The terrorists guarding the White House have all received orders from the leader Kang Yongzai, and they are all thinking about finding Long Zhan and killing him.

Because of the large size of the White House, the terrorists had to disperse their search.

This gives Dragon Fighter a chance!
When walking along the stairs from the first floor to the second floor, Long Zhan had just reached the corner of the stairs when he heard a voice upstairs and was walking from the second floor to the first floor.

Long Zhan immediately retreated to the bottom of the stairs and hid in a dark place.

After the electricity in the White House was cut off, the terrorists could only use flashlights for lighting. In the dark environment, the vision brought by flashlights is limited.

The two terrorists who came down were talking, and they were relatively relaxed in both behavior and state.

Obviously they haven't realized that the person they have to deal with is not the "one person" they know. The two of them met 2v1 and won.

This over-confident behavior with low vigilance quickly brought tragedy to both of them.

Long Zhan, who was hiding in the shadow under the stairs, just watched the two careless people descending the stairs without even looking at the corner under the stairs.

Just walk forward with a flashlight, ready to start searching the area on the first floor.

Long Zhan will not let go of such a good opportunity.

They followed along quietly, and when the two terrorists realized that something was wrong behind them, they had a premonition and turned to look behind.

They were greeted by two palm-sized hands.

Like O'Neal grabbing a basketball, one hand easily grabs one head, exerts force from both sides to the middle, and hits the two heads in the middle.



Dull impact, mixed with crackling sound.

Under the sneak attack of Long Zhan, the two terrorists couldn't resist the huge strength of Long Zhan's hands at all. When the two heads collided, their skulls were shattered.

As soon as they collided, the two chirped directly.

The place where the two collided was sunken, and if they survived like this, it can't be said to be fate, it can only be said to have seen a ghost.

The two terrorists were easily dealt with, and Long Zhan dragged them away holding both heads.

He opened the door of a nearby house, dragged the two corpses in, and searched them first to see if there were any spoils of war.

Nothing useful, except for a suppressed pistol which is somewhat useful.

Make sure that the dead body is stuffed under the bed and hidden, and the scene is disguised to prevent other terrorists from chasing along the route after discovering it.
"Four left."

Long Zhan was muttering softly, walking up the stairs.

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the dark. The two sides do not know each other, and the competition is based on combat experience.

Long Zhan went upstairs and left.


A beam of light swept across.

It was the light of the flashlight.

Long Zhan looked forward and found that there was a flashlight shining at the corner in front of him. In the dark White House, the light of the flashlight was extraordinarily bright.

I'm not sure how many people there are in the other party, and I'm not sure which way the other party will go.

Long Zhan focused on being calm, turned around and hid in the next room, and let go of the door instead of closing it all.

After about 20 seconds or so.

Long Zhan heard the sound of footsteps and conversations, and he was speaking Korean Bangzi, cursing, and the content was all about Long Zhan.

It probably means that Long Zhan is a shit-stirring stick, which makes them sleep badly at night. If they catch Long Zhan, they should vent well.

As they walked over while chatting, Long Zhan recognized the voices of three people.

After a little thought, there is an idea.

He just stayed in the door and kept quiet, quietly waiting for the terrorist trio to come over.

The three terrorists are still very professional. Every time they pass by a house, they will open it and go in to make sure that Long Zhan is not hiding in this house.

Searched all the way quickly.

Are there any terrorists who are going to open the door and go in to check the house where Long Zhan is hiding.

The gap specially left by Long Zhan played a role at this time.

Another terrorist stopped him aloud: "Don't go in and look, you must not be inside. Did you open the door before you entered? That bastard is so professional, he definitely wouldn't make such a big hole.

The area we are looking for is still so big, hurry up and go to the next room. "

The one who speaks proves that the terrorist seems to have a high status, and in Bangzi Country, seniority is very important, and the terrorist gave up as soon as he said it.

No more pushing the door in!
In fact, even if Long Zhan's little trick failed, the terrorists went out and opened the door, and when they encountered Long Zhan, they would end up dead.

It is nothing more than that the dragon battle will be more troublesome, and then we have to change places quickly.

But since the terrorists have successfully caught the trap, it is even easier for Long Zhan.

After the terrorists above walked over and turned their backs, Long Zhan fired three shots in a row through the opening of the door, and the gun precisely hit the back of the head.

The three terrorists also couldn't make any resistance, and just fell to the ground in unison.

It would be impossible to do it with another person.

However, Long Zhan's rapid-fire marksmanship was too fast and accurate, hitting the head with three shots per second. With regard to this pistol marksmanship, only Wick's top killers could be compared.

"Subtract three more, and only 25 remains."

Long Zhan walked out meditating, and quickly dealt with the three corpses.

I searched all three of them, but found nothing of value, so I stuffed all three bodies into the filing cabinet in the room.

Long Zhan hid corpses everywhere along the way, but he didn't know what it would be like for the follow-up personnel to enter the scene.

There are surprises everywhere!

After hiding the three corpses and closing the cupboard door, Long Zhan was like a butcher in a slaughterhouse looking for piggies, and then went out again and began to torture piggies.

Go straight to the far right from the main stairs on the second floor, there is an emergency exit staircase there.

Only halfway to the middle.

The number of terrorists has dropped to 21.

The two teams encountered were two people, and there was no threat to Long Zhan, and it was done easily, without any difficulty.

There's not much help you can get with a bunch of miscellaneous stuff on your body.

And when Long Zhan was killing all the way on the second floor, Fox, the former senior secret service agent sent by Kang Yongzai, had already appeared on the first floor.

He only took one man with him, and he walked very steadily, unlike other terrorists.

He walked all the way to the stairwell, and stepped on a few drops of sticky stuff as he walked, and he was aware of the extremely faint touch.

He lifted his foot and stepped back, revealing a few drops of blood that had been crushed against him.

Fox shined a flashlight on the blood, and then scanned around a little bit. Impressed by his professional agent skills, he quickly found the clue.

At the door on the left side of the city, he saw a few more drops of blood on the ground.

His face suddenly became more serious, and he immediately put his gun on guard, using the cqb technique, leaning against the wall and slowly pushing the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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