The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1295 Starscream is overjoyed

Chapter 1295 Starscream is overjoyed

The nearly half-meter-long Nepalese knife swung across, leaving a cold streak in the air.

The old woman who was separated by a counter felt her neck cool down, and then a red line appeared under her neck.



The blood line under the neck was broken, and a stream of blood gushed out.


The old man next to him was so frightened that he yelled foul words, and with his left hand, he took out the spray gun under the table, preparing to blow Starscream's head off with one shot.

Starscream had long been on guard against him, so it was naturally impossible for him to succeed.

The swung knife turned back and just happened to be on the barrel of the spray gun that the man had drawn out, and chopped off the muzzle of the spray gun on the table next to it.


The table was vacated with a big hole.

The sprayer was disturbed and missed Starscream with one shot, the old man took a step back and reloaded, ready to kill Starscream with another shot.

After Starscream delivered a blow, he didn't just stand there stupidly, but jumped up with his left hand on the counter.

The long legs in sneakers swept across and kicked the old man's wrist with precision, knocking the spray in his hand to the ground.

After finishing the attack, the butt landed on the table, and Starscream sat on the ground and rotated 180 degrees.

The knife-wielding hand slashes head-to-head from top to bottom!

The old man should have served as a soldier or practiced fighting when he was young. Even if he is old, his reaction speed is faster than ordinary old people.

His foot kicked under the counter, and he fell backwards with the help of reaction force.


Starscream slashed through the air.

The old man also lost his center of gravity and sat on the ground because of the emergency avoidance action. He reached under the counter and took out a pistol, aiming it at Starscream's head.

Starscream didn't expect the old man to be so prepared, and he didn't react for a while.

Fortunately, the pistol was not loaded. The old man turned off the safety and pulled the gun and found that there was no response. He wanted to reload the holster.

Starscream didn't give him another chance.

Using the fence saber in his hand as a throwing weapon, he slammed his wrist at the old man.


The Nepalese army knife cut through the air with force, and the tip of the knife easily penetrated into the old man's chest, causing him to fall directly to the ground.

However, before Starscream could breathe a sigh of relief, danger appeared behind him.

The old woman whose neck had been cut had fallen to the ground spraying blood just now, but now she stood up spraying blood again.

Just like a zombie cheating, it forced its last breath, and the pistol was already aimed at Starscream.


The gun went off.

Starscream trembled all over, but didn't feel anything unusual, so he turned around and looked back, only to find that half of the old woman's face was missing.

She was shot in the head from behind and the bullet came out from the front.

"Anyone else?"

Seeing the pistol in the old woman's hand, Starscream realized that the shooter must have come to save him, but he still looked out of the window vigilantly.

There is a glass window on the right side of the counter, and you can see each other inside and outside.

With just a glance outside, Starscream's eyes widened, and its red lips opened, big enough to hold an egg.

That was an unbelievable extreme surprise!
I saw a big man over two meters tall standing less than ten meters outside the window, and he was dragging an umbrella bag behind him.

From this posture, it was obvious that the person had just landed, and he was too busy to shoot inside the house.

Coincidentally, the time is just right.

At the most dangerous moment, he saved Starscream's life.

Rescued from the sky by his favorite man, even as a Starscream who dared to participate in a real-life hunting game and wanted to become an independent woman in the new era, his little heart was so touched that he melted.

Just like a teenage girl, she rushed out of the store excitedly and jumped onto Long Zhan.

The legs are like snakes, flexible and tightly wrapped around Long Zhan's waist.

"My dear, I am so glad to see you here."

"How did you know I was here?"

"how did you find me?"


Starscream is like a little girl in the period of passionate love, she has forgotten that she is in a dangerous environment now, and she can't stop talking, completely immersed in joy.

While enjoying the beauty of keto, Long Zhan answered Starscream's words.

By the way, I took off the parachute red envelope, and I didn't bother to clean it up, since I didn't need it anyway, so I just threw it on the ground.

Holding Starscream's sensual buttocks with both hands, they walked into the store together with him.

Another few minutes of intimate exchange.

Starscream told Long Zhan what happened recently, that is, she woke up and found here, was attacked and finally ran here.

Long Zhan also told him about the process of tracking Starscream all the way when he heard that Starscream disappeared.

Knowing that Long Zhan cared about him so much and came all the way to rescue him, Starscream looked at Long Zhan with more love than before.

But Long Zhan felt the hotness of Starscream, and wished he could do business with her for two hours immediately.


The venue is not suitable.

The timing wasn't right either.

Long Zhan could only find a way to divert his attention, and asked Starscream how he was so sure that there must be something wrong with this old couple, so he chose to take the initiative decisively.

Starscream made a comprehensive analysis of the matter from a very professional perspective.

First of all, the gas station is less than 500 meters away from the green grass where the incident happened, and it is possible to understand a louder roar.

However, there were bursts of gunshots on the green grass, and there were explosions.

An old couple doing business in such a wilderness shouldn't be so calm after hearing gunshots and explosions and seeing a strange woman running into the store.

If you are courageous, you must draw out your gun as soon as possible, and put the gun in your face first.

Take the absolute initiative first, and then ask clearly what is going on with the person who comes in.

If you are timid, the door must be locked, and you will be hiding in the house and not doing business for the time being.

But the old ladies suffered from selective deafness as if they hadn't heard the gunshots, and they smiled kindly when they saw customers coming to the door.

This doesn't look right.

Secondly, Starscream pretended to go to get money in the socks, and found blood in the gap under the counter, and it seemed that the color had not completely dried.

This proves that in the last 5 minutes, someone has shed a lot of blood here.

So that blood flowed into the crevice of the cabinet.

Someone died in front of the counter within 5 minutes, and a pair of elderly fathers continued to operate and pick up customers with a smile on their faces.

This is even more wrong!

At this point, it is almost certain.

This elderly couple in front of them is definitely not a good person, even if it is not one of the masterminds behind the scenes, it is definitely a ruthless existence.

(End of this chapter)

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