The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1357 The White House Falls



U.S. Department of Defense Emergency Response Office.

The chief of staff of the army, General Koriki, rushed over from the burning house and strode into the meeting room. Before he could sit down, he ordered: "Immediately call Andrews' quick response force and go to the White House for support."

"Okay, sir."

The officer who received the order strode out.

General Koriki, the chief of staff, sat on the main seat, facing a dozen senior officials sitting around the table, and asked, "How is the situation now?"

"The front yard of the White House was compromised, and a C30 crashed on the South Lawn, and the North Lawn was also in fierce battle." The deputy director of the US National Security Agency, Monroe Hui, reported.

"Damn bastard!"

General Koriki, the chief of staff, was so angry that he quickly asked, "How is the president?"

"The president is in the underground headquarters, very safe."

The chief of staff, General Koriki, was still safe after entering the president, and his anxious mood improved a little, and he immediately began to direct the rescue work.

Under the command of the chief of staff, General Coricki, the whole of Washington was in motion.

The National Guard, police, special police, army, etc. rushed to the White House as quickly as possible in order to kill the terrorists as soon as possible to resolve the crisis.

Inside the underground fortress.

"Get me the Ministry of Defense, right away."

When the president heard that the White House was attacked by a large number of people, he could no longer hold back his emotions. He wanted to contact the Ministry of Defense and ordered them to solve it as soon as possible.

I don't know.

The eyes of the bodyguards that Prime Minister Li brought in had become very unfriendly.

After looking at each other from a distance, several people started to move slowly seemingly inadvertently, and approached behind the special police agent.

Premier Li's first guard and assistant took the lead and pierced Agent Davis's carotid artery with a straight pen.

As the blood sprayed out, Agent Davis lost his combat power, covered his neck and sprayed blood, fell to the ground and began to convulse.

The moment Davis fell, others also attacked.

The female translator, who looked gentle and fragile, deftly snatched the gun from an agent's waist, and killed the agent with one shot.

Immediately afterwards, he turned the gun and shot and killed the other Secret Service agents in the house.

The long-haired bodyguard brought by Premier Li was also ruthless.

He slashed an agent's neck with a hand knife, smashing all the Adam's apple in his throat, and then took a backhand elbow, knocking the agent unconscious to the ground.

Other staff in the command center wanted to fight back, but were shot in the head before they could draw their guns.

Just under 20 seconds.

Parker rushed over with a pistol and put it on the president's forehead.

The other terrorists punched and kicked, and killed all those who just resisted. After one operation, the situation was quickly controlled.

The president's underground bunker...

Change of owner!

The president has encountered a huge situation and has been controlled by terrorists. The outside of the White House is also not optimistic.

The gangsters stormed the White House for a few minutes, but were blocked by the staff who rushed out from a hundred kilometers away, as well as the secret agents who came to support them, but failed.

The terrorists had clearly foreseen it, and made a new big move if they couldn't get in.

Two specially armed garbage trucks, equipped with a layer of bulletproof steel plates and a 12.7mm heavy machine gun, appeared on both sides of the front door of the White House.

He blew up the shock absorber bridge of the car by himself, and directly attached the car body to the ground.

Like two thin ones, blocked at both ends of the road in front of the White House.

"Get down, quick!"

The terrorists in the front yard of the White House ordered all the terrorists to stop advancing and get down on the spot and shoot at the White House.

"What are they doing?"

Next to a window in the White House, Long Zhan, who kept shooting terrorists outside, did not understand what the terrorists' actions meant.

The other agents and guards didn't understand either.

The army and the National Guard are coming. If the terrorists cannot rush into the White House as soon as possible, they will be crushed by the army later.

They must rush forward in the shortest possible time and rush into the White House to avoid the attack of the army.

But they lie down and don't move, which is really incomprehensible.


The answer will come out soon!
The two garbage trucks drove over inexplicably. The significance of their existence is not just to block the road, but the most important thing is to lie in the belly of the car.

With the opening of a baffle on each side, the grim face of the garbage truck was revealed.

Through the opening of about half a square, you can clearly see that there is a gun rack inside, and there are two 12.7mm heavy machine guns on each of them.

And the gun showed up.

Attack now.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Two heavy machine guns fired simultaneously.

The police, who parked their police cars on the side of the road as cover and designed for terrorists on the front lawn, became the first victims of heavy machine guns.

Under the 12.7mm heavy machine gun bullets, the body of the police car becomes as fragile as paper.

Heavy machine guns swept all the way from the left, all the police cars were pierced, and the bodies were severely deformed. The police after the traffic jam basically suffered.

Most of them were shattered on the spot, and a small part was injured by fragments.

Countless police officers were killed or injured.

Under the suppression of the frantic firepower of the heavy machine guns, the remaining police officers also turned into a one-sided massacre, unable to threaten the terrorists in the front yard.

The fierce firepower of this machine gun externally changed the pattern of the intersection in an instant.

The garbage truck was facing the heavy machine gun on the side of the White House, and the damage he caused was more ferocious than the machine gun outside.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The muzzle of the heavy machine gun sprayed flames, and the bullets rained down on the White House.

Unsuspecting Secret Service agents and staff, more than 20 people were killed under the first wave of heavy gun attacks.

Even if the rest of the people reacted, they hid behind the door or behind the wall.

It is also because some walls are too thin to withstand the firepower of heavy machine guns, and they are penetrated by bullets and killed on the other side of the wall.

Not to mention those who wanted to rush out of the door to fight back, they were turned into pieces in front of the heavy machine gun.

Long Zhan, who was leaning against the window, almost got hit!

Fortunately, Long Zhan's reaction speed was fast enough. Seeing that the heavy machine gun bullets swept the special police at the door into pieces, he immediately dodged and hid behind another wall.

This wall is thick enough that even a 12.7mm bullet cannot penetrate it.

The heavy machine gun fired a wave at the front of the White House, and finally stopped his madness. The surviving agents just showed up, but several rockets flew head-on.


Two windows and the main gate were hit, and the high-explosive warhead easily killed nearby agents.


A terrorist stood up and yelled.

The terrorists who had been lying on the ground got up one after another and rushed to the White House.

(End of this chapter)

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