The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1256 The Taste of Conspiracy

Chapter 1256 The Taste of Conspiracy

a few days later.

Seattle Center for Science and Machines.

The speech rally of Elector No. 1 was held as scheduled, and a sudden gunshot turned the entire scene into a sea of ​​panic.

A bunch of men in black rushed onto the podium, and some of them were lying in a pool of blood with their heads smashed.

Elector No. 1 was not killed. The one who died was the Ethiopian bishop who stood next to him and accompanied him to speak on the platform. He had no idea that he would die.

Marcus, who was personally invited by Johnson, not only failed to prevent the shooting from happening, but was even caught by the police who heard the gunshots and pushed in the door, thinking that he was the one who shot just now.

Because Marcus was lying in front of the sniper rifle!
The police asked Marcus to immediately put down the gun to cooperate with the investigation, but Marcus refused and was knocked unconscious, and quickly fled the scene of the crime.

Marcus thus became the biggest suspect and was wanted by the police nationwide.

At that time, many reporters were on the scene, live-streaming President No. 1's speech at a rally in Seattle, which happened to be a special live broadcast of the shooting, which caused the incident to spread very quickly.

In less than half an hour, it spread all over the country.

The Jushen Company has entered the election, and the news that the No. 1 elector and the current president was shot inevitably spread.

After finally gathering on Tucker, Tucker told Long Zhan again.

Long Zhan is used to shooting incidents in the United States, and the successful assassination of the president is not an exception, so he became a joke for the people who eat melons.

"Free America, shootouts every day."

As a result, less than half an hour after Long Zhan's foot was chopped off, the CIA contact person called the company and talked to Tucker about the attack.

The suspect is a veteran SEAL elite with excellent escape ability and anti-reconnaissance ability.

After the incident, the police did not catch him on the spot, allowing Marcus to flee the scene of the crime. Now he has no clue and it is very difficult to catch him.

Now the Seattle police have lost their clues and have no idea where he went, so they can only start a city-wide search.

The FBI also organized an arrest team, and used all the technical means, flying in the sky and running on the ground, spreading a net.

However, things have passed for so long, and it is no better than the Seattle police.

Also clueless!

Marcus seemed to have disappeared from the earth, without any clues.

Somehow, the CIA smelled the "fishy smell" in it, and felt that there were other reasons and hidden secrets, so they were also ready to join in and intervene.

See if you can get something.

But sending someone to enter the venue in person is a bit inappropriate, and there is a serious suspicion of exceeding authority. The CIA is responsible for foreign countries, and the domestic is the FBI's special.

It is even more impossible to find the military to cooperate. It is not a large-scale terrorist attack, and it is impossible to dispatch special forces.

But this is not a problem for the CIA.

If you can't do it clearly, then do it secretly, and you have to find a smaller company to avoid attracting attention.

So the CIA found the Colossus Company and invited the Colossus Company to find the missing Marcus, and they would send someone to take him away if they caught him.

The commission given by the CIA is not high, only 10 US dollars if caught,

With the current size of Jushen Company, it must be despised by such a small amount of money.

Not to mention helping the CIA to do this is tantamount to stealing food from the FBI's pot. If the FBI finds out, it might cause a commotion.

For example, if there is nothing to do and come to investigate, even if the headquarters is closed for a day, the loss will be huge.

That means that the money was not earned, and the chicken was lost.

No matter how you think about it, you can't do it!
Not to mention that Long Zhan already basically knew why the CIA only gave such a small amount of money after hearing it, because it was just for fun, and if he wanted to satisfy his curiosity, whether he could catch the target was not a must.

And even though the CIA was just for fun, Tucker took it very seriously.

I think this is a good opportunity to get closer to the CIA.

There is no distinction between the two military intelligence.

As the head of a military company, Tucker will most likely cooperate with the military government in the future, and many projects may involve the CIA.

Counterintelligence is the job of the CIA, and cooperation with the government or the military cannot escape this hurdle.

Thinking of one more relationship and one more way out, Tucker paid so much attention to this CIA project, and called Long Zhan immediately.

Even if Tucker knew that Long Zhan had a way in the CIA, he still felt the need to win this project.

Hearing that the CIA was only willing to pay $10, he wanted Jushen to help him catch a suspect who dared to shoot and kill the president.

Long Zhan burst into foul language on the spot!
Is this fucking sending off beggars, or is it okay to entertain us.

Under the influence of anger, Long Zhan originally wanted to reject it straight away, and at least paid 50 US dollars before he could send two people out to look for it.

It is conceivable that the suspect in the news is called Marcus, and the named one is the retired SEAL special forces.

Long Zhan changed his mind again.

Retired SEAL, Marcus, and sniper, these three pieces of information are separated, and Long Zhan doesn't care at all.

There are at least 10 active and retired special forces in the United States, and there are 8000 people named Marcus.

Not to mention snipers, there are too many in the United States to count.

However, when the three pieces of information were connected together, a retired SEAL special soldier named Marcus shot and killed the Ethiopian bishop with a sniper rifle at a speech rally.

Long Zhan can no longer watch.

The life-and-death battle of Operation Red Wings established the deep friendship between Long Zhan and Marcus and others. He did not believe that Marcus would do such a thing.

Assassinating the president of one's own country is not something a veteran seal can do.

In order to find out whether the suspect who was shot this time was the Marcus he knew, Long Zhan had to go this way anyway.

If it was the Marcus he knew, Long Zhan must figure out the reason, and if he was framed, he must find a way to help him.

If it wasn't for the Marcus I knew, of course it couldn't be better.

Backhandedly hand him over to the CIA, earn back the travel expenses of this trip, and get online with the CIA by the way, to prepare for further cooperation in the future.

Determined to do it, Long Zhan asked Tucker to contact the CIA and provide all the information currently available.

At the same time, I immediately bought the nearest flight and flew to Seattle.

Long Zhan landed in Seattle and went to a car rental company to rent a scooter. Tucker also sent the information from the CIA.

At present, there is very little information about Marcus, and it is basically information before the incident.

In order to find Marcus as soon as possible, Long Zhan read all the materials carefully, and after reading it, his face changed, and he became extremely dignified.

With Long Zhan's fighting experience and IQ, he smelled a conspiracy from it.

(End of this chapter)

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