The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1250 The Hidden Secret

Chapter 1250 The Hidden Secret

Horus' sky-high contract has a large amount, which can bring huge profits to Jushen Company, but it is not an easy task to complete.

Certainly a daunting challenge.

First of all, the first request from Russia is that the private armament that Long Zhan built for the Horus Group should be larger than that of the CJNG Group.

To achieve this, the number of Horus armed forces to be trained must reach at least 1000.

You must know that the number of attackers sent by the CJNG Group this time has reached a staggering 800, and this cannot be the entire number.

The number of private armed forces of the Horus family must reach 1000 to match.

According to a regular company of more than 100 people, the size of this 1000 people is equivalent to the standard number of combat personnel owned by a regiment.

Here is the second requirement of Horus, which is to cultivate an army whose combat effectiveness exceeds that of the CJNG Group.

From Long Zhan's personal experience this time, CJNG Group's private armed equipment has reached the level of special police, but its combat effectiveness is far inferior.

Not to mention special forces!

A full battery is equivalent to the average army level of an ordinary country.

This standard sounds not high, but the number can be enlarged to 1000 people, and the basic trainees are readers, so the difficulty is not so high.

It is a challenge for Jushen Company to cultivate a standard army regiment.

In order to be able to complete this challenge and finally get all the 5 million contract money smoothly, Long Zhan had to do his best in the whole company.

Let Tucker organize a team of 200 instructors and rush to Mexico City in the shortest possible time.

Although Jushen Company's current contract employees exceeded the 1000 mark a month ago, they are still recruiting continuously.

It is expected to expand to 2000 people by the beginning of next year.

However, the development of Jushen Company is also very hot. For a people-based PMC company, the investment in personnel is also huge.

The first is the hottest military club right now.

Now thousands of people come to play every day, and the company must keep 400 employees working at the same time to ensure the normal operation of the military club.

This includes 300 military contractors, and 100 various service employees.

The second is the training business project.

Although this project is not as profitable as the club, but because they all need to travel to the local police station, there is no way to take care of other places, and more contractors are needed.

At present, Jushen Company has signed more than 200 contracts.

Police departments, including state, county, city and townships, range in size from two to six, sending out a total of more than 700 contractors.

The remaining contractors have other tasks, including an early dispatch to Yorktown to advance the work.

After such a lot of apportionment, Jushen Company has signed more than 1000 contractors, and the rest can be said to be stretched.

To pull a team of 200 people at a time to go to Mexico to perform training tasks is indeed a big challenge for the current Jucheng company.

If Tucker wants to meet the number of team members, he needs to readjust the company layout.

That is to say, people who have been removed from other departments' projects will be temporarily replaced in this project, and will be filled in when other people are recruited later.

After all, this project is worth 5 million sky-high prices, and its operation must be guaranteed first.

How to recruit people and how to organize, Long Zhan is used to throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper and doesn't care at all. He only needs to be responsible for giving orders, and this is the boss life he wants.

The reason why 200 giant god contractors are needed is also precisely calculated by Long Zhan.

These 200 people not only include personnel training, but also have to be responsible for the site selection and structure of the training venue, as well as all logistics support and supply.

5 million US dollars is equivalent to a one-off price for training.

In addition to Horus finding a piece of land needed for Dragon War, which will be used for this private armed training, the Giant God Company will be responsible for everything else.

Everything included Although it sounds cumbersome, it is actually more convenient in operation.

Long Zhan didn't want to argue with the person in charge sent by Horus in the next training because of such trivial matters as what to eat, drink, and wear.

In addition to asking Tucker to send a team of 200 people, Dragon War also specifically called René Predal.

As an officer of the Lute Green Beret of the U.S. Army, he was in charge of military supplies during his service and personally participated in the procurement of special equipment.

In terms of purchasing and selecting military equipment, Rene has a natural advantage.

The sky-high contract with Horus includes not only personnel training, but also equipment, and must exceed that of CJNG Group.

According to Long Zhan's observation and screening, all the CJNG Group purchases are US "stocking special" special warfare equipment.

According to the request made by Horus, if Long Zhan wants Horus's private armed force to surpass that of CJNG Group, then he can only find a way to obtain military-standard equipment.

The enemies faced by the army are also soldiers, while the enemies faced by the special police are ordinary people.

Different enemies face different equipment levels.

Military standard equipment is definitely better than special warfare equipment, no matter in terms of lethality or defensive ability, so the equipment of special forces will generally be better than that of special police.

As long as Long Zhan can purchase special forces equipment, it can meet Horus' requirements.

René himself was born in Lute, the strongest in the US military, and he is very familiar with the equipment of the Army's special forces, plus his experience in procurement.

Letting him be responsible for purchasing the Horus contract is definitely the best candidate without a doubt.

In addition, the chief instructor who is in charge of this training is the same outstanding personal ability, and former SEAL Team [-] Sergeant Tim who is an old friend with Rene.

Long Zhan believes that with the tacit cooperation of the two of them, there is no difficulty in completing this contract.

After finalizing all aspects of the work arrangement of the contract, Long Zhan did not continue to stay in Mexico, even if he was accompanied by mature beauties every day.

Instead, he flew back to Salt Lake City the next day and was taken back to the company headquarters by Ronnie.

As a result, he bumped into a girl as soon as he entered the door. Fortunately, Long Zhan's reaction speed was fast enough. He turned around forcibly at the moment he was about to hit him, and just inserted the girl, and he backhanded the girl to hug her back.

Otherwise, with Long Zhan's tank-like body, the girl would have been knocked two or three meters away at least.


A terrified scream pierced the hall, drawing everyone's attention.

"It's okay, what should I do?"

With a wave of Long Zhan's hand, his eyes all faded away, and his deterrent power was simply leveraged.

"Okay, it's okay, don't bark."

Long Zhan let go of the girl impatiently, took a closer look and found that it was Guna, his tone softened all of a sudden, and asked with concern: "How are you, are you not injured? Do you want to go to the hospital to have a look?"

"'s okay, I'm fine, I still have work and I'm leaving first."

Gu Na looked up, and found that it turned out to be a legendary figure in the company. She suddenly became a little deer, stuttered, turned her head and ran away.

"Hey, this little girl is quite interesting."

Long Zhan was uncharacteristically gentle, looking at Gu Na's back and smiling happily.

It wasn't until the end of the corridor where Guna disappeared that Long Zhan looked away, turned his head and continued to walk towards Tucker's office.

He didn't notice the other employees of the company at all, and looked at Long Zhan with ambiguity in his eyes.

Even Ronnie couldn't help thinking: "It seems that the company's rumors are true. There is an ulterior secret between the boss and the Minister of Finance."

(End of this chapter)

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