Hobbs had been saved by a drag racing crew, and as a cop himself, he couldn't ignore the lives of innocent people in order to complete his mission.

How cruel Sean and his men are, Hobbs has seen it with his own eyes.

In order to save the mother and child caught by Sean, Hobbs could only grab Sean again, dragging him all the way back to the drag racing team.

"Brian, Toledo, come here."

Hearing Hobbs yelling at the top of his voice, Brian, Boss Tang, the drag racing team and others got up and gathered around the center.

"You don't really think you've won, do you?"

Sean, who was surrounded by the crowd, made a wave of ridicule in a calm manner, and then said: "It's the loyalty you admire, so you still can't figure out the situation, who is the real winner..."

Hearing that Boss Tang and Brian realized that something was wrong, their faces sank involuntarily.

Sean continued: "I have warned you what I will do, if you don't quit, I will find your weaknesses, but you don't listen.

Your weaknesses are too many, I can destroy you at any time, and I have done it.

Maybe you guys should give Mia a call and ask how she is doing, how is the baby?Brian, hurry up and call. "

Hearing about his wife and daughter from Sean, a man who murdered without batting an eye and was full of conspiracies and schemes, everyone would feel anxious.

Brian was equally unavoidable.

When he heard the words Mia and child, he felt as if his trachea was being strangled, his face turned pale, and he couldn't breathe smoothly.

Under the complex emotions of nervousness and apprehension, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call with slightly trembling hands.

The phone went through faster than expected, and it only rang twice before being connected by the other side. The moment the connection was connected, a familiar voice gushed out: "Brian, don't worry..."

Although he was blocked back before he finished speaking, the voice was so familiar to Brian that he couldn't be more familiar with it.

After confirming that his wife had been kidnapped, and the culprit dared to provoke him in front of him, Brian was instantly furious.


With a low growl, Brian rushed forward with a few strides, and punched Sean hard in the face.

Immediately afterwards, like a crazy wolf dog, Sean, who was handcuffed behind his hands and handcuffed behind him, gave a heavy hammer, and he almost used his teeth with both hands and feet.

The escorting soldiers rushed up to fight and forcibly dragged Brian aside.

The ones who were tied up were not their wives and daughters, and they couldn't feel Brian's anger. As guards, they couldn't let Sean be beaten to death here.

However, Brian, who caused his daughter to be furious, was full of energy like crazy.

The two guards didn't dare to do anything, so they could only pull with their hands and couldn't control it at all.

Fortunately, Long Zhan stood by and took the initiative.

On the one hand, he didn't want the scene to become so chaotic. After all, chaos is not the solution to the problem. On the other hand, he was very unhappy to see Sean so crazy, and he had long wanted to find a chance to mess with this guy.

Brian's madness gave Long Zhan an opportunity.

With the help of pulling the crazy Brian as cover, Long Zhan opened his hands to encircle and control Brian, and took the opportunity to punch a yin punch with his right hand below.

The strength of Long Zhan's punch is obvious to all.

It's not uncommon to beat ordinary people to death with one punch.

Even if Long Zhan didn't want to kill anyone, and Sean, who was born in a special soldier, had good physical fitness, he was punched by Long Zhan until his breathing became stagnant.

The severe pain and strong suffocation made Sean's face turn pale, and the ups and downs in his abdomen made him bend over, cough and retch uncontrollably.

It felt like Long Shan's punch had taken all his guts out.

Hobbs saw Long Zhan's little trick, but pretended nothing happened.

He wouldn't feel sorry for a lunatic like Sean, if it wasn't for his inappropriate status and situation, he would have wished to beat Sean severely.

Boss Tang and the others, who were originally full of anger in their hearts, felt secretly refreshed when they saw Long Zhan beating Sean.

After completing the Dragon War, which took the opportunity to retaliate, he clasped his arms and locked Brian's hands on his chest, and raised his feet so that his feet flew into the air.

Like a father hugging his son, he easily hugged Brian away.

Brian, who was originally emotionally out of control, was completely immobilized by the dragon in the air. After being shocked, his reason finally came back.

After being put back into the ground by Long Zhan, even though he was still staring at Sean angrily, as if he wanted to swallow her alive, he didn't continue to rush over.

"Cough cough cough..."

After a severe cough, Sean raised his head again, and the corners of his mouth were already bleeding.

He looked at Long Zhan with his red eyes open, as if he wanted to engrave Long Zhan in his mind, remember today's hatred, and then turned to Boss Tang and said, "I've made a very good deal with you, if you don't want to see Mia's body, as I said.

Obediently untie my handcuffs, hand me the chip on the table, and let me and my people go out safely, absolutely not allowed to follow. "

"Watt?? Are you joking?" Colonel Kane stared in amazement.

An internationally wanted criminal who has been arrested not only wants to leave the military base, but even made so many demands.

In the eyes of Colonel Kane, this is whimsical and impossible.


Sean spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, stared at Boss Tang with a gloomy face and said, "You can ask this guy if I'm joking."

"Impossible. The safety of a hostage cannot be compared with that of a million citizens. For me..."

A pistol suddenly came out and hit Colonel Kane's left head, interrupting Kane's conversation.

"Stop talking nonsense and let him go."

From the pistol to the arm and finally to the head, the one who drew the gun turned out to be Long Zhan, who had been silent all the time, which made the expressions of the people present more and more exciting.

Brian is grateful, Boss Tang agrees, Roman and Taiji admire, Latti is surprised...

Seeing someone pull out a gun to stand up to his officer, all the soldiers around were furious in an instant, and they drew out their guns and aimed at Long Zhan.

"Are you crazy? As long as I give the order, you will be beaten into a sieve." Colonel Kane growled.

"Sorry, buddy."

Hobbs admires Long Zhan as a real man, and believes that Long Zhan is not a random person. He must have a purpose in doing so, and he also took out his gun and pointed it at Kane's head and said, "If I were you, I would He can do it, you should trust him, he will take care of it."

At this time, everyone in the drag racing team took out their guns and aimed at Colonel Kane without being cowardly.

"Yo, the situation has changed. Now it seems that as long as I give an order, you will be beaten into a sieve. So, do you want to give it a try?"

Long Zhan smiled with your mouth, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

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