The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1239 Old School Infiltration Operation

Chapter 1239 Old School - Infiltration Operation

As Horus' reinforcements arrive on the battlefield, the engagement turns into a matryoshka doll.

The central point is the besieged Horus, with less than 200 manpower left, relying on the nightclub building as a reliance, struggling to survive.

On the outside is CJNG's reader army, and the combined size of all the hands is about 800.

They fought on two fronts.

Some people continued to attack the nightclub building, with the goal of killing Horus on the spot.

Another group of people dispersed to all the intersections leading to the nightclub and blocked all these intersections to prevent them from going in to support Horus.

The surrounding streets are all in a mess, that is, the two sides are fighting an offensive and defensive war.

As soon as the Horus Group's convoy approached the intersection, from which they could reach the nightclub by turning a corner, they were attacked extremely fiercely.

On the two Hummer military off-road vehicles parked at the intersection, there are fierce "Old Godmothers" mounted on them.

Although these Hummer military vehicles are second-hand goods, it seems that the US military has replaced them with new military off-road vehicles, and they were sold to them by some organizations.

But the guns mounted on it are genuine goods at a fair price, and their power will not be reduced because they are second-hand.

"Tom tom tom tom..."

Two .50 barrages swept over, and the two leading off-road vehicles were scrapped on the spot.

The car body was easily pierced like paper, and all the people in the car turned into chain gourds. The powerful kinetic energy even caused the car body to deform severely.

It is indeed a heavy machine gun that cannot be carried by armored vehicles.

The ferocious firepower of the CJNG reader really startled the Horus Group. The cars behind were so frightened that some braked suddenly, some wanted to turn around immediately, and some simply abandoned the car and fled.

A large team of hundreds of people and hundreds of vehicles turned into a mess on the street for a while.

"This is Horus' personal armed force?"

Seeing the disorganized teams running around, compared with the CJNG armed forces guarding the intersection along the generation, Long Zhan is really speechless.

The two sides now have almost the same manpower, but the gap in combat literacy is too great.

If the actual combat capabilities of the private armed forces of the CJNG Group have reached the second-rate national regular army, then Horus' private armed forces are militias.

If there is no external force involved, Long Zhangan said very firmly.

Horus is dead today!

As far as this group of low-ranking rabble is concerned, even if their number is doubled, it will be useless. It is impossible to attack and rescue Horus.

Even if Horus spent a lot of money to dig up a bunch of elites to be his personal bodyguards.

There are also four professional contractors of Jushen Company, who have been actively coordinating the remaining manpower to organize the defense line and try their best to block the attack of CJNG Group.

Fortunately, there are external forces now, giving this mortal situation a chance.

In order to rescue Russia from the encirclement before Horus was killed, Long Zhan had to use all his strength to find a way.

First, he climbed to a nearby building and judged the current situation through observation.

After nearly 10 minutes of detailed observation, Long Zhan had a basic understanding of the battlefield situation, and began to analyze using this information.

To get to the building where the nightclub is located, there are two main roads.

One only needs to drive to the gate of the nightclub, and the other is across the street from the back door of the nightclub, and you need to pass through a row of buildings to reach the back door of the nightclub.

Both roads are blocked now, and they are the kind that cannot be entered by car.

The middle of the street was blocked by several cars, and behind the wall of the cars were parked armed vehicles, all of which were full of black-holed sniper guns.

With the armed vehicle as the center of fire, there are hundreds of heavily armed soldiers around.

Bulletproof helmets, bulletproof vests, tactical vests, black special combat uniforms, combat boots and various tactical equipment, all of which are fully equipped.

This is a group of soldiers, completely unrelated to readers.

The left and right of the two streets add up to four intersections, and the deployment of each point is the same, all of which are heavy machine guns and armored vehicles with heavy handles.

If the regular army can still rush once, there is a good chance to use tanks and armored vehicles to open the way.

However, Horus's family-style armaments are numerous but none of them are excellent, let alone armored vehicles and tanks, there are not even a few heavy machine gun armed vehicles.

It is impossible to rely on them to break through the barrier.

Long Zhan gave up this idea!
The rest are the various alleys between the two streets and between the buildings.

This kind of alley is indeed a breakthrough point, and it is also the main core area of ​​the current battlefield. A large number of gunmen from the Horus Group and private armed forces from the CJNG Group come and fight in each alley.

Because the gap in equipment is too large, and there is no one to command uniformly.

As a result, the Horus gunmen rushed into the defense line frantically, and even if they occasionally grabbed one of the alleys, they were quickly snatched back because there were no follow-up people to support them.

The two sides fought for half an hour, but no one could get in to meet Horus.

It can be seen that the CJNG Group has a unified headquarters, which plays a great role in the battle, and can dispatch personnel to various places for support at any time.

If he wanted to use these alleys as a breakthrough point, Long Zhan felt that the risk was still very high.

CJNG Group controls two streets, and can drive to any alley for support at any time, even if it takes more people to attack a certain alley, it is useless.

There is no way to break through the two streets, and the success rate of hitting the photo paper will not be very high, so there is only the last point——

Hall shop!

There are buildings between streets and streets, but these buildings are not airtight.

There are a small number of street-facing shops that are large enough to connect the front street and the back street, and they can sneak in quietly as long as they are used.

Then after finding Horus, they sneaked out with him quietly.

This is equivalent to giving Long Zhan a chance to break through.

of course.

This plan focuses on a quiet tit, and there is one thing that needs to be paid special attention to.

That is, the concealment must be full.

It is only possible to rescue Horus if there are only a few people with a very small number of people who are likely not to be taken seriously by the armed forces of the CJNG group.

At the same time, because only a few people were brought, the risk factor was also very high.

Once the real intention is discovered, the CJNG Group will send a large group of people to encircle and suppress them. At that time, let alone saving people, I am afraid that I will have to join in.

"Save? Or not?"

Facing the multiple-choice questions before him, Long Zhan finally chose the former.

What he has done the most in his life is battlefield infiltration, and this is what he is best at. He has been involved in almost every war zone in the world.

In such a small reading battlefield, Long Zhan really didn't believe that he would get into it.

After making a decision, Long Zhan went downstairs, found the head of the Horus rescue force, and asked him for some good hands to cooperate with him in this journey.

(End of this chapter)

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