The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1387 The Navy's Medal of Honor, America's highest honor

People from the US government here revolve around the president.

The front-line command led a group of troops around the White House, which was almost bloody.

On the other side, under the support of a large number of police officers, hundreds of reporter interview teams circled around the American hero dragon in order to obtain first-hand information.

Tucker is the boss of Long Zhan in name, but now he is like Long Zhan's manager.

The same goes around the dragon battle.

With the live broadcast of Long Zhan's interview, it was broadcast to all over the United States and from all over the world through the camera, and Jushen Company has truly entered all countries in the world.

Compared with the last school anti-terrorism operation, it only received a great response in the industry.

This time Long Zhan alone saved the United States, saved the president, wiped out all the terrorists, and really hit the Jushen Company.

From this moment on...

Everyone can say that the scale of Jushen Company is far from that of a large company, but absolutely no one dares to question the strength of Jushen Company.

A large number of companies or countries that have business in private military contracting and have needs in this area have begun to collect information about Jushen Company.

And Long Zhan kept talking about Jushen Company, coupled with his huge body of two meters tall and more than 300 kilograms.

After continuous fermentation on the Internet, Long Zhan also has a brand new name.


Long Zhan has become a "giant" in word of mouth!
The giant god company with a "giant god" has swept the entire online world with its recognition in the United States and its astonishing speed.

In less than three days, more than 80% of Americans know that there is a giant company. Their company has a giant. He is the new hero of the United States, and he saved Amerika.

While gaining a great reputation among the people, Long Zhan also left an extremely deep impression in the minds of high-level U.S. government officials.

After all, the night that Long Zhan fought alone in the White House, the people sitting in the emergency office of the Pentagon were all the top presences in the US government.

They all witnessed with their own eyes that the giant dragon war saved the United States by himself.


Ten days after the terrorist attack on the White House, the fermentation of the incident reached its peak.

On the playground in front of the restored White House, in front of people all over the country, under the surveillance of journalists and media, the grand awards ceremony is now underway.

The president, who had not fully recovered from his leg injury, personally presented the award to Long Zhan.

The highest award awarded to Dragon Fighting America -

American Medal of Honor!

The Medal of Honor is the highest-level medal. It is the highest military medal issued by the United States and has extremely high standards established by the United States in accordance with the US Congress Act of 1862.

Individuals who receive the Medal of Honor must have deeds of bravery, tenacity, self-sacrifice, and fearlessness in the face of danger.

The courage and dauntless spirit shown must clearly exceed his companions. The award of this medal must have convincing proof of service performance and must be considered from the standard of outstanding merit.

Because of the particularity of the American Medal of Honor, it can only be awarded by the President of the United States, who is the supreme commander of the US Armed Forces and the highest authority.

And also specifically set the legal regulations.

The U.S. Medal of Honor is the only medal in the United States that cannot be legally bought or sold.It is also against the law to wear the Medal of Honor in public if it is not the actual recipient.

Violators will be sentenced to huge fines and imprisonment for not more than one year according to the provisions of Section 18, Chapter 33, Section 704, of the United States Code.

The control of the American Medal of Honor is so strict, the punishment is so high, and the benefits are also very generous.

Although receiving the Medal of Honor does not mean that the recipient can enjoy special personal privileges, and those who break the law will also be imprisoned.

It does not mean that it is exempted from the obligations it should perform, and the tax should be paid as well.

But you can have many benefits.

Individuals receiving the Medal of Honor, for example, can fly Military Airlift Command aircraft for free, provided space is available.

As long as you apply to the relevant troops in advance, you can fly military planes for free;

Children of Medal of Honor recipients may be admitted to U.S. military academies without quotas, provided they meet specified criteria;

It is equivalent to half of the recommended military academy quota, and going to West Point Military Academy is not a dream;

Certificate of recipients of the Medal of Honor, which can be inherited by their children;
Army personnel receiving the Medal of Honor may apply to the U.S. Department of the Army Headquarters to have their name included in the Medal of Honor Register.

Those listed in the roster or other qualified personnel can enjoy a special pension of US$200 per month for life after successful application.

Pensions can overlap with other pensions and are considered additional income.

Although 200 US dollars does not seem like a lot, compared to most American veterans, not to mention suffering from injuries and pain for the rest of their lives, there is no guarantee for the rest of their lives, which is simply a few grades better.

The U.S. Medal of Honor is divided into three categories, the Navy, Air Force and Army are different.

Since Long Zhan is still a member of DG, the highest American honor he has received is the US Navy Medal of Honor.

It consists of a five-star bronze, topped with shamrocks at each foot, surrounded by a circle of bay leaves, and oak leaves at each corner.

In the center of the medal, a circle of 34 stars represents the 1862 states of the United States in 34.

Minerva humanizes the pattern of the United States. In the center of the entire medal, her left hand rests on the Roman scepter that symbolizes strength, and her right hand holds the shield that symbolizes the US armed forces.

Although Tongzhi's is not as brilliant as Jin's, his honor is heavy.

The president's life was saved by Long Zhan, and he attached great importance to awarding the Italian style. He smiled throughout the process and personally helped Long Zhan wear the medal.

The medal is hung around the neck with a ribbon, and the medal is higher than other medals on the left chest.

Due to his own special reasons, Long Zhan put forward his own request to the president in advance, that is, to do "plastic surgery" when awarding honors.

A senior special effects artist specially hired by Tucker "shaped" a face on Long Zhan's face.

So even though the face that appeared in front of the president was not the one that rescued him from the flames last night, the president didn't have any discomfort.

After the president personally awarded the honor, Long Zhan also took the stage to deliver his acceptance speech.

Under the guns and cannons of more than 200 media, Long Zhan talked calmly and eloquently, and mentioned Jushen Company many times with practice making perfect.

The perfect free advertisement spread to the whole world through the news media.

The image of Dang Long Zhan, a gigantic giant with a height of more than two meters, wearing the highest American Medal of Honor, was spread all over the world through the media.

The reputation of Jushen Company has completely exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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