The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 133 Special Warfare "MBMMR"

Chapter 133 "MBMMR" for Special Warfare (Part 5, please subscribe)
Six in the middle of the night.

The setting sun, yellow sand, and desert are the same color, and the whole world is shrouded in orange.

Two Chinook helicopters responsible for transporting troops, escorted by two Apaches armed to the teeth, formed a formation and left the Bagram base.

More than 40 people are divided into two Chinooks, and the space seems quite generous.

All the operatives were in a good mood, without the slightest tension and anxiety of officially starting the operation, and everyone was happily chatting and teasing each other.

The rest of SEAL Team 10 also came, including the rookie Sean.

As substitutes, they need to follow the quick reaction force to the Jebbard base so that they can be substitutes at any time.

While a group of veterans were chatting, beating, and making pornographic jokes, Sean sat at the hatch door that was not closed at the back.

Stretch out your legs and dangle outside the helicopter, admiring the orange sun in the distance, falling step by step to the landscape of heaven and earth below the horizon.

So chic and happy.

The only regret is that the land under his feet is a barren desert with sparse vegetation.

There is very little green at a glance.

Most of the mountains are very steep, and there are cliffs of tens of hundreds of meters everywhere.

If you don't plan your walking route in advance and just walk in one direction, you will be blocked by steep cliffs within a few kilometers.

Once at the bottom of the cliff, all signals will be cut off for you.

Fly from sunset to nightfall.

Unknowingly, the time came to nearly 8 o'clock in the evening, and the helicopter had gradually descended from the initial height of 1 meters to less than 100 meters from the ground.

The announcement in the cabin sounded:

"Commander, we are about to arrive at the landing site, we will land in 1 minute."

Murphy patted Long Zhan who was sitting next to him, then kicked Marcus who was sitting on the opposite side with his eyes closed, raised a finger and shouted: "1 minute countdown."

Long Zhan, Marcus, Dietz and Matt who got the password all acted the same.

Check the strap of the tactical backpack to see if it is tightly buckled on the body, confirm that the main weapon belt has been hung on the body, etc., and then put on the windproof glasses.

Finally, get out the thick and hard rappelling gloves and wear them on top of the functional tactical gloves.

"The last 30 seconds."

Another reminder from the cabin broadcast.

The five members of Long Zhan got up and took charge of the safety rope, and lined up to the rear of the cabin.

"Rope and drop, the first player on the rope."

Matt, who was walking in the front, heard the order, leaned half of his body out of the cabin, grabbed the thick rope of the baby's arm with both hands, and was in a posture leaning outside the cabin door.

When the GO command came out, the feet were lifted off the floor of the hatch, and then on the downhill rope, the hands holding the rope were released synchronously.

Let your body slide along the rope all the way to the ground under the pull of gravity.

The sliding speed is mainly determined by the friction force of the glove, and the glove needs to rub against the rough rope at a height of more than ten meters. In addition, the load of Long Zhan and others is relatively large, which further increases the friction force.

If you don't wear special downhill gloves in advance, it is easy to hurt your hands during the process.

"The first team member landed smoothly, and the second person got on the rope."

"Sean, do you want to come over and be the second?" Marcus shouted cheaply into the cabin before departure.

"Have a good time, you old bastard." Sean smiled and gave him a middle finger, causing everyone in the cabin to laugh.

1 minutes later!
"Zulu 06, Bruno 64 finished launching and starting to return to base."

The Chinook helicopter, which had completed the launch mission, re-boosted and flew to the Jebbard base, leaving a special reconnaissance team on the ground.

When the helicopter gradually disappeared into the darkness, Long Zhan took off the windproof glasses and downhill gloves.

Instead, he put on night vision goggles, checked weapons and ammunition, and entered a combat state.

Prepare for the journey.

"Apollo 2-2, this is Spartan O-1, communication check." As the team's communication officer, Dietz first checked the radio system.

He used Rayson's "MBMMR", a multi-band multi-mission radio communication system specially developed for special operations.

It's not just the role of radio.

As the use of software radio technology, the world's first actual deployment of military radio systems, more powerful than traditional radio stations.

It can not only provide voice communication remotely, but also transmit images and data, and the transmission power only needs 20 watts.

Dietz sent a newsletter and got a quick response.

"Spartan O-1, this is Apollo 2-2, please continue to keep the communication open and wish the operation a smooth operation."

The AC130 aerial gunship, which served as a communication relay station, received the communication and responded, and transferred to the frontline combat center in Jebbard.

"Spartan O-1 received, over."

After confirming that the communication with the combat center was correct, Dietz transferred the communication to the team channel and conducted a communication check within the team.

After confirming that the team's communication is smooth, the team followed the GPS and began to go to the first check-in point——


The terrain along the way was already desolate, and with the darkness of the night, there would be strange sounds of animals coming from somewhere from time to time.

Walking in this uninhabited desert mountain, it feels extraordinarily weird.

Not to mention horror.

It's also not hooked on being relaxed and happy.

In the action briefing, the major officer clearly stated that it only takes 3 to 4 hours to rush from the landing point to the destination, but this first basic information is outrageously wrong.

It took more than 1 hours to walk from the landing point to the first waypoint Budweiser.

There are three more waypoints in the follow-up, which means that this is only a quarter of the distance, and it will take at least eight or nine hours to complete the journey.

Marcus complained mercilessly about this, and the headquarters was using their buttocks to direct their heads.

As for the reason for this error, Long Zhan guessed based on his actual combat experience.

On the eighth floor, when the headquarters calculated the distance, it used the marching speed during the day as data, and did not take into account the lack of vision at night and the impact on the march.

It is typical carelessness.

Fortunately, the departure time was early enough, leaving enough time for the scouting team to travel, so this problem was not that serious.

Even if it takes double the time now, it is enough to reach the destination before dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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