The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1326 Singled out the helicopter!

Because they didn't know if there were any pursuers, let alone how far the pursuers were, Lake and Nicole didn't dare to tease them in the slightest.

After getting out of the car, he rushed his legs forward, and the little boy who was slapped by Long Zhan followed behind obediently.

Running at the end is Dragon War.

Entering the factory and running all the way forward, it took more than 50 seconds to pass through the entire factory area, and came to the end to join the fourth team of White Rose.

The tool for retreat is a train, which is divided into three sections: front, middle and back.

The last section has undergone armed transformation, and a Mk 46 light machine gun tower is installed in the open air at the end, which can carry out firepower strikes on the chasing enemies.

The middle compartment is a sealed compartment, and Lake and Nicole sent Mia's family inside.

At the front is the locomotive, the old-fashioned kind.

The train has already started there ahead of time, and people leave the factory immediately when they arrive.

But as soon as he drove out of the factory, he ran into trouble. A helicopter appeared over the factory, and he followed the helicopter all the way.

have to say.

Nagasi is a real bully in Georgia, a gangster who specializes in selling arms and reading materials, and the weapons and equipment in his hands are really rich.

Although it was not an armed helicopter flying over, it was just a small general-purpose helicopter.

However, the mounts are welded on both sides, and two people can sit on each, and each of them holds a weapon in their hands, which can barely be regarded as an armed helicopter.

"There is a helicopter in the rear, it must be killed, otherwise we will be in trouble."

Yaz said on Wireless Power.

"pass it to me."

Long Zhan said three words briefly, and then walked towards the armed carriage at the rear.

He remembered the machine gun turret at the back of the train.

If it was a real gunship flying over, Long Zhan would definitely find a place to make a surprise attack instead of using an exposed machine gun turret.

However, this helicopter is only fake, and the source of vitality is also the people on the helicopter.

Shooting between people.

Long Zhan is not afraid of this.

Stride all the way to the rear machine gun turret, the helicopter just flew from the direction of the factory at a low altitude, and the angle was just within the shooting range.

"It's really courageous to fly so low."

Long Zhan is a professional top machine gunner. The helicopter flies so close and so low, in his opinion, it is a living target to come up to kill.

Since the enemy is so arrogant and careless, Long Zhan will not let go of this opportunity.

Walk over to pick up the mk46 light machine gun, pull the gun, load it, and close the safety in one go, and it is a full-automatic firepower to the helicopter.

"Da da da da da..."

The light machine gun roared, bullets rained out.

Under Long Zhan's steady pressure gun technique, the fully automatic bullets were as stable as a single shot, following his scope all the way.

The distance of the helicopter is less than 80 meters, and the height is only 20 meters.

This is going to be miserable!
The bullets shot by Long Zhanya's gun, as if they had eyes, all flew towards the helicopter, with a hit rate of over 80%.

The helicopter flew forward, and the front was directly smashed into a sieve.

The helicopter pilot inside was killed, and sparks were scattered all over the operating instrument panel, and it immediately lost control and swayed in the sky.

After shaking it left and right twice, it fell headfirst.


Blast directly into a fireball.

The four militants sitting on the helicopter were wiped out together with the explosion of the helicopter before even firing a single bullet.

As soon as this helicopter was shot down, another helicopter flew over.

This helicopter is flying from the direction of the locomotive, and the height is higher. The MK46 light machine gun tower at the rear of the car is welded to the gun rack below, and the gun rack is fixed to the train floor.

Turn around quickly and face up to the sky.

The field of fire is just too restricted to make a good shot.

Moreover, the opponent opened fire from a long distance away, and the bullets rushed towards Long Zhan. If he continued to stay in this place, he would become a living target.

Long Zhan had no choice but to give up the machine gun turret to temporarily avoid the edge, and ran into the carriage to find weapons.

There was a covering box in the front of the armed compartment, and several ammunition boxes were placed on the floor. Long Zhan didn't know what was inside, so he opened the topmost long equipment box casually.

Inside is an FN240B light machine gun, and there are three 100-round ammunition boxes next to it.

"good stuff."

Long Zhan laughed when he saw this gun, he likes big, heavy and fierce guys.

I looked up and observed the interior of the carriage, and found that there was a pull ring on the roof, a slide rail on each side, and a small platform below.

It proves that a skylight can be opened on it.

Long Zhan walked on the small platform under the skylight, stretched out his hand to hold the surround sound above, waited for the rumbling sound of the helicopter to fly from above, and pulled the skylight open.

Standing out is just at the height of the roof of the carriage, to the position below Long Zhan's chest.

And the helicopter just passed the train, at the angle of its butt facing the train, flying forward and then turning around and coming back.

Long Zhan seized the opportunity with a light machine gun and fired at the helicopter at my ass.

The butt of the helicopter is not a lethal area, and the pilot of this helicopter has better skills and has made obvious left and right swings to avoid.

The hit rate of Long Zhan's bullets is greatly reduced, and even if it hits, it cannot kill the helicopter.

Helicopters were specially designed to deal with trains in order to kill all the people on the trains. Long Zhan stood up so arrogantly and used machine guns to sweep them. Naturally, it was impossible for him to let them go.

He flew to the front and turned his head, and immediately rushed over to Long Zhan.

Long Zhan is not timid at all.

There can only be two gunners on the helicopter at a time, shooting from one left and one right at Long Zhan's position, using only rifles.

Although there is only one person in Long Zhan, he is holding a light machine gun with more sustained firepower.

Coupled with his superb gun pressing skills, he can guarantee more full-fire hit rates.

He has enough capital to single out the helicopter!
The two sides just swept at each other, and the bullets staggered towards their respective targets in the air.

"Da da da da da..."

"Clap clap clap clap..."

The fierce firefight lasted for more than 10 seconds, and finally when the helicopter was less than 40 meters away from the train, the two sides finally concluded the victory.


The helicopter, which was riddled with bullets, fell from the sky to the ground, rolled over a few times and exploded into a big fireball.

"The second helicopter has been killed..."


Long Zhan used the radio to notify Nicole of the battle situation, but before he finished speaking, a rocket flew in the distance and exploded less than three meters away from him.

The violent shock wave blew up Long Zhan's carriage, and the light machine gun in his hand fell off the train.

Looking in the direction from which the rockets flew, I saw another helicopter appeared in front of the train, and all the people on it were full of people, like a special force.

(End of this chapter)

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