The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1399 The Corrupt Yilake Army

"Little fat man, you're in trouble again."

Long Zhan patted the drowsy Evram and pointed his finger in front of him to remind him.

"What the Falk?"

Everam squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. The 4 low beam lights blocking the road were very conspicuous, and his drowsiness was suddenly overwhelmed.

Robbery? ?
A thought popped into Ephraim's head. Seeing that the car was also decelerating, he hurriedly asked, "Hey, buddy, why are you slowing down?"

When encountering armed gangs blocking the road and robbing, they must find a way to rush over.

If you stop, you will become a pig!

"It's okay, don't be nervous..."

"Don't be nervous, this is very wrong, okay?" Ephram was very anxious and nervous, interrupting Marlboro's words.

"It's okay, it's just a borderline," Marlboro explained.

"This is the border inspection? I'll go." Long Zhan was an eye-opener.

He has seen the worst border checkpoints before, and at least he will use boards to build two houses in the middle, so he can feel good about it.

This border between Jordan and Iraq, since there are no ghosts.

There is no boundary marker on the roadside!
"What? This is the border? Are you sure you're not joking with me? Man." Ephram was even more shocked than Long Zhan.

"I run three or four times a month, that's right, I can tell the difference with my eyes closed." Marlboro patted his dry chest to assure.


Everlam was completely convinced.

Just as the three of them were talking, Marlboro parked the car on the road, and about 5 meters ahead were two pickup trucks side by side.

The lights on the pickup truck were turned on, illuminating the front of the truck.

Long Zhan has undergone relevant anti-tolerance training, and his ability to adapt to strong light is not bad, and he can adapt to it with half-closed eyes.

I saw two border soldiers with guns walking towards the two ends of the truck cab, one left and one right.

Ephram's eyes were hurt by the shot, and it was slightly better to block it with his hands.

Marlboro was used to this scene, and he was not as exaggerated as Ephraim. He squinted his eyes and tilted his head, and skillfully rolled open the window glass on his side.

Ephram on the right couldn't see clearly, so he just used his hand to block the spotlight, and didn't roll down the window.

"Clap clap clap."

A border soldier came over and slapped the window.

Marlboro hurriedly greeted and reminded: "Quickly roll down the window, quickly."

Ephram saw that there was an armed soldier outside the window with a very fierce appearance, and he was so frightened that he rolled down the window in a hurry.

The soldier saw that Long Zhan in the car was so burly, his eyes became a little more vigilant, and he put his right hand on the grip of the gun.

"Where are you guys going?"

The soldier outside the cab asked loudly.

"To Baghdad, we're going to Baghdad." Marlboro replied.

"who are they?"

The soldiers outside the cab pointed to Long Zhan and Ephram.

"They are doing business in Baghdad, and they ship some goods to sell there." Marlboro explained smoothly.

"What kind of business? What kind of goods are you shipping?" the soldier continued.

Marlboro has no way to explain it. If there are 6000 Beretta pistols in the car, they will definitely not be able to get out of the border line tonight.

You might even get into trouble because of it, or you might have to be arrested and locked up.

So Marlboro prepared to deal with it as usual, bent down and reached under the seat to dig out.

The two soldiers thought he was going to get a gun. After all, after Iraq was messed up by the United States, the country was in chaos and there were guns everywhere.

Terrified, Nima raised her gun and shouted warnings at the people in the cab.

Ephraim was so frightened that he was dumbfounded, sitting there without even daring to move his eyes.

David, who was agitated by the noise from the cab, looked through the rear window and found that two guns were aimed at him, and his heartbeat was shocked by 180.

He didn't even dare to hum a fart, and raised his hand obediently.

Fearing that the two guys would shoot randomly, Marlboro quickly raised his hand and said, "It's cigarettes. I just took two cigarettes, a gift for you."

When the two soldiers saw the gun in Marlboro's hand, their expressions immediately softened.

The gun in his hand was also put down.

After walking over to pick up two cigarettes, he found that they were still good foreign products. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he greeted the convoy: "Get out of the way and let them pass."

Marlboro breathed a sigh of relief, put the gear back on and started the car to drive forward.

When the truck passed between the two vehicles, two army trucks drove onto the road again, blocking the narrow road.

And turned off the spotlights on the car, and continued to wait for the next prey to arrive.

The current regime in Iraq is very chaotic, nominally governed by the Iraqis themselves, but the US still has tens of thousands of troops left.

This has left Iraq from top to bottom, and every institution is full of chaos and corruption.

Deliberately setting up checkpoints on the road to "get rich" is nothing but the most basic "corruption".

Marlboro drove a truck across the border, officially entered Anbar Province in Iraq, and continued to look ahead overnight, heading straight for Baghdad.

Ephraim, woken up by the point of gun at the border, and David in the back of the car.

The two of them no longer felt sleepy.

I dare not sleep anymore!

It's too dangerous to be in this kind of place. Someone may hold a gun to his head anytime and anywhere. Even if he is afraid of being beaten to death, no one will take care of him.

Ephram and David did not dare to sleep, and were so frightened that they were completely sleepless.

Long Zhan, who was quite energetic from the beginning, didn't take what happened just now seriously.

Because of the small scene just now, Long Zhan can finish them all in 2 minutes, turning that group of Iraqi soldiers into corpses
Therefore, even when he was being pointed at by a gun, Long Zhan didn't feel nervous at all.

Not even a heartbeat.

Thinking that it would take several hours to get to Baghdad, Long Zhan simply crossed his hands and embraced his arms, leaned against the car, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

David, on the other hand, was lying on the cargo, his eyes full of absent-mindedness.

Thinking back to three or four months ago, he was still a masseuse at the Shatang Villa, giving relaxing massages to all kinds of old men every day.

Later, I didn't want to do that kind of work anymore, thinking that I found a very profitable business, and became a leaflet salesman again.

As a result, none of the sheets were sold, and they were all piled up at home, taking up half the room.

But now?

He's lying in a truck loaded with guns, smuggling across the deserts of Iraq with his best friend from junior high school.

This change was too great, making him feel like he was dreaming.

Everlam also feels dreamy.

But Ephraim is much more courageous. When he came to a war center like Iraq, although he was very nervous, he was still able to hold his breath.

Thinking of earning [-] million yuan in the future, Ephram is even more motivated.

(End of this chapter)

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