly pretense.

The shock in my heart was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

Although I don't want to believe it from the bottom of my heart, I want to regard it as Long Zhan's bragging.

But in Long Zhan's silent escape this time, he really started his action at 12 o'clock sharp, and the error in the middle is almost negligible.

There is no upper limit to human mental arithmetic ability.

Malcolm and Adam were speechless, they could only lament that there is no absolute right in the world.

The act of adhering to the concept of time and checking posts on time turned out to be an accomplice of Long Zhan's escape.

Who could have imagined this!

"Dude, although I'm your accomplice, I still want to say, you're such a pervert!"

Cooper thumped Long Zhan's chest, the expression on his face summed up as 120 convinced.

At this point, both the chief instructor and the special training instructor were completely convinced.

Long Zhan's escape plan and actual action process were not only meticulous and flawless, but also did not violate any regulations of the SERE assessment.

The two accepted the fact that Long Zhan was unique and took the initiative to complete the assessment.

I am also happy from the bottom of my heart for being able to select an outstanding student like Long Zhan who has both strategy and combat effectiveness.

The chief instructor, Malcolm, walked up to Long Zhan, stretched out his hand to bless him, and said, "Mr. Long Gibran, congratulations on passing the final examination."

"Thank you very much, sir."

He was relieved to hear that the examination passed the dragon battle, and the heart of the final choice was also relieved. He happily held Malcolm's hand and accepted the blessing from the supreme commander of the green team in front of him.

"Welcome to join us, go back and take a shower, and have a good rest, kid." Special training instructor Adam also sent blessings to Long Zhan.

For such an outstanding new member, everyone in the green team did not hesitate to appreciate them.

Immediately following instructor Adam, all the instructors and sparring partners of the green team, who had been training with the newcomers for 9 months, took the initiative to hug Long Zhan one after another.

Congratulations to Long Zhan for officially joining DG and becoming a part of this big family.

Long Zhan is also very grateful to this group of training partners, who have helped him during these 9 months, and sincerely expressed his gratitude to everyone in the green team.

The strength of Long Zhan can advance by leaps and bounds to a new height in these 9 months.

All the people who led the team contributed a lot!

Officially becoming a member of DG, the chat atmosphere is completely different from the previous rookies, the change is as big as changing from a subordinate to a colleague.

After talking and laughing, Long Zhan successfully got to know the names of this group of "Old Antiques".

Will tell you your name, which means you have been recognized.

This is the characteristic of DG!
Long Zhan believes that with such a relationship, he will go out and get start-up capital in the future, so that he can afford to open a private military contracting company.

These "old antiques" who have already entered the retirement age of DG, each in their 30s and 40s, will definitely help me a lot by then.

What a private military contracting company needs is experienced and mature employees.


(End of this chapter)

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