The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 138 The Shepherd's Curse?

Chapter 138 The Shepherd's Curse? (45, the leader of "Kai Wushuang's Little Confusion" has been updated)
If we take a normal reconnaissance mission as an example, after such careful selection and replacement of the observation point, theoretically speaking, there will indeed be no more surprises.

The trio of shepherds in the original plot would never have the chance to meet Murphy's team again.


Maybe it's because of its own "plot lock", maybe it's because the influence of Long Zhan's butterfly wings is not big enough.

Accidents still happen!
When the time came to 7:25 in the morning, Murphy was going to chat with Marcus about his marriage until 8:20, and then reached a high point and used the satellite phone to transmit the Rick James code back to the command center.

Long Zhan, who was chewing beef jerky on the tree, suddenly got all the hairs on his body.

He heard voices that shouldn't be here.

"Clang clang clang..."

"Baa, baa..."

The shaking of sheep bells and the cry of lambs came up from the foot of the mountain along the mountain wind.

"Fuck him, this shepherd is poisonous, right? You can't avoid it?"

Long Zhan didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment. This kind of weirdness that couldn't be avoided should happen in the dark, which made him very uncomfortable and felt a chill down his back.

The shepherd seemed to be cursed and connected with Murphy's team.

I won't stop until I kill little brother Murphy!
But even though his heart was extremely complicated and uncomfortable, he still couldn't escape the "plot killing" with foresight, and Long Zhan also knew that he had to react as soon as possible.

"Call the commander, I'm Gibran, something's wrong with me."

Hearing the call from the earphones, Murphy immediately stopped communicating with Marcus, his eyes and demeanor completely changed.

Marcus, Dietz, and Matt, who were also on the team channel, were all highly concentrated in an instant.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense!
"What's going on?" Murphy asked calmly.

"In the direction of three o'clock, I found someone going up the mountain, less than 100 meters away from us, and I could hear the sheep bells and sheep's cry clearly." Long Zhan replied.

"Can you see them? How many? Are they armed?" Murphy asked again.

"I haven't seen it yet, wait..."

Long Zhan stopped halfway through speaking, because a flock of sheep appeared in his vision, and he needed to wait for the flock to come up before he could see the situation behind.

"Pay attention to concealment, be careful not to expose."

While reminding Long Zhan, Murphy gestured to Marcus to follow him, and carefully moved towards Long Zhan's position with a gun.

When the two came under the tree where Long Zhan was, Long Zhan also saw the whole situation clearly.

"Two shepherds and a dozen sheep are at the bottom of the hill at 3 o'clock and are still going up. They are likely to come to us."

Seeing that Marcus and Murphy were able to come over, Long Zhan pointed them in the direction from the tree.

Hearing this, Marcus and Murphy each picked up their rifles, used the magnification lens on the gun to extend their field of vision, and looked in the direction of Long Zhan's finger.

After about 1 minutes.

The flock of sheep appeared in the sights of the two, followed by two Afghan shepherds in hats and white coats who followed the flock.

One is older than 50 years old, and the other is only about 10 years old.

Both were wearing loose coats, and it was not clear whether they were armed or not.


In front of Marcus, the shepherd was driving the sheep closer and closer, and he realized that trouble had come.

Murphy's brows were all frowned, and the scope was firmly locked on the shepherd. He didn't speak, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

"The shepherds are not the three in the novel, but two, and one is old and the other is weak. What's going on with this tnd? Could it be that..."

Long Zhan repeatedly confirmed that he hadn't overlooked it, and thought of a possibility.

That is the Shepherds are from Kadaku village and they have been completely brainwashed by the Shah who is stationed here.

That is to say, even though he is a commoner, he actually secretly helps Shah do things.

For example, patrolling and guarding such handy things.

Since the shepherds have become part of Shah's defense, they need to defend the surrounding villages of Kadaku, and it is impossible to have only one group of shepherds.

Anyway, the elderly and children don't have much labor force, so they are divided into several groups and each takes a few sheep to wander in the surrounding mountains.

This possibility is extremely high.

And this loose and free style of "vigilance" is doomed that he will not have any discipline, and even Shah will not care too much.

After all, what he needs are soldiers who can help him carry guns, not old people and children who have no combat effectiveness.

In addition, Long Zhan discovered a small detail from the old man through the observation mirror.

Long Zhan's anxiety just now disappeared.

After figuring out the law and reason for the shepherd's appearance, Long Zhan thought of a new plan that was more perfect than the original plan and could be almost foolproof.

As long as Murphy and the others could be persuaded to follow his lead, the shepherd's crisis would never happen.

Compared with Long Zhan's panic from the beginning, because he found some key information from the shepherd, he has returned to calm at this time.

Murphy and Marcus under the tree were so nervous that sweat was breaking out on their faces.

It's not that the two of them are timid, but that civilians are too difficult to deal with.

If there are two armed men with guns, and the two of them will not even lift their scalps, there are dozens of ways to solve the trouble.

However, there were two civilians who appeared, the most difficult existence in the investigation mission.

How to deal with this old and young...

Murphy and Max are entangled in their hearts!

"What should we do? They are getting closer and closer, we must prepare as soon as possible." Marcus asked Murphy on the side.

"What else can be done."

Before Murphy could speak, Long Zhan took over the conversation, slid down from the tree, and said unquestionably, "We must control them first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"OK, our location can't be revealed yet, so we'll do as you say, Marcus, you go with Gibran," Murphy said.


Long Zhan picked up the tactical backpack on the ground, put the machine gun behind his back and said: "You two go around one to the left and one to the right, and control the flock of sheep at the top of the mountain.

To avoid waiting until I launch an attack, the sheep will be frightened and run down the mountain. Only the sheep will come back and see no one, but there will be a big mess.

The two shepherds, one old and one young, are most likely unarmed civilians. I don't need to mobilize so many troops, I can easily handle it by myself. "

"Are you alone, are you sure you're okay?" Murphy said.

"Are you afraid that if I accidentally kill them both?"

Long Zhan's rhetorical question made Murphy pause for three seconds before he said helplessly, "Well, it seems that I was thinking too much."

Then he said to Marcus: "I will go to the left, and the other side will be handed over to you."

"Roger that!"

At this moment, Marcus was no longer in the mood to joke, nodded solemnly, and walked around to the right with the gun in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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