The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1298 Leading the enemy by the nose

Chapter 1298 Leading the enemy by the nose

"Where are you going?" the former bald man asked.

The former bald man didn't know where to go now, and the man behind the scenes hidden in the darkness would appear at any time, which made him even more nervous like a frightened bird.

Now I finally met two reliable ones, and teaming up can greatly increase the chance of survival.

He doesn't want to just give up!
"This road is no longer safe. They will come here at any time. When I came here before, I saw a track. We can walk along it." Starscream said without looking back.

This is also what he discussed with Long Zhan.

Compared to staying in one place and waiting, whether it is Dragon Warrior or Starscream, they both prefer to lead the enemy by the nose while moving.

"Then take me one, take me one, and I'll go with you."

The former bald man ignored the embarrassment, let go of his feet and chased after him.

Walking along the road for a few hundred meters, I did see a track crossing the road. Long Zhan and Starscream chose to take the left track.

The track paved with gravel and sleepers is a masterpiece of the last century at first glance.

The surface of the rails is smooth and has no rust.

There is a high probability that it is still open to traffic!

The three of them walked forward along the track, and the chattering nature of the former bald man was gradually liberated.

Long Zhan, who gave him a strong sense of oppression, and the former bald man didn't dare to approach him to speak. The beautiful, sexy, enchanting, and heroic Starscream became the object of his conversation.

Walking all the way was too boring, and Starscream didn't mind chatting with him.

During the question and answer, the ex-bald man was told everything that happened at the gas station.

"Do you want to know why they didn't shoot you immediately when you first entered? You didn't have a gun at that time, and they had an absolute chance of winning." The former bald man said.

"I don't care, I don't want to know." Starscream flatly refused.

The former bald man persisted and continued to ask: "Don't you want to hear my analysis?"

"I don't really think so." Starscream still refused.

The former bald man wanted to show off his detective skills in front of the beauties, but Starscream didn't give him the chance at all, and he couldn't say anything, so he felt uncomfortable.

Seeing the aggrieved look of the former bald man, Long Zhan almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Fortunately, the former bald man was thick-skinned enough, even though Starscream rejected him, he was not discouraged, and he continued to explain on his own.

"Have you read that article, it's very similar to what happened to us.

In the article, you said that every year some liberal elites, those globalist bastards who run the deep state, will kidnap some ordinary people like us.

And then for recreation by hunting us, like a Vermont estate or something.

I forwarded this article to 50 of my friends, and I don't really believe this could happen, but it's so similar to what happened to us. "

have to say.

The former bald man really has a little network on the Internet, and he can find out such obscure articles.

After Long Zhan heard it, he immediately thought of hunting games. Back then, the rich people like Starscream and the others used to hunt and kill prey together for fun.

But there are a few differences between the two.

The prey that Starscream and the others hunted was voluntarily joined in the game by themselves, in order to obtain the survival prize.

Secondly, the red spiders are hunting in a group, and the prey are usually not ordinary people.

Starscream had participated in such hunting games, so it was naturally difficult to answer the ex-bald man's words directly, so he simply changed the subject and said, "I'm curious, does someone like you have 50 friends."

"Well, almost, I..."

"Do not talk!"

The former bald man spread his hands in embarrassment, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Long Zhan.

Immediately, Long Zhan squatted down on the spot, put his ear on the track and listened carefully for a while, then stood up and said, "A train is coming, and the speed is not fast. We can try to climb on the train."

"OK, let's get on the train then."

Starscream nodded to Long Zhan, and then said to the bald man, "I hope you run fast enough."

After saying that, Starscream ran forward, and Long Zhan ran forward side by side with his long legs.

After a few minutes.

Sure enough, a freight train came over, because the tracks had been in disrepair for a long time, and the speed was only about 20 kilometers.

Starscream accelerated along the track, and when a carriage door opened and passed by, he grabbed the door in one jump.

Long Zhan dragged his butt from behind to push up, giving Starscream a boost, allowing her upper body to arch into the carriage and climb in relatively easily.

It was Long Zhan's turn to climb up the carriage by himself, which was much easier than Starscream.

Taking advantage of his height, Long Zhan jumped up and grabbed the bolt in the middle of the carriage door, pulled up with both hands, hooked his legs upwards, and stepped into the carriage door.

In the end, only the former bald man was left running, and it was very difficult for him to run with his big belly.

Forced by the strong desire to survive, he exploded with all his breastfeeding strength and increased his speed, barely grasping the small corner of the carriage door.

If you try to climb up again, you won't be able to.

No matter how hard he clamped his buttocks, there was bean-sized sweat on his forehead, and he couldn't climb up, his feet were still dragging and grinding on the ground.

If no one helped him, it would not be long before he would break free and fall.

Fortunately, Long Zhan reached out in time and dragged him in.

"Huh, thanks, man, you saved me." The former bald man expressed his thanks panting.


There was the sound of objects falling to the ground in the carriage.

The bald man in front of him, who hadn't calmed down yet, nervously took the gun on his back in his hand, and pointed the muzzle at the dark interior of the car.

Starscream also picked up his nozzle, and walked inside with a vigilant expression.

The carriage was full of all kinds of wooden boxes, and there was only an aisle left on the right, which was just enough for a person to walk in.

"You follow."

The space in the aisle was really too small, Long Zhan let the former bald man follow behind Starscream.

He himself holds a gun outside, ready to support any unexpected situation inside.

Before Starscream and the former bald man took a few steps forward, a black man with braids ran out and said excitedly: "Hey, don't shoot, it's me, it's me, we're together.

Thank God I thought you were all dead and I didn't expect to meet you here. "

Starscream recognized the black man in front of him, because he was the only black man among the kidnapped, and he was also wearing black's signature dreadlocks.

The shape is too recognizable.

As long as you have seen both sides, it is difficult to forget.

Since they were all friendly troops, Starscream put down his gun and asked casually, "Why are you here? How did you escape from there?"

The former bald man was also curious, and listened carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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