The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1218 Breaking into the Luxury Villa

Condelao drew his gun when he disagreed, and his wife Sally turned pale with fright, and immediately burst into tears.

However, Long Zhan, who was being pointed at by the gun, was unusually calm.

Seeing that Long Zhan was not frightened, and that the scene was a bit different from what he had imagined, Kong Delao shouted again: "Your dinner is over, get up, the ticket is ready, and I will personally send you to the airport."

Even at this time, Kong Delau still did not dare to fight the dragon.

It can be seen how powerful the CIA is abroad.

"You dare not shoot, why take it out, and..."

The corner of Long Zhan's mouth slightly raised and he smiled faintly, took out a mobile phone from his pocket in front of Kong Delao and said, "You must know the mobile phone remote control bomb, as long as I press this button, your children will fly into the sky. "

He was sure that Kong Delau was a coward and would not dare to do anything to him, but in order to get Sophia's information, he had to come up with some means.

"You bastard~"

Kong Delao cared most about the children, and Long Zhan frantically flicked the pistol in his hand, wishing to immediately turn Long Zhan into a hornet's nest.

But the last sliver of reason controlled him, making it impossible for him to pull the trigger.

As a woman, Sally was more emotionally vulnerable. When she heard that the child was in danger, she broke down completely and burst into tears, which made Condelao even more confused.

"If I were you, I would obediently put the gun down."

Long Zhan took the absolute initiative, smiling confidently and calmly.

Kong Delao cursed violently, which was in stark contrast to Long Zhan's calmness. He wanted to save himself but found that there was nothing he could do.

Long Zhan observed and distinguished through micro-expressions, and saw that Kong Delao had actually given in.

Taking advantage of the situation, he said, "Tell me who Patrice St. Galli is and where he is hiding. I promise, nothing will happen here."

"Okay, okay, you won, the children are innocent, can you let them go?" Kong Delao softened.

"Accept my conditions, and I'll leave." Long Zhan was still as calm as water.

Kong Delao knew that he had been completely defeated. He could not fight the dragon if he had a child and a wife, so he threw the gun on the table helplessly.

Long Zhan took the pistol three times, five times and two times, dismantled it into a pile of parts, and threw it on the ground.

He stretched out his hand and signaled, "Let's go!"

Kong Delao took a deep breath, completely gave up all thoughts of resistance, led Long Zhan up to the second floor, and entered his private study.

Use an office computer to connect to a special line, and access to the intelligence database after identity verification.

Enter a few simple keywords, and a document will pop up on the desktop.


There is no way to view other information with home appliances, and the display shows restricted access.

Although I haven't been able to see more detailed information, unless the headquarters of the Internal Security Bureau is tens of thousands, knowing where Patrice St. Galli lives is enough for Long Zhan.

Regardless of whether this guy is a cow or a horse, Long Zhan will go to him for a while.

"I can only give you this information, is it enough? If not, I can go to the headquarters to get it for you, as long as you don't hurt my child." Kong Delao begged.

"That's enough, take a good rest."

As soon as Long Zhan finished speaking, he chopped Kong Delao onto the table with a hand knife.

When I went back to the first floor and saw the crying Sally, in order to prevent the woman from calling the police immediately after he left, it would affect my next actions.

For the sake of the woman's hospitality, Long Zhan did not beat her unconscious with a knife, but tied her to a chair with a rope.

As for whether Kong Delao will call the police when he wakes up later, Long Zhan is absolutely confident that he will keep his mouth shut.


If Patrice Saint Galli knew that it was Condreau who had leaked his position and caused danger, he would not be grateful for his reminder.

It's not hard to find 26 Ile Saint-Louis, rue 75004, Paris, just ask anyone.

It's just because it is a high-end wealthy area, and every building in it is a very luxurious single-family villa, with a single floor area of ​​more than a thousand square meters.

Long Zhan found it in less than an hour, and sneaked over the wall into the woods outside the villa.

After some careful observation, he found that he had encountered some small troubles, and the actual situation was much more troublesome than he had imagined.

Villa No. 75004 seems to be having a party, and all kinds of luxury cars are parked outside.

Men in suits and sunglasses can be seen everywhere.

Under such a tight security layout, it is definitely not feasible to forcefully break in. Even if Long Zhan's combat power explodes, there is no way to fight all the way in.

Even if Long Zhan could kill all the bodyguards, San Galli would still have enough time to escape.

Now is the juncture closest to Sophia, Long Zhan can no longer interrupt this clue, he must first make a careful plan.

So I observed in the woods for a period of time, and I did not act until I saw St. Galli through the telescope.

It was completely dark by this time.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Long Zhan used his stealth professional ability to touch the back of the big villa.

Originally, I wanted to find an opportunity to climb over the wall and get in, and then depending on the situation, I would find a way to get close to St. Galli, hold him hostage, and rescue Sophia.

As a result, Goddess of Luck took care of Long Zhan and gave him a godsend opportunity.

The back door of the villa is now open, and a truck is parked below to unload goods. They are all kinds of expensive ingredients, which should be used for the party tonight.

What was even more surprising was that one of them was dressed in white and looked like a helper in the kitchen, but he was also a big man.

He looks at least 1 meters tall.

"It's really drowsy meeting the pillow. It's hard to think about it tonight."

Long Zhan secretly touched it secretly, relying on the absolute crushing force, without making a sound, he took care of the three unloading people.

Asking all three of them to throw them into the container, Long Zhan also jumped into the container and closed the door.

When Long Zhan pushed open the door of the container again, he had already put on the white chef's uniform of the big man's helper, and a change came.

The big man is about the same height as Long Zhan, and the loose clothes can also make the muscles not too exaggerated.

Long Zhan was very satisfied with the camouflage on his body, holding a box of fresh Aolong in his hand, making it look like he was carrying ingredients, and strode into the house.

On the way, I met several servants and bodyguards, although everyone noticed Long Zhan, after all, he was tall and powerful.

But no one stopped him, they all regarded Long Zhan as a hard worker in the kitchen, and it was normal for coolies to be stronger.

It was much easier than imagined, easily mixed into the big villa.

Long Zhan didn't go into the back kitchen to help, so as not to be recognized by the people in the kitchen, he dropped Aolong halfway and turned into the passage next to him.

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