The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1189 The Mercenary Queen's Reward

The target of Long Zhan is the cockpit of the transport plane. No matter how huge the Antonov 124 is, it is still controlled by the small buttons.

On the way, I met Boss Tang who was running back, followed by Mia, apparently successfully rescued.

Seeing Long Zhan running over, Boss Tang asked, "Where are you going? We should go."

"Go to the cab and make it stop."

Long Zhan kept walking while he was speaking, and after he finished speaking, he passed by and ran over.

"Wait, I'll go with you."

Boss Tang wanted to call Long Zhan to stop, but Long Zhan didn't stop. He could only tell his sister to go first, and chased in the direction Long Zhan left.

"Be careful."

Mia cared about Boss Tang, but she didn't catch up. She knew that she was a drag, and the biggest help she could do was to leave as soon as possible.

Long Zhan ran wildly with his big feet. On the way, he saw Sean's female subordinate, fainted in a pile of collapsed goods.

The instigator was obviously Boss Tang.

Long Zhan was running out of time, ignoring the comatose female subordinate, relying on his familiarity with military transport aircraft, he quickly came to the outside of the cockpit on the third floor.

There were three pilots in the cockpit. They didn't know the battle situation below, let alone that the dragon battle had come up.

So the cockpit door was not closed.

When the pilot sitting at the back reacted, Long Zhan had already run in front of him, and turned around to catch Long Zhan's casserole-sized fist.

Punch down.

The nose is crooked.

Start baby-like sleep on the spot.

Long Zhan punched with too much force, the face of the fist hit the face very loudly, the captain and co-pilot turned their heads when they heard the sound, their backs felt chills.

The big man whose head had reached the top of the cabin pointed a submachine gun at him, and anyone who saw it would feel their scalps go numb.

"Dragon King, I like your efficiency."

Boss Tang is very confident in his abilities, but also self-aware.

He knew very well that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it as neatly as Long Zhan did, and there was a high probability that he would have to fight a lot.

I have to be convinced by Long Zhan.

"Efficiency has always been my greatest strength."

Long Zhan readily accepted Boss Tang's praise, and smiled with the corner of his mouth up: "Then...let's start now, let me stop this big guy."


Transport aircraft cargo compartment.

Mia ran back and ran into Hobbs and Brian. The latter had a wife who hadn't left. Seeing Mia's return, she was completely relieved.

After giving his wife a big hug, Brian took his wife into the Land Rover military vehicle.

That is the one driven by Long Zhan.

Hobbs pushed Sean into the back seat, started the car, put it in reverse gear, and began to back out of the engine room. When he finally got out of the rear hatch, the rear of the car hit the ground heavily.

At this time, the plane had already taken off a little bit, and the rear hatch was already nearly half a meter high from the ground.

Fortunately, the off-road performance of the military vehicle is good enough, and the tires and shock absorbers absorb the impact of falling, otherwise the vehicle is likely to fall and lose control.

The Land Rover military vehicle detached from the air transport plane, and the transport plane, which had lost a few tons of load, began to climb again.

The cars of Han, Roman, and Giselle were hoisted up again by the wire rope, and they were suspended in the air, and the height continued to climb.

Han and Giselle's faces changed greatly in fright, and Roman was even more anxious to spit out all kinds of fragrance.

Just when the three of them didn't want to be smashed into patties, and they didn't want to jump off the car at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, they used the walkie-talkie to call other people to help.

The speed of the transport plane suddenly dropped sharply, and the wheels that had left the ground returned to the ground.

The hoisted military vehicle finally landed.

see this scene.

Everyone knows that the Dragon War has succeeded, and the "head" of the transport plane has been controlled in time, and now it has entered the landing stage.

The transport plane was effectively controlled, the culprit Sean was captured alive, and none of his men were dead or injured, and none of them were still fighting.

There was no suspense about what happened next.

Hobbs escorted Sean back to the Interpol headquarters, allowing this lunatic who attempted to destroy a city to accept the justice of the law.

Under the help of Long Zhan, the drag racing gang completed the deal with Hobbs, and everyone's criminal record was removed.

The people who were finally able to behave "rightly" gathered at "1327" in a grandiose manner.

That is, Boss Tang is located in California, No. 722 Kensington Road, Los Angeles, house number is 1327, a small villa with a garden.

Long Zhan has repeatedly made outstanding achievements in this operation, and the relationship with the drag racing team has also become harmonious.

Under the kind invitation of Boss Tang himself, Long Zhan agreed to Boss Tang's family reunion invitation.

After returning to France to meet with White Rose Nicole, she completed the task with a perfect answer sheet, and received a kiss from the mercenary queen as a thank you for the first time.

Afterwards, Nicole was so busy that she didn't care about Long Zhan at all.

After passing the last "test", Nicole's mercenary transformation to PMC has no obstacles, and there is a lot of work to be done.

It's normal to be busy, it's strange not to be busy.

Long Zhan also has a lot of things to do. Nicole never sees anyone. She has no chance to break through the last layer, so she can only leave with regret.

According to the address provided by White Rose Nicole, I found Dennis and others who were temporarily settled.

The next step is to contact the old concubine Heihu and Mandy. With the joint efforts of the two women, Dennis and the others are all changed. With a brand new American green card, they set foot on the land of the United States openly.

Tucker had already received the information and completed a seamless connection at the airport.Pick up Dennis and others and send them to the headquarters of Giant God Company.

Long Zhan fully believed in Tucker's ability to handle affairs.

Jushen Company is now thriving, its revenue is soaring every day, and its business is also expanding, which is enough to prove Tucker's ability.

Dennis, Olig and others are all wizards, those sectors that Jushen Company lacks most.

With Long Zhan's notice in advance, Tucker will definitely use his best ability to settle down on the heads of these wizards.

Long Zhan, who has no worries about the future, in order to consolidate the relationship with the drag racing team, will be able to "call and come" in the future.

Instead of returning to the Giant God headquarters, they immediately transferred to a flight to Los Angeles and found a hotel to rest that night.

The next morning, after tidying up, I changed into casual clothes and went to Boss Tang's small garden villa.

At this moment, the villa was already full of people, and everyone in the drag racing group came together, grilling barbecue and drinking beer in the small garden.

Seeing Long Zhan coming over with two pieces of beer, they all gave a warm welcome.

The full-time barbecue "master" Taiji even came to sell the barbecue in person with a large plate of barbecue.

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