The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1223 Crazy Seine River Speeder

Chapter 1223 Crazy Seine River Speeder

The luxury yacht was sailing at a constant speed on the river, and Long Zhan was chasing after him on the shore in an Audi luxury car.

As expected of a top luxury car breaking a hundred in 5 seconds, the speed of the explosion is not comparable to that of a yacht. Long Zhan quickly caught up with the luxury yacht that ran first.

However, the yacht was sailing in the middle of the river, and no car could stop it no matter how fast it was.

Synchronous speed can only be maintained on the shore.

"MD, it's really frustrating to catch up but not be able to get on the boat. If only the car could fly, fly? Isn't that..."

Long Zhan was just venting his annoyance, but suddenly saw the bridge in the distance ahead.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration came to my mind.

A crazy idea was born.

From the corner of his eye, he locked on to the yacht in the river, continued to maintain the same speed as the yacht, flexibly controlled the car to run wildly, and avoided traffic on the road.

As the car and the bridge got closer, Long Zhan's breathing became short of breath.

Not nervous.

It's the blood boiling caused by excitement.


When the car came to the intersection with the bridge, Long Zhan slammed in a sharp direction without slowing down, and the tires of the Audi car creaked on the ground.

With a beautiful high-speed turn and tail drift, it floated on the bridge and continued to run forward.

"It's now……"

Long Zhan, who had calculated the distance in advance, drove about 10 meters forward on the bridge, and turned the steering wheel to the right again.

With the car body leaning heavily to the left, the car made a 90-degree turn in the direction of travel.

Turned across the bridge.

Immediately afterwards, driven by the high speed, from the perspective of a bystander, it seemed that he was committing suicide by rushing over the bridge, smashing the guardrail of the bridge and rushing out.

After a second.

The Audi car that crashed into the bridge guardrail and flew down did not plunge into the icy river, but landed on a boat with a plop.

The open-air bar with the expensive light wood floor was smashed to pieces by the falling Audi.

A bodyguard who was in charge of guarding on the roof happened to be completely smashed by the falling car, and was embedded between the car and the wooden floor and became bloody.

The luxury yacht was tens of meters in length, was hit by the car and remained motionless, continuing to drive forward.

People on a yacht are different.

Suddenly there was a loud bang above the head, which shocked everyone in the yacht, and the bodyguards who were confused about the situation rushed to the top floor.

"Squeak, boom~"

Long Zhan pushed open the deformed car door, kicked the door open with one last kick, and climbed out of the car.

He knew that everyone on board must have been alarmed. In order to ensure Sofia's safety to the greatest extent, he had to end the battle on board before the enemy reacted.

Either kill everyone or find Sophia.

Swinging his head left and right to check the layout of the yacht, Long Zhan chose the nearest spiral staircase on the left without any entanglement or hesitation.

Just halfway through the run, I saw someone coming up.

Long Zhan jumped and grabbed the railing above, and flung it in a small arc in the air, kicking the face of the person running up with his big feet.

The bodyguard's face was kicked away by a big kick, and he flew from the middle of the stairs to the next floor.

Before he could react after hitting the ground heavily, all kinds of stars were still shining in front of his eyes, he found himself flying into the air, and then submerged in the icy cold water.

By the time he struggled to swim to the surface of the water, the yacht had already sailed tens of meters away.

"Someone got on board and found him."

"Azhali, go and look at those women, and everyone else will look for them."

"I didn't see it on the top floor. He went down. He has already invaded the cabin."


The bodyguards on the yacht are very professional. Under the command of the person in charge, all the soldiers are divided into two groups, and the arrangements are in place.


Professionalism is just the foundation, and the rest depends on strength.

The bodyguards didn't know how fierce the people who invaded the ship were, so they didn't search in groups or in groups of three or four in the safest way.

Although a team of many people may not be useful, there is a high probability that they will be overthrown by Dragon War.

But at least I can still struggle.

Now the bodyguards are still dealing with it as usual. In order to increase the search range, they are all separated, and each person searches in one direction or place.

Searching for Long Zhan in this way is tantamount to giving away unilaterally.

A bodyguard searched the room on the third floor, and suddenly he was hit hard on the back of the head, and he lay on the floor without even making a sound.

A bodyguard was walking well in the passage, the door on the left suddenly opened, and a giant hand stretched out.

The bodyguard was so frightened that his first reaction was to shoot, but he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull the trigger off.

The giant hand only used two fingers to completely pinch the entire trigger ring.

It's like it's welded.

The gun was accused of being unable to shoot. The bodyguard's reaction was not bad. He immediately raised his foot and kicked Long Zhan, trying to distance himself by planting vegetables.

As a result, he kicked over and became a dish delivered to the door.

Long Zhan's other hand seemed to grab the kicked foot firmly in his hand, with such strength that he couldn't retract his foot.

The bodyguard, whose hands and feet were controlled, was so frightened that the hairs all over his body stood on his head.

next second.

The whole person was dragged into the room, as if swallowed by a monster, and never appeared in the corridor on the second floor.

The No.3 "victim" bodyguard was more straightforward, and was kicked off the pistol by Long Zhan at the corner.

Then there was a click.

The neck was twisted abruptly, and it fell to the ground limply like noodles.

The entire battle process was very short, and it ended in less than two seconds.

Three in a row were killed silently, and the person in charge of the yacht didn't realize the problem at all, and was still contacting the buyer about picking up the goods.

It wasn't until a phone call came and heard the news that St. Galli had been killed that he realized the seriousness of the problem.

They're being targeted by big trouble.

In order to ensure the "goods" on the bed as much as possible, the person in charge decided to drag the bodyguards on the boat, and he took the women to the speedboat and left first.

There is a medium-sized express under the yacht, enough to seat seven or eight people.

But his orders haven't been issued yet...

"Da da da da da."

A series of firing sounds sounded, and the sound came from the first floor on the deck.

The shooting distance was only a layer of plywood, and the person in charge quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and called, "Who is shooting and what happened?"

None of the men spoke.

The person in charge called several other bodyguards by name, but still did not get any response.

The communication channel was eerily quiet.

The person in charge realized that all his subordinates were probably dead, and died quietly. Thinking of how terrifying the enemy was, he finally started to panic.

With the only three remaining men, he immediately retreated towards the room where the girls were.

(End of this chapter)

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