The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1226 Deliberately provoking trouble

Long Zhan agreed to take Sophia to Mexico, and he didn't care about the rest.

The middle-aged subordinates arranged by Horus are very good in means and abilities, and he is in charge of the whole process, leaving Long Zhan completely alone.

Unobstructed all the way.

Arrived in Mexico City the next day, someone had been waiting at the airport in advance, Long Zhan and his party were taken to Horus' private villa when they came out.

As the biggest drug lord in Mexico, his villa cannot be said to be luxurious, but extravagant.

Not to mention the area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, not to mention the self-contained golf course, not to mention the entrance gate is only a dozen meters wide.

In the huge swimming pool behind this guy's mansion, there are a group of hippos and crocodiles.

The real TM knife takes the butt——

Eyes open!

Local tyrants in the Middle East like to keep lions, tigers, and leopards, and Long Zhan can barely accept it. After all, the appearance of these animals is nothing to say.

Enough mighty, enough domineering.

If there is a chance in the future, Long Zhan would like to raise a few of them for fun.

But what are crocodiles and hippos?
These two kinds of animals are good-looking but not good-looking, and they can make children cry ugly. Or, if they want IQ but not IQ, they may kill their owners for a lifetime.

Long Zhan really doesn't understand this Horus Duru, and keeps a bunch of these things in his backyard for Mao Mao.


Thinking of Latin America, a region full of drug dealers, most drug dealers have very strange aesthetics, and they like to keep some weird pets.

For example, Pablo Escobar, the late Colombian drug lord, liked to raise hippos.

When he was caught to death, the number of hippos had reached an exaggerated 150, and because there were no natural enemies, the number continued to expand.

As the big drug lord in Mexico, it is not surprising that Horus has a few hippos and a few crocodiles.

In order to welcome his precious daughter back home, Horus Dulu obviously spent a little thought, and the whole villa was specially decorated.

I stopped playing with the balloon dolls that girls like everywhere, and almost painted the color pink.


Sophia felt nothing at all.

Compared with girls of the same age, Sophia's heart is much more mature, and she doesn't have any feelings for many cute things that girls like.

Before Long Zhan entered the villa, he saw Horus, and he was already waiting at the door ahead of time.

As soon as the car stopped, Horus came up, waved the men who came up to open the door to step back, and opened the door for his daughter himself.

The second Sophia got off the car, Horus took the initiative to win.

Sophia didn't give Russia a hug, and she didn't look too happy when she saw Russia. She nodded slightly and walked aside.

When Long Zhan got off the other side of the car, she consciously went up to hold Long Zhan's arm.

Comparing Sophia's completely different hot and cold attitudes towards Long Zhan and herself, Horus Dulu was stunned for several seconds.

Standing there with a blank face, he looked at Long Zhan and didn't know what he was thinking.

Long Zhan is also looking at him.

Horus is a standard Mexican with a relatively brown complexion, black eyes, and dark hair.

There are two thick mustaches on the mouth, but the chin is smooth, which is very distinctive.

He is about 1 meters tall, not very tall, but he is very fat with a big belly, and his weight is at least 75 catties.

There are some potholes on his face, which are most likely left by fighting when he was young.


After watching for about half a minute, Horus suddenly burst out laughing.

He warmly came up and gave Long Zhan a hug. Although he could only hug him to the waist due to his height, it did not affect the series of Spanish in his thick voice.

What thanks to Long Zhan for saving his daughter, what Long Zhan wants, just mention it...

These are all scene words, Long Zhan didn't take them to heart.

He came with a purpose.

I have no interest in such small favors at all. Long Zhan can play big games if he wants to, and strive to monopolize the private armed training market in Mexico.

With this idea as the core, the dialogue between Long Zhan and Horus has a deeper meaning.

No matter what Long Zhan talked about with Horus, he would try his best to divert it to this direction.

such as.

Speaking of the accident Sophia encountered this time, Long Zhan said secretly: "If there were professional bodyguards, this kind of thing would definitely not have happened."

Speaking of a lot of security in the Villa of Horus, Long Zhan deliberately made troubles to find faults.

Assuming that he is an attacker, the security here is simply full of loopholes, from which places he can easily break in.

Speaking of the recent unrest in Mexico, Long Zhan will involve the private armed forces of those well-known drug dealers, and point out without any sympathy, Horus don't say that your security is far inferior to theirs.


All kinds of derogatory and indirect damages, etc., Long Zhan never stopped from entering the door to the end of the banquet.

The Russian bodyguards who have been following for protection, as well as the security personnel who are on duty nearby, will not say how angry they are when they hear Long Zhan's evaluation.

If it weren't for her boss standing there, the eldest lady would have been clinging to Long Zhan.

Plus the size of the dragon war is scary.

The worthless bodyguards and security guards who were demoted by Long Zhan will definitely swarm up to teach Long Zhan a lesson and let him know their strength.

Originally because Long Zhan saved his daughter, and seeing that Long Zhan's physical fitness is so good, at least standing there is enough.

He also cherished his talents and planned to use money to buy Horus from Long Zhan.

Hearing that Long Zhan belittled him so much, he was imperceptibly saying that he had no strong men under his command, and he was also angered by Long Shang's arrogance.

Fortunately, as the boss, he has enough city power, and his daughter is very attached to Long Zhan now, it is irrational to have an unpleasant confrontation with Long Zhan face to face.

Horus shook his head.

Soon, he thought of a clever plan that could not only fight Long Zhan, but also let Long Zhan, who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, know what it means to be arrogant without making his daughter unhappy.

It would be great if I could fight Long Zhan so badly that my daughter would no longer be attached to Long Zhan.

His daughter of Horus is the jewel in the palm of her hand, the dream goddess of all Mexican men, how could she casually date a man of unknown origin.

Even if this man saved Sophia.

"Since Mr. Gibran thinks that my place has so many loopholes and deficiencies, I think your ability must be very good. Otherwise, I happen to be free tonight, so I will ask my subordinates to ask you for advice?"

Horus just wanted to use the excuse of asking for advice to arrange powerful subordinates to suppress the arrogance of Long Zhan.

Looking at Horus, Long Zhan is nothing more than a bit bigger, probably born as a veteran, who happened to save his daughter in Paris.

No matter how strong the ability is, the upper limit is still there, and it is impossible to be too strong.

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