The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1380 Rescue the Vice President

Both the Emergency Office of the Ministry of National Defense and the ground command discovered anomalies coming from the gate of the White House.

The media and TV station, who have been guarding not far from the White House and pointed guns and cannons at the white light all the time, wanted to get first-hand news materials, also discovered this situation.

The lights on the helicopter flicked on, and the cameras locked on to report.

"Dear viewers, there has been a new development in the terrorist attack on the White House. A person walked out of the White House, who looks like Vice President Mark.

He seems to be in a very bad state, he should have been tortured by terrorists..."

The TV station was still babbling and reporting, when suddenly there was another shot from the White House.

"Clap clap clap."

Three consecutive gunshots came very abruptly.

Thinking it was Mark, the vice president who hit him, he was so frightened that he shivered all over.

I have already witnessed a similar scene twice. Seeing two people entangled to death in the emergency office in front of the camera, the faces of all the high-level executives also changed greatly in fright.

As a result, three gunshots rang out, followed by another series of gunshots.

Vice President Mark found that he didn't feel anything, and he didn't look like he had been shot. He turned his head and looked inside in doubt.

It turned out that two of the terrorists you asked him to come out had already fallen to the ground.

The remaining three people and Kang Yongzai were all running around in a panic.

In the depths of the corridor on the right, you can also see a huge black figure, holding a gun in his hand and firing continuously, shooting Kang Yongzai and his group of terrorists.

Vice President Mark knew he was saved, and immediately ran towards the gate.

The special forces that had arrived nearby immediately went up to protect Vice President Mark in the middle, covering him and quickly withdrawing outside.

Even with the dense gunfire in the White House, they did not try to go in to support.

Because they are soldiers, there is only one task.

That is to bring back Vice President Mark!

And at the moment when the attack was launched in the White House, the person rescued by Mark among the godfathers was Long Zhan, who threatened with words before and deliberately cut off the signal.

Originally, Long Zhan wanted to finish all this, and then immediately rushed to the underground fortress, took the elevator down and launched a general attack.

He believed that such an ambitious and arrogant person like Kang Yongzai would not be able to bear the ridicule, and he would definitely find a way to come out and swear his existence.

It's a pity that Long Zhan only made a wrong calculation.

Kang Yongzai's psychological endurance and the speed of making decisions are faster than he imagined.

Just as Long Zhan rushed from the second floor to the stairs on the first floor, he saw Kang Yongzai and several terrorists walking out with Vice President Mark.

In order to find a good shooting angle, and to save Mark as much as possible.

Anyway, he is the "first assistant" next to the president. If he can save his life at this time, things will definitely go smoothly in the future.

Long Zhan didn't act immediately, but touched it quietly and carefully.

When Vice President Mark walked to the gate, Long Zhan saw Kang Yongzai raised the submachine gun in his hand, as if he was going to beat Vice President Mark into a sieve.

Let people all over the United States and the world see the tragic death of Vice President Mark.

Although Long Zhan hasn't found the right angle for this matter, the angle that can kill Kang Yongzai 100%, but he can't wait for this situation.

You can only shoot at Kang Yongzai's hand, and only the hand can be seen from this angle.

The first two bursts knocked out his gun, and then quickly switched windows, switched targets, and killed the two terrorists around him.

Kang Yongzai was shot in the hand, and he made a very decisive decision.

He gave up Mark's kill on the spot, leaving the remaining two men to restrain Long Zhan, ran into the passage, and ran towards the elevator.

Long Zhan wanted to stop Kang Yongzai, intercept him and kill him.

Naihe doesn't involve angles.

In addition, there were two terrorists left behind, who frantically fired at his position, and one of the bald-headed marksmanship was relatively accurate.

Long Zhan could only temporarily give up chasing Kang Yongzai, and walked through the house to change the angle.

Switch positions to find a new shooting angle, take out the remaining two terrorists, and then walk over to each of them for another shot.

Seeing that Kang Yongzai had disappeared long ago, Long Zhan was very annoyed but there was nothing he could do.

There are discrepancies between plans and actions, and that is a normal work.

Acting President Tel Brown heard the gunshots and knew that it was Long Zhan who was acting inside. The cessation of the gunfire meant that the battle was over.

He doesn't know who won, but he needs answers.

So he asked on the phone: "Long, are you okay now?"

Long Zhan’s satellite phone was not hung up all the time, and he put it on his ear with a wireless Bluetooth headset. He heard the question and replied: “It’s fine now, but Kang Yongzai was sent away, and he has probably been sent back to the underground headquarters.”

"You've done a great job. You saved Vice President Mark. Can you still think of a way to rescue the president?" Speaker Tel Brown asked.

"I'm trying to figure it out."

The aggressive general method used before Long Zhan did have the desired effect, what was needed was a slower speed so that others could catch up and intercept Kang Yongzai.

"Well, it seems that there is no way."

Speaker Tel Brown looked at the time, ended the call with Long Zhan, leaned back in his chair decadently and said: "The time is up, there is no other way, send the helicopter over, recall the Seventh Fleet, and withdraw the troops stationed in the Korean Demilitarized Zone. "

"We will lose the whole of Korea." General Coriki said coldly.

"This is the only way to save the president."

Speaker Tel Brown finished speaking seriously, and ordered: "Go, just do as I say."

"Yes, sir."


The government decision made by Speaker Tel Brown was quickly spread.

The TV news reported: "A new report citing the US Department of Defense said that the US will withdraw troops from South Korea's demilitarized zone.

This is the first time in 60 years that the United States has withdrawn its troops, and of course it is also the most sudden.

There is also news that the United States has ordered the recall of the Seventh Fleet of the U.S. Navy. Although this news has not been finally confirmed, it is obviously related to the terrorist attack that occurred at the White House today.

After the meeting between the leaders of the United States and South Korea today, they never showed up again..."

All kinds of news reports were overwhelming, and the world quickly developed into world-class news, and most countries in the world were reporting related events.

And soon there will be relevant satellite images showing that the US Seventh Fleet has indeed left South Korea.

The female terrorist sitting in the White House Underground Fortress Command saw the news, laughed excitedly, and immediately reported to Kang Yongzai: "Mr. Kang, there is news. They have recalled the Seventh Fleet."

"very good!"

Kang Yongzai had a bandage hidden in his hand, and he could still see blood oozing out. He still smiled when he saw the news, and immediately issued an order: "Prepare to evacuate and follow the plan."

(End of this chapter)

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