With a set of coherent combination skills, Long Zhan killed three terrorists in a devastating manner.

The number of terrorists was reduced from 21 to 16 at once.

Although this record is good, it is easy to solve.

But it was another explosion and another gunshot. Except for the underground fortress of the White House, everyone in the entire White House could hear the movement here.

There is no need to guess anymore, all terrorists will definitely rush here.

In order to catch up with the last wave of bonuses, Long Zhan didn't even care about searching for corpses, he didn't even care about his rifle, so he rushed out of the toilet.

Along the emergency passage next to the toilet, he rushed all the way to the third floor.

I found the nearest room, opened it and hid in it.

Long Zhan had only been hiding for three seconds before he heard the sound of messy footsteps outside, as well as shouting and shouting, and ran towards the emergency passage here.

Long Zhan is for this wave, taking the opportunity to be a wave of obstacles on the road.

At this moment, all the terrorists in the entire building focused their attention on the bathroom on the second floor, thinking that Long Zhan was there.

The vigilance of other places has been reduced to the minimum at this moment.

It's a great opportunity for a sneak attack!
That's why Long Zhan was in such a hurry, rushed from the bathroom on the second floor to the third floor at the fastest speed, and hid in the nearest room.

"Quick, get down, it's right below."

"You can't let him run away, go stop him quickly."

"The bastard was finally exposed. I've been looking for him all night."


Following the yelling of terrorists, he rushed past the door of Long Zhan's room, and soon entered the emergency passage downstairs.

Long Zhan has been hiding inside and has not come out, as before, he cannot sneak attack from behind.

He has a lot of guts.

Get ready to eat a bigger wave!
After about 4 seconds, another group of terrorists ran over, also swearing, and approached under the emergency passage.

Long Zhan calculated the time, and it was almost time.

All the terrorists in the entire building should have gone to the innermost bathroom on the second floor, and other places should be empty.

So Long Zhan walked out of the house and put all the small grenades into his palm.

While coming to the emergency passage, go down again, while pulling out the safety pin.

Then take the grenade without the safety pin, pinch the safety grip and put it between your fingers to clamp it, tear off one safety pin and clamp one.

Relying on his big enough hands, Long Zhan caught 5 grenades between the fingers of his left hand.

The other hand also took two.

I came downstairs with a total of seven grenades, and peeked outside through the fire door of the emergency exit, and found that a bunch of people were already crowded outside.

Most of them have already walked into the middle of the straight corridor leading to the bathroom.

This is where Dragon War wants to be.

The terrorists were all focused on the inside of the toilet, and the flashlights were all directed there, and the outside environment was so dark that they couldn't see clearly.

He didn't pay attention to Long Zhan who came out of the emergency passage at the end.

"They're all so focused? I'll give you some gifts."

Long Zhan flicked his right hand towards the corridor of the toilet, and the five grenades that had already been removed from the safe flew to the corridor above the toilet.

"Clap clap clap clap."

Five grenades crackled on the wall, landed on the terrorists' heads, and rolled to their feet.

The two mines on Long Zhan's right hand were more straightforward, and they were quietly placed outside the corridor, one on each side two meters apart.

Then he ran away, and rushed back to the emergency passage.

The terrorists in the corridor were very nervous and focused on the bathroom, thinking that Long Zhan was still inside.Cut corners carefully one by one.

As a result, 5 grenades flew over suddenly and fell on them like rain.

No one can react to the curve.

Until the terrorists illuminated it with a light and found that it was an iron lump emitting small smoke on the ground, they were so frightened that their souls almost went out of their minds.

Shouting heart-piercingly, "Grenade, it's a grenade."

The terrorist was so nervous that his face turned pale. He wanted to find a place to hide, but found that the corridor was too narrow, and the front and back were blocked by people.

It was too late to hide.

Hearing his roar, the other terrorists were all thrown into confusion.

You squeeze me, I push you.

Mess into a pot of porridge.

The grenades then exploded one after another.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom."

Prune grenades were like firecrackers, blasting the bathroom passageway in and out.

The terrorists crowded inside were horrible.

At least 8 people were killed on the spot, and disappeared after flying up and landing.

The rest of the people were not much better, each one was smashed into a sieve by the fragments, and they all screamed in pain and kept calling for help.

The whole scene was like hell!

Only two or three terrorists were lucky, and the fragments were blocked by their teammates, and they failed to fly to them, and escaped unharmed.

But they are also having a hard time.

The shock waves from the successive explosions of seven grenades dazzled them all, and their heads were so dizzy that they couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

Before they could recover from the dizziness, Long Zhan came out with an automatic rifle in his hand.

"Da da da da..."

Abandoning all technology is the most primitive way.

The three terrorists who escaped the explosion of the grenade failed to escape the death-hooking scythe.

After Long Zhan's automatic sweep, everything was sieved on the spot.

Long Zhan took down so many terrorists in a smooth attack. He was very happy in his heart, and he used his gun to make up for it in the past.

Every time you shoot a terrorist in the head, keep a count in your mind.

From the door all the way to the toilet, no matter whether they are gasping or screaming in pain, they will all be sent to the west.

"There are 14 in total, and there are still two."

Long Zhan didn't expect to use such a big move, but he didn't attract all the terrorists, he was really surprised.

Thinking that there were still two red elements missing, Long Zhan packed up and prepared to look for them.

Just now, the terrorists searched the entire White House, trying to find Long Zhan, and now the feng shui is turning, and it is Long Zhan's turn to find the last remnant.

I thought it would take a little effort to find it, but I just came out of the corridor.

"Clap clap clap..."

As soon as he said that, the bullet came.

One of them was very tricky and the accuracy was very high.

It directly hit Long Zhan's chest.

Long Zhan, who only wore soft body armor, even though the bullet was blocked by the magazine, still penetrated the body armor and got into the flesh.

Fortunately, Long Zhan's muscles are strong enough, and the thick muscle layer is also equivalent to body armor.

After the bullet passed through the body armor, the remaining kinetic energy was no longer enough to penetrate the muscle layer. Coincidentally, it just got stuck in the chest muscle.

(End of this chapter)

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