The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1288 Strange Collective Kidnapping

Chapter 1288 Strange Collective Kidnapping

"I was not interested in this order at the time, and I really didn't pay much attention to it. Wait for me for a while."

It doesn't matter if Arthur didn't remember, because he left the previous company to fly solo since he completed the anti-kill with the help of Long Zhan.

Every time he takes an order, he will habitually turn on the recording.

And save every recording.

These recordings are useless now, but under certain special circumstances, these recordings will no longer be as simple as recordings.

Arthur quickly found the answer he wanted by rummaging through the previously saved recordings.

He said to Long Zhan on the phone: "He did mention a location to me. It is a very remote place, located in the deep mountains of northern Arizona, outside the abandoned town where gold diggers once gathered."

"Do you have specific coordinates?"

Unexpectedly, there was really a detailed location, and my heart suddenly became hot in Long Zhan.

It can also be seen from this point that the Shang family who bought the murderer this time is definitely not a professional household, and his work is far less clean and tidy than that of a veteran.

There is a high probability that it was just a temporary idea, and then contacted the solo mechanic Arthur through some underground channels.

Arthur turned on the computer to check the coordinates, then reported the coordinates to Long Zhan, and then asked, "Do you know the missing woman? Do you need my help?"

"No, I can take care of a little thing." Long Zhan rejected Arthur's kindness.

"Okay, I need to contact you." Arthur also answered simply.

"OK, let's talk again when we have time."

Long Zhan hung up the connection with Arthur, and then called Tucker.

Ask him to help contact the private jet, which needs to fly to Arizona at the fastest speed, the coordinate point that Arthur provided him.


Somewhere deep in Arizona.

one day ago.

"Where is this? What happened?"

Starscream woke up from the coma, feeling very uncomfortable all over.

Especially the mouth.

It was sour and swollen, and it couldn't fit together.

When I touched it with my hand, I found that the stick was placed horizontally, and it was stuck between the teeth. On the left and right sides of the mouth, there were two belts attached to each end, which were tied under the back of the head.

Starscream tried to tear it off with his hands, but found that the angle was so stuck that he couldn't take it off.

I fumbled for the belt in a hurry to find the buckle, but my hand felt the buckle, and at the same time felt a lock, locking the buckle.

Starscream was very disgusted with this thing, and panicked in his heart.

Grab it with your hands and turn it vigorously.

But the bag made of cowhide is really hard, no matter how much force he uses, even if the scalp hurts, it is useless, it still does not move.

Unless you can find the key to unlock it, or cut the belt with a knife.

Too bad Starscream doesn't have either.

The last second I remembered was running on the road, and the next second I was in this deep mountain and old forest. Most women would definitely scream in fright.

Then run around like a psycho.

Fortunately, Starscream is not an ordinary woman, she is a ruthless character who has beaten people with her own hands, and she did not panic when encountering this weird situation.

Unable to get rid of the disgusting thing blocking her speech, she first began to observe her surroundings and her physical condition.

Anyway, there is no danger to life.

Starscream climbed up from the ground, wanting to figure out where he is now and what the surrounding situation is like, and then make a long-term plan when the time comes.

I looked around and saw nothing except the woods and a pond next to it.

She was completely new to all this and had no idea what it was.

I checked my body and found that I still came out in the morning, and the set of clothes I wore when I went for a morning jog on the road, including the hairpin on my head, was still there.

Except for the addition of a disgusting thing on the mouth, there is no change in the whole body.

Feeling that the hair clip on the top of the head was still there, Starscream took off the hair clip and disassembled it, and took out the small spring used to increase the elasticity from inside.

The end of the steel wire protruding from the spring was flipped over to the lock on the back of the head and fiddled with it.

The belt is locked with an ordinary padlock, the mechanism of which is very simple.

Starscream fiddled with it for less than a minute, and as the padlock made a light click, he took off the padlock and threw it on the ground.

Then he loosened the strap that blocked his mouth, and also took it out and threw it on the ground.

thought for a while.

Starscream picked it up again.

He crumpled up the padlock and the belt and stuffed it into his trouser pocket for later use.

at this time.

"Hello, hello, hello."

Starscream heard greetings coming from behind, the voice was not very clear, but he could tell it was something stuffed in his mouth when he was talking.

Starscream turned around abruptly, his eyes full of guard.

He appeared in this strange place out of nowhere, and a strange woman suddenly appeared behind him to say hello, who knew whether he was an enemy or a friend.

Vigilance is inevitable.

The woman who greeted her was very young, she looked only 23 or [-] years old, she was wearing a blue dress, and her mouth was blocked with a rubber strip.

It is the same style as the one on Starscream.

Starscream didn't know where the woman came from and why she was like himself.

Just as he was about to ask the woman in blue why she appeared in this place, he saw another man in a jacket at this time.

The man seemed to see something, and walked over quickly with what he said.

Starscream guessed that there must be something wrong over there, so he didn't care to talk to this strange woman, so he followed the man's direction.

After walking more than ten meters, the vision suddenly opened up.

It was an open space in the jungle, covering an area of ​​at least 1000 square meters, and the green grass grew luxuriantly.

In the very center of this grassland, there is a strange wooden box.

The height of the wooden box is about one meter, the length is about two meters, and the width is only sixty to seventy centimeters. There is no opening to see what is inside.

In addition to this weird wooden box, there are also a group of men and women around this piece of grass.

The age of this group of people varied, the oldest looked to be more than 60 years old, and the youngest was the girl in blue dress that Starscream just met.

It can also be seen from everyone's clothes that everyone has different identities and occupations.

Some looked like car repair workers in dirty clothes, some looked like ignorant college students who had just graduated from school, and some looked like rich people in fashionable clothes.

Starscream counted carefully and found that there were 11 people in total.

These 11 people have never met each other before, and they can meet here, and there is a strange box in the middle, Starscream knows it without guessing.

They must have been kidnapped by the same people.

As for why they were tied here, and why there was a wooden box in the middle, Starscream didn't know, and couldn't guess.

"Perhaps the answer lies in the wooden box."

Starscream looked at the wooden box, wanting to go over and open it to find out.

Others seemed to have this idea, and also focused their attention on the wooden box.

(End of this chapter)

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