The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1234 Long Zhan is a coward? ? ?

Chapter 1234 Long Zhan is a coward? ? ?
Taking the 3A action standard as the principle of action, Longzhan first began to evaluate the information at hand.

Know the general structural layout of the villa, where the main building Horus lives in, and what level of internal security and bodyguards are there.

This is the biggest advantage Long Zhan has at hand.

The second is to analyze the current problems, how to break through the outermost security, how to approach Horus quietly, how to successfully capture Horus alive, and meticulous security.

What problems may be encountered during the operation, what impact will it have on the operation, etc.

These all need to be understood.

Only after the first two steps are completed, can we start to use the data at hand to perform matching calculations and find out the optimal action plan.

In the end, you can complete the task smoothly when you act.

For the understanding of how to complete the second step, Long Zhan didn't need to discuss with his teammates, and designed a detailed plan by himself.

Divide the line of defense that needs to be broken in the raid into two, and distinguish between the outer line of defense and the inner line of defense.

The outer line of defense is near the surrounding walls of the villa. Find out where there are cameras, where there are light and dark sentinels for security, and where there are grid infrared rays...

All kinds of security information, etc., must be checked by him.

The main enemy is the security team.

For this work of collecting information, Long Zhan organized the four players who came over into Team F, code-named F1, and the rest from F2 to F5.

Long Zhan handed over the work of collecting information on the outer defense line to F2 and F3.

The inner line of defense is defined as the perimeter of Horus.

No matter how many personal bodyguards he has, or how many people there are in the entire bodyguard team, these information are based on people.

Or where Horus usually goes, what kind of car he takes, and information in units of items.

Long Zhan needs to do everything possible to collect clearly, and strive not to let go of any small details.

This task was handed over to F4 and F5.

If these tasks that require a lot of time and energy are given to four team members to complete, Long Zhan will have a lot of time to design a plan of action.

After the division of labor is completed, act immediately.

The four team members set off in twos and twos, communicating only by radio.

Long Zhan also devoted himself to work.

Today is the second day of the "gamble". Horus is very calm on the surface and very confident in his heart, but he still has some concerns.

After all, Long Zhan's personal strength is too exaggerated to be theorized at all.

At that second, the quick sniping of a little rabbit, if all the rabbits were replaced by humans, Horus Duru's scalp would feel numb just thinking about it.

He didn't think that if he was exposed to Longzang's vision, he would be able to leave alive and safely.

It's so scary!
Therefore, on the first day of the bet, Horus did not pretend to be aggressive, and chose to be a good baby and stay honestly in the big villa.

There are security teams and personal bodyguards, plus an airtight monitoring system.

Only Horus can have enough sense of security.

As a result, nothing happened on the first day. Horus not only went to the swimming pool to swim, but also played golf without any accidents.

Horus was not surprised by the calmness of the first day.

Even if there was no movement in the next two days, Horus felt that it was very normal.

Horus didn't think Long Zhan would be so stupid. Normal people have seven days to act, and they wouldn't start immediately in such a hurry.

Horus would be even happier if Dragon War was unconventional and acted immediately.

At the same time, there will be a little disappointment!
There are bound to be various hidden dangers in a hasty and hasty action. It is simply impossible for anyone to break through the defense of his villa.

His security system cost tens of millions to build, but it was not a plastic film that anyone could pierce.

If Long Zhanshi's impetuous character is like a big boy with his size, Horus' evaluation will drop a few levels.

You can only fight, but you can fight and have an old head, which is not a concept at all.

The latter is a hundred times better than the former!

Day three...

Day [-]...

As Horus expected, nothing happened in the next two days.

At this time, Horus was still a bit proud, his judgment was all right, which meant that at least at this moment, he had won Long Zhan.

In order to further protect his own safety, Horus also found a PSC company and specially hired a team of world-class bodyguards.

Although the temporary hiring of senior security personnel violated the rules established by He Longzhan at the beginning.

But who is Horus?

He is engaged in a sinful reading business, and the head of the reading business is paid by eating human blood, and his dictionary is full of deceit.

Anyway, Long Zhan didn't know how many bodyguards he had, and if he added a few more temporarily, no one would know if he didn't tell.

Having made all the preparations, Horus predicted that Long Zhan should almost start to act, and waited for Long Zhan and his people to throw themselves into the trap.


He miscalculated this time.

On the fifth and sixth days, the big villa remained as calm as ever. The security system did not call the police once, and no one tried to break in.

Seeing that there was only the last day left, Long Zhan still did not launch any action.

Horus couldn't understand it now.

"Could it be that he couldn't find a chance, thought that there was no way to win the bet, and in order not to humiliate himself, he gave up and broke the contract and ran away secretly?" Horus couldn't help guessing.

Horus' conjecture is not unreasonable, the probability of this happening is very high.

After all, Horus didn't know Long Zhan's information, so it was impossible for him to come to him to collect debts because of breaking the contract. Long Zhan gave up running without any pressure.

The mentality of Horus, who is the boss, has changed, let alone the younger brother.

"That fellow must have run away, bloody coward."

"A big guy with a flashy face, if he doesn't have that strength, he still has to pretend."

"It's already the sixth day. He didn't even dare to try once. He must have slipped away."

"Being played by him for nothing for so many days is really f*cking annoying."


Horus' security team and bodyguards were talking about it, and everyone was crazily despising and mocking Long Zhan, thinking that Long Zhan was frightened by their readiness.

He became a coward and dared not embarrass himself again.

Among the hundreds of people in the entire villa, only one person stood by Long Zhan's side.

That's Sophia!

The gods descended to earth again and again by Long Zhan, and rescued her at the most dangerous moment in her life. Long Zhan had already touched the depths of Sophia's soul.

It's not the ordinary kind of firm belief, but it has become a belief.

Sophia's firm belief was unwavering, and she believed from the beginning to the end that Long Zhan would not run away, and he would definitely come to fulfill the promise he made——

"We'll meet again soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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