The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 129 Headaches of "BSOs"

Chapter 129 Headaches of "BSOs"

It's like air parkour in GTA5.

Every time the reconnaissance team reaches a path point to reply, it means that the mission has completed this step, and the command center will cross out the path.

From the 1st to the 4th waypoint, stepping on all of them means that the "air parkour" is over.

Observation point No. [-] is the location of the investigation team's final latent investigation. The meaning of No. [-] is similar to the best, and all aspects are the most conducive to this investigation.

There are also observation points No. [-] and even No. [-] as a backup option for No. [-].

Once the reconnaissance team passed the observation point and determined that the target Shah was in the village, a quick reaction force would be dispatched to strike.

The strike code name is Rick James.

The QRF, formed by the Marines and the Rangers, would immediately take a helicopter to the village of Kadaku.

With ferocious firepower and elite troops, combined with the bombing start of the bomber, the air and ground jointly acted together to wipe out Shah and his Mountain Tiger armed organization.

Investigate and confirm first, and then launch a destructive strike, which is the main core of the action briefing.

X finally finished his course of action, and the action briefing was over.

Then Long Zhan, Murphy, the two commanders of the QRF squadron, and the major as the chief commander, all the core mission personnel moved to the secret meeting room.

The pre-action meeting after the action briefing upgrade will be explained to the core personnel of the action here.

Compared with the action briefing, which only briefly talks about the process, the pre-action meeting can be regarded as a real meeting, involving detailed deployment and actions.

There was a 2m x 2m map in the middle of the meeting, and the chief commander personally described the detailed mission plan.

"The operation will be launched at 18:[-] tonight. Two Chinooks and two Apaches will arrive at the scheduled landing site and place the five-member reconnaissance team here."

The major officer, with two Chinook models in his left hand and two Apache models in his right hand, formed a formation of 4 helicopters and stopped for a while at a distance of 2 kilometers west of the village of Asadabad, and then continued to move.

"Then the helicopter formation continued and flew for 30 minutes to Jebbard Base.

A quick-reaction force of a dozen Marines and a dozen Rangers will be on standby here overnight.

Once the confirmation of the code name Schlitz malt is received, the second phase of the operation will begin immediately.

The QRF remained on standby at Jebbard Base, with the Apaches and Black Hawks at the base staying with them, and the two Chinooks returned to Bagram on standby.

After the reconnaissance team has identified Shah, the second phase of the operation will officially begin, code-named Rick James.

Bagram's team is ready to support at any time. QRF takes the Black Hawk and Apache as the main attack force, cooperates with the bomber to kill Shah and Tariq, and the mission ends here. "

After the detailed process of the entire mission was finished, the major officer specially reminded: "Gentlemen, please urgent rules of engagement, the US military always abides by the law of armed conflict.

If you don't hold a weapon, you will be regarded as a civilian by default, and you must not take the initiative to attack it.

The use of deadly force to stop or counter the threat is only permissible in the event of an active attack, or if the target is identified as having a weapon.

I don't want anyone to be sent back to their country to be court-martialed after their mission is over. "

The rules of engagement are an old-fashioned thing. Everyone here has heard it dozens of times at least, and their ears can get calluses.

But before each action, it will be repeated again.

The reason why they attach so much importance to the rules of engagement is not that the American soldiers really care about the law of war so much, nor is it that the soldiers are overflowing with hearts of the Virgin Mary.

In fact, it is impossible to do so.

The United States entered Afghanistan as a savior, and is now helping the Afghans re-establish their regime. It needs the support of some local dignitaries and tribes to stabilize the current situation as soon as possible.

In this unique political climate, the U.S. government will need to work closely with the Afghan government to form various departments.

The U.S. military is also not immune, and many alternative departments and groups have been born.

One of the most unusual group of people, their names are designated as "BSOs".

Severely restricting the military operations of the United States in Ahmad has caused headaches for US military commanders and soldiers, but the reason why they have to be treated is the group of Afghans called "BSOs".

BSOs mean the masters of the battlefield, and their task is to supervise the battle.

Supervise the battle of US troops!
For any military operation launched by the US military in Afghanistan, the "BSOs" formed by the Afghan "fame" afterwards will go to the scene to conduct inspections.

It is confirmed that no Afghan civilians were killed during the operation, and the U.S. military did not do anything contrary to humanitarianism.

It just hit the Taliban militants.

Whenever civilians are injured or killed during the operation, these Afghan "old guys" aged 50 and above will immediately report to the Afghan government.

In order to buy people's hearts, stabilize the turbulent situation, and establish a regime belonging to Afghanistan as soon as possible, the Afghan government needs the support of these old guys from various tribes.

protest to the U.S. government.

American politicians only want a stable Afghanistan, and only when it is stable can they reap wealth from Afghanistan.

Is the life of American soldiers going well, and will the action be more dangerous.They don't care at all, it can even be said that they don't care at all.

The protests of the Afghan government have been transmitted layer by layer, and will eventually be crushed on the grassroots of the army.

If it is true that soldiers killed civilians, in order to stop the Afghan government from annoying protests, it is difficult for soldiers at the bottom to escape punishment.

Even the commander in charge of this mission will also be implicated by this.

Although there are very few American soldiers who are repatriated from overseas every year, the actual number is at least 10 times the reported number.

Over time.

The officers and soldiers responsible for operations at the bottom had to put a layer of shackles on themselves and execute various orders from the US government.

In Operation Red Wings, the three shepherds did not dare to kill because of the existence of BSOs.

The keyboard warriors on the Internet speak lightly every day, and it's over if they kill them with one mouthful. These people are all mentally retarded, so they don't know.

Is that really the case?

Will the special forces of the dignified Navy SEALs be more stupid than you as a keyboard warrior?

of course not!

The real reason is very realistic and cruel.

Killing three civilians is already a massacre. Even if the US government will not be sent to a military court under the power of the US government, it is inevitable to be expelled from the army.

Expulsion means that there is no bursary, re-employment grant, pension, etc.

The reliance that guarantees the rest of your life will all go away from you.

The most important thing is that civil human rights in the United States are rampant, and there are demonstrations here and there every day, and the massacre of civilians is a taboo among the taboos.

Even if soldiers who massacre civilians are not imprisoned, they will basically be finished for the rest of their lives when they return to society.

It is the kind of deep ditch that is completely desperate and difficult to climb up again.

No unit or company will recruit you. Even if a company dares to recruit you, it will soon be attacked by a large number of human rights organizations.

The company couldn't bear such a great pressure, and it was still unavoidable to be dismissed in the end.

It is impossible for people without jobs to survive under the capitalist social system in the United States.

The end result is that I can't pay off all kinds of credit cards, I am forced to go into personal bankruptcy, and all the wealth accumulated in the first half of my life will be liquidated.

Not to mention houses and cars, the underpants will be taken back by the court for auction.

Without personal credit, no one even wants to wash the dishes, so he can only become a homeless person on the street, and can only live with flyover dogs, rats and cockroaches every day.

The vast majority of retired soldiers are forced to be helpless, and in the end they can only rely on the killing skills learned by the army to embark on the road of illegal crimes.

This punishment is too great for any normal person to bear.

What is real social death?
This is!
Unless it was absolutely necessary, no one dared to touch this bad luck. The 4-member team of Operation Red Wing suffered this catastrophe, and it was actually because of it.

(End of this chapter)

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